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奄奄一息 - 韩国Technical/Brutal Death Metal乐队Fecundation专访

今天采访的是来自韩国的Technical/Brutal Death Metal乐队Fecundation,韩国是最近几年发展比较迅猛的国家之一,之前杂志也采访到了几支来自韩国的乐队,Fecundation乐队也是目前国内最出名的韩国乐队之一,2013年组建的Fecundation乐队,2015年自己发行了他们的第一张作品“Cadaveric Rigidity + From Grave to Cradle”就受到了广泛的关注同时也得到各个国家的乐评人好评,作为韩国最出色的Technical/Brutal Death Metal乐队他们展现出他们精湛的技术和编曲,如果你是Dying Fetus的歌迷,那么一定要找来Fecundation乐队的作品来听一听,2016年乐队被西班牙厂牌Pathologically Explicit Recordings看中并且发行了他们的EP专辑“Congenital Deformity”,随后乐队成员Chuck Jenga邀请了日本鼓手Temma Takahata加入乐队,今年乐队刚刚发布了他们的第二张正式专辑“Moribund”,在新专辑发行之际我也联系到了乐队的吉他 / 歌手Chuck Jenga进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 C: 代表Chuck Jenga)

Today's interview is with Fecundation, a technical/brutal death metal band from South Korea. South Korea is one of the fastest growing countries in the last few years, and the magazine has interviewed a few bands from South Korea before, and Fecundation is one of the most famous Korean bands in the country at the moment. Formed in 2013, Fecundation released their first album "Cadaveric Rigidity + From Grave to Cradle" in 2015, which received a lot of attention and praise from critics in various countries. Technical/Brutal Death Metal band who have shown their technical and arranging skills, if you're a fan of Dying Fetus then you should definitely check out Fecundation's work, in 2016 the band was picked up by Spanish label Pathologically Explicit Recordings and released their new album "Cadaveric Rigidity + From Grave to Cradle". In 2016 the band was picked up by Spanish label Pathologically Explicit Recordings and released their EP "Congenital Deformity", then band member Chuck Jenga invited Japanese drummer Temma Takahata to join the band, and this year the band just released their second official album This year the band has just released their second official album "Moribund", and on the occasion of the release of the new album I got in touch with guitarist/vocalist Chuck Jenga for an interview!

(V: for the author C: for Chuck Jenga)

采访对象:Chuck JengaFecundation乐队吉他 / 歌手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧,Fecundation乐队成立于2013年,是一支历史悠久的老牌乐队,当初是谁发起成立这支乐队的呢?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time you guys have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Fecundation was formed in 2013 and is a band with a long history of veteran bands, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place?

C: 你好,中国!我非常荣幸能再次向你问好,我记得很久以前在北京演出的情景,那是2017年,就像昨天一样!我(Chuck Jenga)和我的第一位鼓手(Yongman Kwon)是在首尔当地的一家金属酒吧里认识的,很快就开始了相互之间的即兴演奏并组建了一支death metal乐队。

Hello china ! it is my great honor to say hello again, i remember playing in bejing long long time ago back in 2017 like yesterday! Me (chuck jenga) and my first drummer (yongman kwon) met each others in a local metal bar in seoul, soon started jamming with each others to start a death metal band.

V: 你们乐队现在只有第一代成员Chuck Jenga,鼓手Temma Takahata在2019年才加入乐队,他是怎么加入乐队的?老成员为什么退出乐队,是因为你们搬到日本了吗?你对新成员满意吗?

Your band only has Chuck Jenga as a first generation member now, drummer Temma Takahata only joined the band in 2019 yet, how did he come to be in the band? Why did the older members quit the band, was it because you moved to Japan? Are you happy with the new members?

C: 我很难解释所有的情况,但我只能说,我必须继续前进,让乐队保持活力,创作新的音乐。因为乐队里有日本成员,人们可能会认为我生活在日本,但我仍然住在首尔,有演出或练习时我会去日本。Temma可能是我见过的最好的鼓手!2016年,我在fecundation的首次日本巡演中认识了他。

Indeed there were many member changes in my band. it is hard for me to explain all the situations, but all i got to say is i had to move forward to keep the band alive and create new music. Since i have japanese member in the band, people might think that i live japan, but i still live in seoul and i travel to japan when there's a gig or practice. Temma is probably the best drummer i've ever had ! met him in 2016 during fecundation's first japan tour. i had to talk to him after watching his jaw dropping

V: 你们的乐队现在只剩下两名成员,我想在歌曲创作方面会很容易,你们可以根据自己的喜好创作歌曲,能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?你们没有贝斯手,你们是如何解决这个问题的?

Your band is now down to two members, I think it will be very easy when it comes to songwriting, you can create songs as you see fit, can you describe your creative process? You don't have a bass player, so how do you work around that?

C: 我参与了大部分的歌曲创作过程,而temma会用他的鼓来表达他的想法。我确实认为,由主创写歌并在之后加入额外的想法是很有效率的。因为我现在没有贝司手,所以我也会提出贝司方面的想法。这并不难,但我更希望有一个贝司手来加入更好的想法。

I take part in most of song-writting process and temma would throw his ideas with his drums. I do think it is efficient to have main song writter and add extra ideas afterwards. Since i don't have bass player at the moment, i come up with bass ideas as well. it wasn't to hard for to do it but i would prefer having a bass player to add better ideas.

V: 你曾在Coyote Records、Pathologically Explicit Recordings、Obliteration Records等唱片公司发行过作品。当然你现在住在日本,所以联系Obliteration Records非常方便,但你是如何联系Coyote Records和Pathologically Explicit Recordings的?你对在这些唱片公司的工作满意吗?

You've had releases on Coyote Records, Pathologically Explicit Recordings, and Obliteration Records. Of course you live in Japan now so it's very easy to contact Obliteration Records, but how did you get in touch with Coyote Records and Pathologically Explicit Recordings? Are you satisfied with your work on these record labels?

C: 是的,所有伟大的厂牌都有优点和缺点,但他们都为我们在全世界传播我们的音乐提供了很大的帮助。我只是简单地发送了我的音乐并与Coyote和PER取得了联系。对于Obliteration,Obliteration Records的老板Naru为我们2016年的第一次日本巡演提供了很大的帮助,从那时起我们的友谊就非常深厚。

Yeah all great labels there were pros and cons but they all helped us a lot to spread our music all over the world. i simply sent my music and talked with both coyote and PER to get in touch. with Obliteration, Naru, the boss of obliteration record helped us so much for our first japan tour back in 2016, since then our friendship is very strong. so it was definately easy for me to stick with obliteration records.

V: Gore, Violence, Misanthropy, Sadism, Horror是你们乐队音乐的一些主题,你们为什么会选择这些主题?你们想通过这些主题表达什么?你们写歌词吗?谁写歌词,他的灵感来源是什么?

Gore, Violence, Misanthropy, Sadism, Horror are some of the themes of your band's music, why did you choose them? What do you want to express through these themes? Do you write any lyrics and who writes them? Who writes the lyrics and what are his inspirations?

C: 哈哈,我很不擅长写歌词,我更喜欢听旋律,而不是歌词。有时我几乎是被迫想出一些主题。所以如果歌词不合理,请忽略,因为根本就不合理。

Haha i'm very terrible at writting lyrics i'm more of a riff, melody listener than lyrics guy. I was almost forced to think of some themes sometimes. so please ignore if the lyrics don't make sense because it doesn't lol

V: 你们乐队的logo很漂亮,是谁为你们设计的?你们的专辑封面也很漂亮,尤其是今年刚发行的新专辑封面真的很漂亮,是谁为你们设计的?

Your band's logo is beautiful, who designed it for you, and your album artwork is beautiful, especially the new album artwork that was just released this year is really beautiful, who designed the artwork for you?

C: logo是由Gruesome Graphx的Nev Michael设计的,他是一位非常有才华的原创艺术家。美术设计由bvllmetal art的timbul完成!价格超低,质量超好,速度超快!

Logo done by nev michael of Gruesome Graphx, very talented and original artist. Artwork done by timbul of bvllmetal art ! super cheap price for the quality, very fast work !

V: 你们为什么搬到日本?我认为现在韩国的极端金属场景非常好,韩国也涌现出了很多优秀的乐队,你能告诉我们你搬到日本的想法吗?

Why did you move to Japan? I think the extreme metal scene in Korea is really good right now, and there are a lot of good bands coming out of Korea, can you tell us about your thoughts on moving to Japan?

C: 哈哈,我刚才已经回答过这个问题了。老实说,韩国的金属场景对我来说真的不怎么样。我挣扎了十多年才找到合适的成员或金属朋友,所以我决定去日本演出或巡演。

Haha i already answered about this moment ago. to be honest, metal scene in korea is really not that good for me. i struggled over 10 years to find right members or metal friends so i decided to gig in japan or tour aboard.

V: 首先祝贺你们乐队今年刚刚发行的最新专辑,我是你们乐队的忠实粉丝,我听过你们所有的作品,我非常喜欢你们的作品,我更愿意称你们为韩国乐队,你们是韩国第一支也是最原始的Technical/Brutal Death Metal乐队、 特别是Chuck Jenga的吉他技巧真的很棒,受到了很多新古典音乐的影响,主唱的歌声非常病态和残酷,有点像Dying Fetus或Baphomet。乐队中只有一名吉他手,这让贝斯手有机会大显身手,使音乐更加沉重。鼓点也非常有技术含量。听着 Fecundation这样的名字,人们可能会认为这是一支slamming death metal乐队,但你们的鼓手并不是一味地敲击,而是在适当的时候敲出适当的节拍,展现了娴熟的歌曲写作技巧。你们对自己的作品有什么看法吗?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on your band's latest album which was just released this year, I'm a big fan of your band, I've listened to all of your works, I really like your works, I prefer to call you a Korean band, you are the first and original Korean technological death metal, especially Chuck Jenga's guitar skills are really great, and received a lot of new The guitar skills of Chuck Jenga in particular are really great, with a lot of neo-classical influences and the singer's vocals are very morbid and brutal, kind of reminiscent of Dying Fetus or Baphomet. there's only one guitarist in the band, which gives the bassist a chance to shine, which makes the music even heavier. The drumming is also very technical. Listening to a name like Fecundation, one might think that this is a slamming death metal band, but your drummer doesn't just keep pounding away, he hits the right beat at the right time, showing skillful song writing. Do you have any thoughts on your work? Has anything changed on the new album compared to the old one?

C: 非常感谢你们对我的评价和聆听我的作品。 关于新专辑,我想写出90年代和2000年代早期Brutal Death Metal的风格,比如deeds of flesh、malignancy、mortal decay等乐队。

Thank you so much for all the nice words and listening to my works. it really means a lot. Regarding the new album, i was trying to write in a style of 90's and early 2000's brutal death metal. bands like deeds of flesh, malignancy, mortal decay. also i was trying to put less of an modern taste. and yes first record with temma on drums ! he did put very nice touches on his drum licks.

V: 你们参加过哪些音乐节?哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象,你能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?

What festivals did you guys go to? What festivals impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere?

C: 我们每年都会参加asakusa deathfest ,有时是我们表演,有时是我们助演。真正的地下金属乐迷每年都会从世界各地远道而来东京参加这个音乐节,非常漂亮!2019年,我们还在莫斯科参加了COYOTE BRUTAL。

we go to asakusa deathfest annually for sure. sometimes we play, sometimes we support. true underground metal fans from all over the world come all the way to tokyo for this every year and it is quite beautiful ! in 2019 we also played coyote brutal in moscow. big audience, double stages sick crowds, and very cold weather lol

V: 除了发行新专辑,你们在2024年还有什么新计划吗?比如参加更多的音乐节,能透露一些相关信息吗?

Are you guys working on anything new in 2024 besides releasing a new album? Like playing more festivals, can you reveal some information about that?

C: 目前没有什么大的活动,但我们计划今年年底在日本进行一次小型巡演!另外还有一些在韩国和日本的发行演出。

Nothing really big for now but we are planning on little tour in japan end of this year ! plus some release shows korea / japan

V: Fecundation是一支很棒的乐队,我是你们的忠实歌迷,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,你们在中国也是一支非常受欢迎的乐队,我希望通过这次采访,还不了解你们乐队的歌迷能够认识并支持你们的乐队,在采访的最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Fecundation is a great band, I'm a big fan of yours and I'll always support and follow your band, you're also a very popular band in China, I hope that through this interview, fans who don't know your band yet will recognize and support your band, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

C: 再次感谢你们的邀请和对乐队的支持。我在回答采访问题时非常开心!你们太棒了!还有中国的歌迷们!希望你们能看到我的新专辑,我们很希望有一天能在中国巡演!

Thank you so much again for having me and supporting the band. i had so much fun answering interview questions ! you are awesome ! and Fans in china ! hope you guys get to check out my new album, we'd love to tour in china one day !


Fecundation - Congenital Deformity(2016)

Fecundation - Decomposition of Existence(2018)

Fecundation - Morte Cerebral(2019)

Fecundation - Moribund(2024)





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