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恐怖电影:恐怖的动物园 - 芬兰Brutal Death Metal乐队Cumbeast专访

今天采访到的是来自芬兰的Brutal Death Metal乐队Cumbeast,2005年乐队由Loco J、Sam、Jake和Vescum组建,2005年发行了一张三首歌曲的Demo作品,2006年乐队在西班牙Pathologically Explicit Recordings厂牌发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Human Piñata”,一张充满了恐怖氛围的作品,一开始一段各种离奇唱腔的拉开了序幕,紧接着缓慢而有节奏的吉他奏出现了,类似于Internal bleeding,贝斯让我想起了Perversist,Vomit Remnants等乐队,双踏板的慢速演奏和粗暴的表现方式令人发指。这张专辑发行之后乐队在Pathologically Explicit Recordings厂牌发行了多张专辑,随后乐队与德国Rotten Roll Rex厂牌合作发行了两张专辑,都受到了成功,目前乐队只有Iiro Kosonen和Roope Lehto,还有两名现场乐手Perverse Pete 2.0和Stinky Minky,所有原始成员都已经退出乐队,前不久我与乐队吉他手Roope Lehto取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Roope Lehto)

Today's interview is with Finland's Brutal Death Metal band Cumbeast, formed in 2005 by Loco J, Sam, Jake and Vescum, who released a three-song demo in 2005 and their first official album “Human Piñata” in 2006 on Spain's Pathologically Explicit Recordings label. In 2006 the band released their first official album on the Spanish label Pathologically Explicit, “Human Piñata”, a horror-inspired work that starts with a bizarre vocal intro, followed by a slow, rhythmic guitar riff similar to Internal bleeding, and a bass that reminds me of Perpetua, but with the same kind of sound that I have come to expect from the band. The bass reminds me of bands like Perversist, Vomit Remnants, etc., with its double-pedal slowness and abrasive presentation. After the release of this album the band released several albums on the Pathologically Explicit Recordings label, and then the band released two albums with the German Rotten Roll Rex label, both of which were met with success, and the band currently consists of only Iiro Kosonen and Roope Lehto, and two live musicians Perverse Pete 2.0 and Stinky Minky, all of the original members have quit the band, and I got in touch with the band's guitarist Roope Lehto for an interview a while ago!

(V: for the author R: for Roope Lehto)

采访对象:Roope LehtoCumbeast乐队吉他手


V: 你好兄很高兴见到你,非常感谢你能参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧,Cumbeast乐队成立于2005年,是一支历史悠久的老牌乐队,当初是谁发起成立这支乐队的,Cumbeast的名字意味着什么?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Cumbeast was formed in 2005 and is a band with a long history of veteran bands, who initiated the formation of this band in the first place, and Cumbeast's name oil device means so much?

R: 你好,感谢你采访Cumbeast!希望你喜欢阅读这篇文章!乐队由来自芬兰图尔库的四位先生创立: 他们是Loco J、Sam、Jake和Vescum。我不知道这个名字究竟是谁的主意,但它必须与歌词主题和乐队的幽默主题相吻合,所以很显然它的本意是一些愚蠢可笑的东西。多年来这个名字激起了无数人的情感共鸣,有人喜欢,有人讨厌。我觉得它很有诱惑力,你知道当你看到这个名字时,你会有点好奇,想知道这到底是什么对吗?

Hello and thank you for interviewing Cumbeast! Hope you enjoy reading this one! The band was founded by four gentlemen from Turku, Finland: Loco J, Sam, Jake and Vescum. I not sure whose idea the name actually was but it had to match with the lyric topics and band humorous theme so it obviously was meant to be something stupid and ridiculous hah.. The name has stirred up a surprising amount of emotions over the years; some love it and some hate it. I think it's quite seductive.. you know.. when you see the name you are little bit curious to found out what the hell is this, right?

V: 你们目前的阵容只有两个人,没有原班人马了,Snoop Rott Iirot于2009年加入乐队,Rob O'Cock于2012年加入,为什么第一代成员都退出了乐队?你们是如何加入乐队的?

Your current lineup is only two people and there are no original members left in the band, Snoop Rott Iirot joined the band in 2009 and Rob O'Cock joined in 2012, why did all the first generation members quit the band? How did you guys get into the band?

R: 是的,目前乐队只有我和Iirot两人,但我们会看看以后会发生什么。我们还有两名现场演奏成员Stinky Minky(Kouristus,前Torsofuck)负责打鼓,Perverse Pete 2.0(Urn,前 Inimicality)负责第二吉他手。老成员退出乐队的大部分原因是缺乏兴趣、时间和个人原因,但我们仍与一些原成员保持联系。在我晋升为第二吉他手之前,我曾在Cumbeast的几次演出中销售过他们的商品。我们的贝斯手兼主唱Iirot是Cumbeast的粉丝,他曾组织过当地的Death Metal演出并在作为推广人为Cumbeast做了一场演出后认识了他们,最终受邀加入了 Cumbeast。

Yeah, at the moment me and Iirot are the only members in the band but we l see what happens in future.. We have also two live session members as Stinky Minky (Kouristus, Ex-Torsofuck) handles drum duties and Perverse Pete 2.0 (Urn, Ex-Inimicality) second guitar. Most of the reasons why old members quit playing in the band was their lack of interest, time and personal reasons, but we still keep in touch with some of the original members. I was selling Cumbeast merchandise at their couple shows before I got promoted as second guitarist and our bassist/vocalist Iirot was a fan of Cumbeast and he organized local death metal shows and met the guys personally after doing a show for the as a promoter and eventually got invited to join Cumbeast.

V: 你们乐队通常如何创作歌曲?能描述一下创作过程吗?

How does your band usually write songs? Can you describe the creative process?

R: 我们通常会先写好歌词或歌名。在歌词或歌名的启发下,我们创作乐器部分,我们每个人几乎都创作了自己的乐器。最后的润色大多是在排练室和录音时完成的。

We normally have the lyrics or song titles done first. Inspired by them, we write the instrumental parts and each of us has composed almost all of our own instruments. Mostly the final touches are made in the rehearsal room and during the recordings.

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录制效果方面都很出色,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Each of your band's albums has been outstanding in terms of recording results, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums?

R: 我们的最新专辑"Gore Zoo"是在Oxroad工作室与制作人Tomi Uusitupa(又名Tom Newhouse)一起录制的。Tomi是个很棒的人,他知道如何榨干我们的一切。到目前为止我们很高兴能与他合作,我们知道与他的合作能让我们更上一层楼。在“Gore Zoo”之前,我们曾在Artturi Laukkanen的工作室与他合作过很长时间,对他也没有什么不好的评价。

Our latest album "Gore Zoo" was recorded at Oxroad studios with producer Tomi Uusitupa (a.k.a Tom Newhouse). Tomi is great guy and he knows how to squeeze everything out of us. So far we are really happy to work with him and we know we can take more steps forward with him. Before "Gore Zoo", we collaborated with Artturi Laukkanen in his studio for a long time and there is nothing bad to say about him either.

V: 你们音乐的主题是关于恐怖电影的,为什么会选择这样一个主题,你们还创作了歌词部分,这些歌词都是谁写的,灵感来源是什么?

The theme of your music is about horror movies, why did you choose such a theme for your music, you also created the lyrics section, who wrote all these lyrics and what was his inspiration?

R: 很明显,在Brutal Death Metal乐中,歌词绝对不是关于鲜花和阳光的,哈哈。大部分歌词都是由我们的老吉他手Jizz Jake创作的。他是填词机器,即使在离开乐队后也一直在为我们填词。我都不知道他是怎么想到这些点子的,哈哈。Iirot还负责创作新歌词。歌词的主题通常与专辑的主题一致,比如在“Gore Zoo”这张以动物为主题的专辑中,大部分歌词都是关于各种动物的故事。

It's pretty clear that in brutal death metal the lyrics definitely isn about flowers and sunshine haha.. Most of the lyrics are made by our old guitarist Jizz Jake. He living lyric machine and he has been writing our lyrics even after leaving the band. It impossible to tell where he gets all those ideas haha. Iirot is also in charge of making new lyrics. The subjects normally follow the themes of the album, like in "Gore Zoo", it animal themed album and most of the lyrics were about different kind of animal stories.

V: 你的Logo设计精美,谁为你设计了Logo?你的专辑封面设计精美,谁为你设计了封面?

Your logo is beautifully designed, who designed the logo for you and your album artwork is beautifully designed, who designed the artwork for you?

R: 很高兴听到你喜欢!我们想让我们的Logo保持可读性,哈哈!Cumbeast的Logo是由 Phlegeton设计的,他是Wormed乐队的主唱。几年前他还修改了我们的Logo。Cumbeast的第一个Logo(出现在“Human Pinata”专辑中)是由我们在Torture Killer乐队中打鼓的朋友 Tuomo制作的。最近三张专辑“Groovy Massacre”(2015 年)、"Straight Outta Sewer"(2016 年)和"Gore Zoo"(2019 年)的艺术设计由Miguel Angel Caceres完成。“Human Pinata”(2006 年)的插图由Tony Koehl制作,"Gourmet of Ill Shit"(2008 年)的插图由Jon Zig制作。

Glad to hear you like it! We wanted to keep our logo readable haha! Cumbeast logo was designed by Phlegeton, known as the vocalist from the band Wormed. Couple years ago he also revamped our logo. Cumbeast first logo (appears on "Human Pinata" album) was made by our friend Tuomo who plays drums in Torture Killer. The artwork for the last three albums "Groovy Massacre" (2015), "Straight Outta Sewer" (2016) and "Gore Zoo" (2019) was done by Miguel Angel Caceres. "Human Pinata" (2006) artwork was made by Tony Koehl and Jon Zig did "Gourmet of Ill Shit" (2008).

V: 你们的所有专辑都是在Pathologically Explicit Recordings和Rotten Roll Rex这两个非常棒的厂牌发行的,你们是如何与这两个厂牌取得联系并进行合作的?

You've released all of your albums with Pathologically Explicit Recordings and Rotten Roll Rex, both of which are fantastic labels, how did you get in touch with these two labels to collaborate? How did you get in touch with both labels to collaborate?

R: 回想起来,当Cumbeast在2005年发行第一张Demo时,Pathologically Explicit Recordings的Fernando就想发行他们的第一张专辑。我想在第一批预购订单售出时,还没有任何歌曲或专辑封面发布,哈哈...... 与Fernando的合作持续了三张专辑,之后我们又与来自Rotten Roll Rex的Marco合作。在“Groovy Massacre”发行后的一段时间里,Jake通过电子邮件找到了Marco并发现了我们之间的共同点。我们知道Marco在现场有很多人脉,而且他在音乐节上努力推广乐队和他的厂牌,所以当时就觉得这种改变很新鲜。总的来说我们很高兴能与Fernando和Marco合作。

Back in time Fernando from Pathologically Explicit Recordings wanted to release Cumbeast first album when guys released the first demo in 2005. I think there wasn any songs or album cover released when the first pre-orders were sold haha.. The collaboration with Fernando lasted for three albums and then we teamed up with Marco from Rotten Roll Rex. Some time after the release of "Groovy Massacre", Jake approached Marco via e-mail and found common note with him. We knew Marco has contacts in the scene and he works hard at festivals to promote bands and his label, so the changing felt refreshing at the time. In general, we've been really happy to work with both Fernando and Marco.

V: 我是你们乐队的铁杆粉丝,我听过你们所有的专辑,你们演奏的快节奏残酷死亡金属带有一些血腥的歌词和黑色幽默,让我想起了其他乐队,比如Corpsefucking Art、Torsofuck和 Internal Bleeding。首先想到的是那些咆哮声、尖叫声和猪叫声,它们构成了可怕的复调音乐。然后是缓慢而有节奏的吉他演奏着Internal bleeding的节奏,接着是贝斯让我想起了 Vomit Remnants和Perversist这样的乐队。鼓组中的双踩踏板表现得很慢很残忍。你对你的作品有什么想法吗?

I'm a big fan of your band, I've listened to all of your albums, you play uptempo half-time brutal death metal with some gory lyrics and a bit of black humor that reminds me of other bands like Corpsefucking Art, Torsofuck, and Internal Bleeding.The first thing that comes to mind is the grunts, squeals and pig squeals that make up the monstrous polyphony. Then slow, rhythmic guitars play the Internal bleeding rhythm, followed by a bass that reminds me of bands like Vomit Remnants and Perversist. The double pedal in the drum section is ridiculously slow and brutal in its presentation. Do you have any thoughts on your work?

R: 你在聆听我们的音乐时做出了一些不错的选择!你提到的一些乐队对我们的音乐影响很大!你对我们音乐的描述在Brutal Death Metal乐中很常见,但我们一直试图让自己的音乐与众不同,我们并不是要成为联盟中最残酷的乐队。我们的目标一直是拥有自己的声音,在音乐上脱颖而出。我们通常遵循电台“热门”歌曲的结构,最有趣的是,我们甚至有“一起唱”的歌曲,你可以在现场和观众一起唱,就像那首名为“Cocktopus”的歌,哈哈。

You have made some good picks while listening to our music! I can approve some bands you named have a big part influencing our music! That how you described our music are quite common in brutal death metal, but we've always tried to sound little different and we're not competing to be the most brutal band in the league. The goal has always been to have own sound and stand out musically. We normally follow the structures of radio "hit" songs and what磗 the funniest part we even have "sing along" kind of songs you can do live with the crowd like in the song called "Cocktopus" haha.

V: 距离你们的上一张专辑"Gore Zoo"已经过去很久了,你们在2024年有什么新的计划吗?比如创作和录制一些新材料?能给我们一些信息吗?我很期待你的新专辑!

It's been a long time since your last album "Gore Zoo", do you have anything new in the works for 2024? Like writing and recording some new material? Can you give us some information? I'm looking forward to your new album!

R: 是的!我们几乎已经完成了即将发行的专辑的录音,它将于明年发行。它听起来已经很疯狂了,它肯定会达到下一个水平!可以说它既有趣又娱乐,旋律优美,同时又很残酷!迫不及待地想要展示我们的成果了哈哈!

Yes! We've almost complete the recordings of our upcoming album and it's coming out next year. It already sound really wild and it definitely goes to the next level! Let say it going to be funny, entertaining, melodic and brutal at the same time! Can wait to show what we have done haha!

V: 作为一支乐队,你们参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?

You've played a lot of festivals as a band, which ones have impressed you, can you describe the atmosphere and which festivals you're planning to play in 2024?

R: 我们参加过的每一个音乐节都令人难忘,但如果要选一个的话,我可能会选择安德纳赫的 Deathfeast。它是欧洲最大的Brual Death Metal音乐节之一,组织得很好,观众总是很疯狂。今年12月我们还有几场音乐节演出:奥地利的“Rape the Escape”音乐节。

Every festival we have played has been memorable, but if I need to choose one I would probably say Deathfeast in Andernach. It is well organized one of the biggest brutal death metal festivals in Europe and crowd is sick always. This year we still got couple festival shows in december: "Rape the Escape" -festival in Austria just to mention one.

V: Cumbeast是一支经典的Brual Death Metal乐队,就像我说过的我是你们的忠实乐迷,我会一直支持你们,我希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷了解、关注和支持你们,最后你们有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Cumbeast is a classic Brutal Death Metal band, like I said, I'm a big fan of yours and I'll always support you guys, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will get to know, pay attention to, and support you guys, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

V: 如果你能读到这里,感谢你的阅读!希望你们有时间看看我们的音乐,我真心建议你们拭目以待我们即将发行的新专辑!我们刚刚完成了新歌音乐视频的拍摄,一定会非常有趣!继续支持Brual Death Metal!Kippis!

Well if you made it this far, thanks for reading! Hope you have time to check out our music and I really recommend waiting and keeping your eyes open for our upcoming record! We just finished filming the music video for the new song and it磗 gonna be shitload of fun! Keep support brutal death metal! Kippis!


Cumbeast - Human Piñata(2006)

Cumbeast - Gourmet of Ill Shit(2008)

Cumbeast - Recycled Nastiness(2012)

Cumbeast - Groovy Massacre(2015)

Cumbeast - Straight Outta Sewer(2016)

Cumbeast - Gore Zoo(2019)







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