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悲惨世界 - 巴西Atmospheric Black Metal乐队Coldwinter专访

今天采访到的是一支来自巴西的Atmospheric Black Metal乐队Coldwinter,这也是杂志第一次采访到来巴西的Black Metal,作为一支成立10年的老牌乐队发行了多张作品,2016年的EP专辑“The Horizon Dawning”让更多人关注到这支来自巴西的乐队,阴暗忧郁,冰冷无情的氛围贯穿着整张专辑,沉重缓慢的Riff给人一种冰冷刺骨的感觉,让人不寒而栗,歌手Alessandro的演唱缓慢低沉,让Coldwinter的作品更加的阴暗,恐怖,再加上悠扬的女声,让他们的作品更具有观赏性,2017年的第一张正式专辑“Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning”更是把EP专辑中的特点发挥的更加出色,加上优质的录音效果,也被所有乐评人评为2017年最出色的Atmospheric Black Metal作品之一,随后乐队发行了四首单曲,今年乐队在即将发行他们的第二张正式专辑,目前新专辑正在进行混音工作,很快就会与大家见面,在新专辑发行之际乐队的歌手Alessandro与杂志取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Alessandro)

Today's interview is with Brazilian Atmospheric Black Metal band Coldwinter, this is the first time the magazine has interviewed Black Metal from Brazil, as a 10 year old band with several releases under their belt, 2016's EP "The Horizon Dawning" brought more attention to the Brazilian band, with a dark, melancholic and cold atmosphere throughout the album. The heavy, slow riffs give a cold, bone-chilling feeling, while singer Alessandro's slow, low vocals make Coldwinter's work even more dark and scary, along with the melodic female vocals. Coldwinter's first official album "Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning" in 2017 has been recognised as one of the best Atmospheric Dawning albums of 2017 by all the critics, with its slow and low vocals, making Coldwinter's work even more dark and scary, and its lilting vocals. After releasing four singles, the band is about to release their second album, which is currently in the process of being remixed and will be available soon. On the occasion of the release of the new album, the singer of the band, Alessandro, got in touch with the magazine for an interview!

(V: for the author A: for Alessandro)



V: 你好Alessandro很高兴见到你,也非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的粉丝们问好,Coldwinter乐队成立于2014年至今已经十年了,当初是谁提议成立这支乐队的?Coldwinter这个名字对你们有什么意义吗?

Hello Alessandro nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time you have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Coldwinter was formed in 2014, and it has been ten years already, who suggested to form this band in the first place, and who is Coldwinter? Does the name Coldwinter mean anything to you?

A: 非常感谢你们,我的朋友Volcano,感谢你们的支持和杂志的版面,我很高兴能够接受这次采访,谈谈Coldwinter,谈谈每一个想了解我们的音乐和我们的历史的人,这对我们来说非常重要... 我要感谢在中国还不了解Coldwinter乐队的每一个人,通过这次采访,他们将更好地了解Coldwinter乐队的歌曲,这就是一切的开始2014年,我和Eduardo开始创作一些歌曲,为Eduardo乐队录制Demo,声音非常不同,有最黑暗的键盘和缓慢的吉他,深沉的旋律,2015年,我们的第一张Demo问世,有11首歌,独立发行了200份、 时至今日这个Demo仍然非常稀有,受到了很多人的追捧,因为它是一个包含11首歌曲的 Demo,人们总是问我为什么是一个包含11 歌曲的 Demo,当人们在采访中问到我这个问题时,我觉得这真的很酷,所以 Coldwinter已经走过了10年,这对我来说是非常令人欣慰的,Coldwinter这个名字来源于两个单词Cold winter,我喜欢这个名字并且我至今仍然带着它...

Thank you very much my friend Volcano, for the support and space in your Magazine, I am very pleased to be able to answer this interview and talk about Coldwinter and for everyone who wants to know our music, and also our history, this is very important for us... I want thank everyone who still doesn't know Coldwinter in China, who through this interview will get to know Coldwinter's songs better, That's how it all started In 2014, when Eduardo and I started composing some songs to record a Demo for Coldwinter, with a sound very different and with very darkest keyboards and slow guitars, deep melodies, in 2015 our first Demo came out with 11 songs, it was released independently in 200 copies, which we sent to several record labels and fanzines, to this day this Demo is very rare and much sought after by people because it is a Demo with 11 songs, people always ask me why a Demo with 11 songs, I think it's really cool when people ask me about it in interviews, so Coldwinter has already been on the road for 10 years and that's very gratifying for me, the name Coldwinter came about through 2 words Cold winter, I liked the name and I still carry it with me today...

V: 乐队现在只剩下你一个第一代成员,其他成员都被替换了,第一代成员为什么退出乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?

The band is now down to one first generation member, you, and the rest of the members have been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with the new member's work?

A: Eduardo负责录制所有的乐器,当我们去录音室录制歌曲时,我们已经准备好了一切,我们的鼓手负责录制歌曲中的鼓点、 乐队成立之初,只有我和Eduardo两个人,我们在2015年录制了第一张Demo,然后在2016年的EP之后,鼓手(Nelson Paschoal)加入了我们,他和我们一起录制了EP(2016年The Horizon Dawning EP)和2017年的全长专辑,如今他仍然是我们乐队的一员。 2022年,才华横溢的音乐家Limac加入乐队,担任贝斯手和键盘手,他也来自Rites of Passage乐队。 2024年,才华横溢的吉他手William Gabriel加入,他正在为Coldwinter乐队的下一张专辑创作新歌,这张专辑计划于明年2025年发行。2019年,Eduardo因个人原因离开了乐队,今年他又回到了乐队。 天才主唱Jéssica于2020年加入乐队,目前正在与我们一起录制专辑"A New Beginning Forever",该专辑将通过Covil Records发行....

So, Coldwinter came about through me, and my friend Eduardo, a talented multi-instrumentalist musician, Eduardo is the one who records all the instruments, when we go to the studio to record the songs we already have everything ready, our drummer records the lines drums in the songs, at the beginning of the band it was just me and Eduardo, when we recorded our first Demo in 2015, then after Ep 2016 the drummer (Nelson Paschoal) joined us who recorded with us on Ep (The Horizon Dawning EP 2016) and Full -length 2017 and is still with us in the band today. In 2022, the talented musician Limac joined the band on bass guitar and keyboards, he is also from the band Rites of Passage. In 2024, the talented guitarist William Gabriel joined, who is composing new songs for Coldwinter's next album, which is scheduled for next year 2025. In 2019, Eduardo left the band for personal reasons, this year he returned to the band. Jéssica, a talented vocalist, joined the band in 2020 and is with us recording the album A New Beginning Forever, which will be released through the Covil Records label....

V: 你们通常如何创作歌曲?能描述一下创作过程吗?我相信你们的经历会激励很多年轻音乐家!

How do you guys usually compose your songs? Can you describe the creative process? I'm sure your experience will inspire a lot of young musicians!

A: 所以,作曲首先由我来完成,我把项目交给Eduardo,告诉他歌曲将是什么样的,然后他开始制作吉他旋律、键盘和旋律,最后选出将收录在专辑中的歌曲,最好的歌曲具有更深沉的旋律和更多的感情....,在巴西有很多非常有才华的年轻乐队,他们发行了非常棒的专辑,只是缺少在实体专辑上展示他们作品的机会.....。

So, the compositions first come from me, I take the project to Eduardo as to what the song will be like, then he starts working on the guitar riffs and keyboards and melodies, the songs that will be included in the album are chosen, the best songs which has some deeper melodies with more feelings.... here in Brazil there are many very talented young bands, releasing really cool albums, they are just missing opportunities for them to show their work on physical albums.....

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录制效果上都很出色,你们是在哪个录音棚录制专辑的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?你们目前正在制作新专辑,新专辑的录制工作进行到哪一步了?

Each of your band's albums has been outstanding in terms of recording results, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums? You are currently working on a new album, how far are you in the recording process for the new album?

A: 非常感谢你,我的朋友,我们的专辑都是在Coldwinter鼓手的工作室Krypta Bestial Studio录制的,有几个乐队的专辑都是在我们的工作室录制的,所有乐队的专辑都是由我们的鼓手制作的。

Thank you very much my friend, so our albums are recorded in Coldwinter's drummer's studio, Krypta Bestial Studio, where several bands record their albums in our studio and all the bands are produced by our drummer, so we are finalizing the mixes for the new album There are few things left to finish, I believe just a few small adjustments to Jéssica's vocal lines, and the album is ready.....

V: 忧郁、绝望、痛苦、抑郁、心碎、悲伤是你的音乐主题,你为什么选择它们,你想通过它们表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?谁来写歌词?

Melancholy, Despair, Anguish, Depression, Heartbreak, Sorrow are your musical themes, why did you choose them and what do you want to express through them? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

A: 所以,歌词的主题很多都是关于忧郁、悲伤、绝望、苦恼、抑郁、心碎、痛苦、孤独、失去、哀悼的,所以我们是一支Atmospheric Doom Black Metal乐队,我所有的歌词都是关于我们生活在这个世界上的一切现实,最终的Coldwinter是一支Atmospheric Doom / Black Metal乐队,用忧郁的歌曲来描述永恒的悲伤、人间的苦难、我们灵魂的缓慢死亡....

So, the lyrical themes talk a lot about Melancholy, sorrow, Despair, Anguish, Depression, Heartbreak, Pain, Loneliness, Loss, mourning, so we are an Atmospheric Doom Black Metal band, and all my lyrics talk about everything that is the reality that we all live in this world, the final Coldwinter is an Atmospheric Doom / Black Metal band, in melancholic songs that describe the eternal sadness, and the misery on earth, the slow death of our souls.....

V: 你们乐队的Logo设计得那么漂亮,是谁为你设计的?你们专辑的艺术品设计得那么好,是谁为你的设计的?

Your band's logo is so beautifully designed, who designed it for you and your album artwork is so beautifully designed, who designed the artwork for you?

A: 常感谢你的话,Coldwinter的Logo是我的一个朋友Alfredo Eduardo做的,他的作品非常酷,因为他为我的乐队做了一个我非常喜欢的Logo,专辑的所有艺术品都是我的一个朋友Ewan Donnovan做的,我给他看了歌词,那时Ewan为这张专辑做了一个非常特别的作品,让我至今感到骄傲,Ewan还为(The Horizon Dawning EP 2016)做了艺术品。

Thank you very much for your words, so the Coldwinter logo was made by a friend of mine who does some really cool work (Alfredo Eduardo) because he made a logo for my band that I really liked, all the artwork for the album was made by a friend of mine (Ewan Donnovan) I showed him the lyrics and that's when Ewan did a very special work for this album that makes me proud to this day, Ewan also did the art for (The Horizon Dawning EP 2016)

V: 你们的大部分作品都是自己发行的,只有2017年的正式专辑"Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning"是由Anaites Records唱片公司发行的,这是贵国一个非常有经验的厂牌,你们是如何与这个厂牌取得联系的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

Most of your works are self-released, only the official 2017 album "Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning" is on Anaites Records, a very experienced label in your country, how did you get in touch with this label? How did you get in touch with this label? How did you get in touch with the label and were you satisfied with their work?

A: 所以,“the Horizon Dawning”,当我们完成这张专辑时,我们没有与任何唱片公司签订合同,就在那时我们决定制作一些专辑的副本并将其发送给一些唱片公司,就在那时Anaites Records和Eclipsys Lunarys Productions喜欢这张专辑并为我提供了这张专辑的合同,发行了500张限量版专辑CD套+海报,这两家唱片公司为这张专辑做了一项非常特别的工作,这让我非常高兴,直到今天我感谢你们,感谢他们对我们的工作的信任和信念,我们为Coldwinter所做的出色工作感到非常自豪.....

So, Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning, when we finished the album we didn't have any contract with any label, that's when we decided to make some copies of the album and send it to some labels, that's when Anaites Records together with Eclipsys Lunarys Productions , who liked the album and offered me a contract for this album, released 500 limited copies of the album CD slipcase + a poster, the 2 labels did a very special job for this album, which made me very happy to this day, I thank you Many thanks to them for their trust and belief in our work, we are very proud of the excellent work that was done by Coldwinter.....

V: 我听过你们2017年的正式专辑"Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning",这是一张忧郁、阴郁的作品,冰冷、无情、忧郁的氛围加上黑暗、缓慢的旋律,让你们的作品更加赏心悦目,给人一种冰冷、... 歌手的歌声是我听过的最冷酷、最绝望的,你们的作品真的很适合一个人在黑暗的房间里听,甚至会让你感受到一些不好的情绪,我只想说你们在表达情绪方面做得很好,你觉得你们的作品怎么样?

I've listened to your official 2017 album "Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning" and it's a melancholic, gloomy piece of work, with an icy, relentless, melancholic vibe coupled with dark, slow melodies that make your work even more enjoyable to watch, giving it a cold,... The singer's vocals are the coldest and most desperate I've ever heard, your work is really suitable for a person to listen to in a dark room, and it even makes you feel some bad emotions, I just want to say that you guys do a great job of expressing your emotions, what do you think of your work?

A: 非常感谢你喜欢我们的专辑,我为此感到非常高兴,"Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning"是我和Eduardo努力完成的一张专辑,我们花了两年的时间来完成作曲、作词和旋律,这对我们来说是一项非常具有挑战性的工作、 这张专辑给我带来了一些深刻的感受,因为当我开始为歌曲作词时,我的父亲去世了,这让我的情感受到了极大的冲击,专辑中的所有歌词都表达了我的痛苦和永恒的哀思,只有时间才能将这些痛苦和哀思从我的脑海中抹去,这张专辑在我的记忆中留下了永远的印记,因为这张专辑对我来说非常特别。 ...

Thank you very much for liking our album, I'm very happy for that, so (Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning) was an album that Eduardo and I worked hard to finish, we spent 2 years working on the compositions and lyrics and melodies , it was a very challenging work for us, this album brings some deep feelings because when I was starting to write the lyrics for the songs, my father died, so that left me very emotionally shaken, all the lyrics on that album express my pain and eternal mourning that only time will erase from my mind, this album was marked in my memory forever, because this album is very special to me....

V: 你参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象,你能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?

What festivals have you been to and what festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere?

A: 听着,我的朋友,现在我们不做演出或现场表演,因为我们是录音室音乐家,但我们正在考虑明年开始做现场表演,以宣传新专辑.....。

Look my friend, for now we don't do shows or play live, because we are studio musicians, but we are thinking about starting to play live next year to promote the new album.....

V: 除了即将发布的新专辑之外,你们在2024年还有什么新进展吗?能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything new you guys are working on in 2024 other than the upcoming release of your new album? Can you reveal some information to everyone?

A: 我们正在为今年的新专辑“A New Beginning Forever”做最后的混音工作,这张专辑有9首歌,音色与第一张专辑略有不同,但延续了Atmospheric Doom Black Metal的精髓,这将会让大家非常满意,我非常期待尽快完成这张专辑,为大家带来优秀的作品.....。

So we are finalizing the mixes of the new album (A New Beginning Forever) for this year, the album has 9 songs with a slightly different sound from the first album, but continues with the essence of Atmospheric Doom Black Metal, which will please a lot everyone, I'm really looking forward to finishing this album soon, and delivering great work to you.....

V: Coldwinter是一支伟大的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,我也希望通过这次采访有更多的中国乐迷关注、支持和了解你们的乐队,在采访的最后你有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Coldwinter is a great band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will follow, support and get to know your band, is there anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

A: 首先,非常感谢你们,我的朋友Volcano,还有你们的杂志,为我们提供了这次采访的空间,对于我们来说,能够回答和解释一些关于乐队的重要问题是非常重要的。我们还要感谢所有在社交媒体上关注乐队、购买我们的CD和在社交媒体上给我们留言的人。这些支持对我们非常重要。对于那些想要乐队CD的人,请直接通过乐队的社交网络联系我们,同时也借此机会告诉大家,新专辑将于今年2024年发行。不久之后你们就能欣赏到我们的新专辑“A New Beginning Forever”,愿我们能继续为你们创作更多的歌曲和专辑,谢谢你们,再见....。

Firstly, thank you very much to you, my friend Volcano, and to your Magazine, for the space for this interview, for us it is super important to be able to answer and explain some important issues about the band. We also want to thank everyone who follows the band on social media, who buys our CDs, who sends us messages on social media. This support is extremely important to us. For those who want the band's CDs, just get in touch directly through the band's social networks, and also take the opportunity to say that the new album will be released this year in 2024. Soon you will be able to enjoy our new album (A New Beginning Forever) and may we continue working on more songs and albums for you, Thank you very much and see you later....


Coldwinter - First Demo 2015 (Previously Unreleased Rehearsal)(2015)

Coldwinter - The Horizon Dawning(2016)

Coldwinter - Cold Light of the Horizon Dawning(2017)

Coldwinter - The Forest Calls My Name(2020)






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niubi bro

峰 李
峰 李
Jul 05
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I C No
I C No
Jul 05

Great band

峰 李
峰 李
Jul 05
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This band is awesome, I love them so much haha, very much looking forward to the new album!

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