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朋克的斗争 - 美国Hardcore crust punk / D-beat乐队Gasmiasma专访

Writer's picture: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是来自美国的Hardcore crust punk/D-beat乐队Gasmiasma,在2008年举办的在新奥尔良举行的卡特里娜飓风三周年纪念演出上鼓手Dan萌生了组建Gasmiasma乐队的想法,演出嘉宾包括Crowbar、Eyehategod和Dan的前乐队Hellkontroll。当时Crowbar乐队的贝斯手、后来 Gasmiasma 乐队的贝斯手Pat提到,他希望与Max(Hellkontroll 吉他手兼主唱)和我一起成立一个类似Doom、Anti Cimex和Crude SS的硬核乐队。2009年9月,当Hellkontroll 回到新奥尔良为Hellbastard和Resistant Culture一起参加演出时,Pat把乐队其他成员介绍给了Gasmiasma的主唱Jordan。接下来的一个月,Pat和Jordan到德克萨斯州奥斯汀拜访了Dan和Max,我们举行了首次即兴演奏会,经过几次练习,我们很快就写好了所有的部分,在2009年12月录制我们的第一张专辑,充满爆炸性的节奏,疯狂的Riff,他们现场也是非常火爆,让Gasmiasma乐队迅速成为目前美国炙手可热的Hardcore crust punk/D-beat乐队之一,前不久乐队的鼓手Dan和杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 D: 代表Dan)

Today's interview is with Gasmiasma, an American hardcore crust punk/D-beat band. The idea for Gasmiasma came to drummer Dan at a 2008 Katrina anniversary show in New Orleans featuring Crowbar, Eyehategod and Dan's former band Hellkontroll. Dan's former band Hellkontroll, Crowbar's bassist at the time, and later Gasmiasma's bassist, Pat, mentioned that he wanted to start a hardcore band with Max (Hellkontroll's guitarist and vocalist) and me, along the lines of Doom, Anti Cimex and Crude SS. In September 2009, when Hellkontroll returned to New Orleans to play shows for Hellbastard and Resistant Culture together, Pat introduced the rest of the band to Jordan, the lead singer of Gasmiasma. the following month, Pat and Jordan visited Dan and Max in Austin, Texas. We had our first jam session, and after a few practice sessions, we quickly wrote all the parts to record our first album in December 2009, full of explosive rhythms, crazy riffs, and they were on fire live, making Gasmiasma's band quickly become one of the hot Hardcore crust punk/D-beat The band's drummer Dan contacted the magazine for an interview!

(V: for the author D: for Dan)

采访对象:DanGasmiasma乐队鼓 / 歌手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向你们所有的歌迷问好,Gasmiasma乐队是哪一年成立的?你们是如何组建乐队的?Gasmiasma这个名字的含义是什么?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to all your fans, in what year was Gasmiasma formed? How did you form the band and what is the meaning of the name Gasmiasma?

D: 首先感谢你有兴趣并花时间采访我们。我是Gasmiasma的鼓手兼副主唱Dan。这确实是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访。向我们在中国的所有歌迷(新老歌迷)问好。2008年8月,在新奥尔良举行的卡特里娜飓风三周年纪念演出上,我们萌生了组建乐队的想法。当时正值古斯塔夫飓风即将肆虐路易斯安那州,演出嘉宾包括Crowbar、Eyehategod和我的前乐队 Hellkontroll。当时Crowbar乐队的贝斯手、后来Gasmiasma乐队的贝斯手Pat提到,他希望与Max(Hellkontroll 吉他手兼主唱)和我一起成立一个类似Doom、Anti Cimex和Crude SS(所有d-beat类型的乐队)的Hardcore乐队。2009年9月,当Hellkontroll回到新奥尔良为 Hellbastard和Resistant Culture一起演出时,Pat把我们介绍给了Gasmiasma的最终主唱Jordan。接下来的一个月,Pat和Jordan到德克萨斯州奥斯汀拜访了我和Max,我们当时就住在那里。我们举行了首次即兴演奏会,Pat带着几首流行歌曲满载而归。经过几次练习,我们很快就写好了所有的部分,准备在2009年12月录制我们的第一张专辑。我们一开始就动作迅速。Gasmiasma的意思是毒气流或毒气云,追溯到第一次世界大战期间使用的有毒气体。

Firstly, thank you for having the interest and taking the time to interview us. Dan, the drummer/backup vocalist of Gasmiasma here. It is indeed our first interview with a Chinese magazine. Hello to all of our fans (old and new) in the Middle Kingdom. The idea for the band took root in August 2008 at a gig in New Orleans commemorating the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Freakishly in conjunction with Hurricane Gustav’s impending wrath on Louisiana, the show featured Crowbar, Eyehategod, and my former band, Hellkontroll. Pat, the bassist of Crowbar at the time and the eventual bassist of Gasmiasma, mentioned his desire to start a crustcore project in the vein of Doom, Anti Cimex, and Crude SS (the staples in any d-beat record collection) with Max (Hellkontroll guitarist/singer) and I. While we did not commit to anything that night, the seed for future collaboration was planted. When Hellkontroll returned to New Orleans in September 2009 to support Hellbastard and Resistant Culture, Pat introduced us to Jordan, the eventual singer of Gasmiasma. The following month, Pat and Jordan visited Max and I in Austin, Texas, where we lived at the time. We had our inaugural jam, and Pat came locked and loaded with a handful of bangers. We quickly wrote all the parts over a few practices in preparation to record our first ep in December 2009. We moved fast out of the gate. Gasmiasma means an effluence or cloud of poison gas harkening back to the noxious gases used during World War I.

V: 你们乐队的所有成员都是第一代成员吗?你们更换过乐队成员吗?新成员如何加入乐队?你们对新成员满意吗?

Are all the members of your band first generation members? Have you ever changed band members? How do new members join the band? Are you happy with the new members?

D: Jordan, Pat和我是剩下的三名原始成员。Max在2009-2010年的前两期中担任吉他手。Aaron(Eyehategod的现任鼓手)在2011年接替了Max,从那时起乐队的阵容一直保持不变。由于Gasmiasma直到2011年才开始现场表演,因此Max在加入乐队期间从未参加过演出。我们乐队有四兄弟。兄弟之间难免争吵,但彼此相爱。

Jordan, Pat, and I are the three remaining, original members. Max played guitar on the first two eps spanning 2009-2010. Aaron (the current drummer of Eyehategod) replaced Max in 2011, and the line-up has been the same ever since. Max never played a gig while a member because Gasmiasma did not perform live until 2011. We’re four brothers in the band. Brothers inevitably squabble but love each other nevertheless.

V: 能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?

Can you describe your creative process?

D: 我想创作过程与其他乐队类似。Pat或Aaron带着琢磨好的新旋律来练习,准备与伴奏乐器和人声一起塑造成歌曲。我无法用语言来形容我和帕特在练习室里的时间,我们相互配合,使我们的节奏部分成为一台运转良好、坚不可摧的机器。Aaron总是毫不费力地运用他的吉他技巧。Jordan通常最后一个加入,他负责演唱并主导每张专辑的艺术方向。

The creative process, I would imagine, is similar to any other band. Pat or Aaron came to practice with new riffs woodshedded and ready to be molded into songs with accompanying instruments and vocals. I cannot tell you the hours that just Pat and I logged in the practice room, interlocking to make our rhythm section a well-oiled and impenetrable machine. Aaron always effortlessly applied his guitar acumen. Jordan usually entered the process last to apply his vocals and head the artistic direction of each subsequent album.

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在录音方面都非常出色,你们是在哪个录音棚录制的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Each of your band's albums have been excellent in terms of recording, which studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums?

D: 谢谢。我们与一些很棒的工程师合作过,他们都是我们的朋友和盟友。除了在路易斯安那州拉法叶特的一个电台节目中进行的现场录音KRVS Kadavers之外,我们在新奥尔良及其周边的不同地方录制了其他所有唱片。我们与Stephen Berrigan一起,在一间麦克风良好、隔音效果极佳的练习室里录制了我们的前两部作品“Trenchrats”和“=CrasherMangle”。我们在Revolver Studios与Ryan Toussel一起录制了第一张全长专辑“Thermobarbarian Glioblastoma”。最后我们与Michael Hohan在两个地方录制了“At War with Punk”。我们还要感谢所有在后期制作阶段对我们的音乐进行进一步雕琢的优秀母带处理工程师。此外我们还要感谢Noxious Noize唱片公司的Christion Records的Christion、Levee Dog Records的 Jachob、Microphonic Meltdown的Grady、Skrammel Records的Mattis和Vibes Through Guts Recordings的Matt,感谢他们发行了我们之前的专辑。没有他们的大力支持,世界就不会听到我们的声音。

Thank you. We worked with some great engineers, all of whom we also count as friends and allies. Outside of the live recording, KRVS Kadavers, executed on a radio program in Lafayette, Louisiana, we recorded everything else at various spaces in and around New Orleans. We recorded our first two eps, Trenchrats and =CrasherMangle, in a well-microphoned, well-insulated practice room with Stephen Berrigan. We recorded our first full-length, Thermobarbarian Glioblastoma, at Revolver Studios with Ryan Toussel. Finally, we recorded At War with Punk with Michael Hohan in two locations. We also include all the great mastering engineers who further sculpted our music during the post-production phase. Additional thanks goes to Christion of Noxious Noize! Records, Jachob of Levee Dog Records, Grady of Microphonic Meltdown, Mattis of Skrammel Records, and Matt of Vibes Through Guts Recordings for releasing our previous albums. The world would not have heard us without their vital support.

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这样一个音乐主题,你们想通过这样一个音乐主题表达什么?你们写过歌词吗?

What is the theme of your band's music about? Why did you choose such a 2 musical theme and what do you want to express through such a musical theme? Have you written any lyrics, who wrote them and what inspired them?

D: 所有歌词都是我和Jordan写的。无数的主题和事件给了我们灵感。然而我们的歌词主题围绕着战争和战争的堕落、疯狂杀手和其他杀人狂、分裂的政治和腐蚀性的分裂(不幸的是)困扰着朋克场景以及对人类病态方面的整体蔑视。我们无意通过歌词传教、说教或哗众取宠。我们只想传达一种观点,无论多么尖刻或讽刺。

Jordan and I write all the lyrics. Countless subject matter and events inspire them. However, our lyrical themes revolve around war and the depravity of war, spree killers and other homicidal maniacs, the divisive politics and corrosive fractionalization that (unfortunately) afflicts the punk scene, and overall contempt for the pathological aspects of humankind. We do not aim to preach, pontificate, or grandstand through our lyrics. We only wish to convey a perspective, however biting or sardonic.

V: 你们曾在2011 - 2014年间发行过一些专辑,但2014年之后直到2022年才发行新专辑,你们即将在2025年发行新专辑,2014年之后没有发行新专辑的原因是什么?

You had some releases in 2011 - 2014, but after 2014 you didn't have any new releases until 2022 and you are about to release a new album in 2025, what was the reason why you didn't have any new releases after 2014?

D: 嗯,我们最初在 2015 年录制了“At War with Punk”并将其搁置起来,直到2017年我们在斯德哥尔摩的朋友Karl与Jordan一起将其母带制作完成。2016年乐队停了下来,直到大流行时,我在芝加哥的一位好朋友提出以最初限量发行的盒式磁带的形式发行这张唱片,这张唱片才重新回到了尘封的角落。2022年的卡带版本重新激发了乐队成员的创作欲望,也激发了783唱片公司发行黑胶唱片的热情。

Well, we originally recorded At War with Punk in 2015 and left it on the shelf until 2017 when our friend, Karl, in Stockholm mastered it alongside Jordan. The band went on hiatus in 2016. The recording returned to the dustbin until the pandemic when a good friend of mine in Chicago offered to release it as an initial, limited cassette release. The 2022 cassette version reinvigorated the band members’ want and galvanized 783 label’s enthusiasm to release it on vinyl.

V: 你曾与多家唱片公司合作发行过专辑,2025新专辑选择了783唱片公司发行,你是如何与这些唱片公司取得联系并进行合作的?你们对与783厂牌的合作满意吗?

You've released albums with a number of labels, for the new 2025 album you chose to release it with 783 label, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you happy with your work with 783 label?

D: 如果没有我们朋友的厂牌提供的资金援助和坚定支持,我们的所有发行都不会取得成功。人际关系和持久的联系让朋克世界像其他任何微观世界一样运转起来。关于“At War with Punk”,我们的朋友Hellbastard乐队的Malcom Lewty,在2022年末向783标签的Edi介绍了唱片的录制。但Edi在承诺发行之前等待了很久,以获得他的发行链接和加强他的唱片公司。果然大约一年半后,他给Jordan发了电子邮件。到2024年2月,我们已经开始构建专辑的布局。Edi从那时起就开始了他的工作并且做得非常出色。

All of our releases would not have come to fruition if not for financial assistance and dogged support from our friends’ labels. Personal relationships and lasting connections make the punk world, like any other microcosm, go round. Regarding At War with Punk, our friend, Scruff “Malcom” Lewty of Hellbastard, turned Edi from 783 label on to the recording in late 2022. But Edi waited to procure his distribution links and reinforce his label before committing to the release. Sure enough, he emailed Jordan about a year and a half later. By February 2024, we were well under way with constructing the layout of the album. Edi took it from there and did a masterful job.

V: 首先祝贺你们即将发行的专辑“At War With Punk”,该专辑将于2025年发行。你们的乐队受到Noise, Punk, Hardcore等流派的影响。快速、疯狂、嘈杂的旋律、疯狂的鼓点和凶猛的人声,让你们的作品如此独特而充满激情,你对你们的作品有什么看法?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming album, At War With Punk, which will be released in 2025. Your band is influenced by genres such as Noise, Punk, Hardcore, etc. The fast, frantic, noisy riffs, crazy drums, and ferocious vocals, make your work so Unique and passionate, what do you think of your work? Has anything changed on the new album compared to the old one?

D: 感谢您的赞誉!除了新专辑的主题与之前的作品不同之外,新专辑的强度、表达方式、紧迫感和风格都没有改变。“At War With Punk”中的歌曲无疑是我们写得最快的。我喜欢亲切地说,新专辑没有什么好听的。它的核心是刻薄、有力和原始的侵略性。我们为最终的成果感到无比自豪。这张专辑是在许多合作者的帮助下才得以成型,我们要感谢他们每一个人。

We appreciate your kind sentiments! Other than the subject matter on the new album being different from previous releases, the intensity, delivery, urgency, and style remains the same. The songs on At War with Punk are undoubtedly the fastest we ever wrote. I like to fondly say that there is nothing nice about the new album. It is mean, potent, and stripped down to primal aggression at its core. We could not be prouder of the final result. A lot of co-conspirators helped to mold it to its present state, and we owe a debt of gratitude to each of them.

V: 你的乐队参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象,你能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?22025年还有那些音乐节邀请你们参加?

What festivals have your band played, what festivals have impressed you, can you describe the atmosphere and what other festivals have you been invited to in 2025?

D: 在我们的任期内,我们主要在路易斯安那州(我们的家乡)、德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州演出。由于其他乐队的工作以及与此无关的事业,我们从未在沿海地区或国外巡演过。我们在家乡新奥尔良的本地演出总是喧闹而有趣。我们分别参加了2014年和2015年在奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥举办的Housecore Horror Film Fest。乐队的表演加上展出的恐怖用具和电影作品都很棒。2012 年我们参加了在新奥尔良举办的Rise Fest,感觉更像是分散在全国各地的新老朋友的大聚会。在每场演出中我们都努力以最大的侵略性和敌意的精确度演奏我们的音乐,然后潇洒地喝着啤酒和任何来到我们销售台前的人开着亵渎性的玩笑。

During our tenure, we predominately played Louisiana (our home state), Texas, and Florida. Commitments to other bands and unrelated endeavors prevented us from ever touring the coasts or abroad. Local shows in our home town of New Orleans were always raucous, fun affairs. We played the 2014 and 2015 installments of Housecore Horror Film Fest in Austin and San Antonio respectively. The bands coupled with the horror paraphernalia and filmography on display were great. We played Rise Fest in 2012 in New Orleans which felt more like a large gathering of old and new friends scattered across the country. At every show, we strove to play our music with the utmost aggression and hostile precision followed by unassumingly drinking beer and making profane jokes with anyone who came to our merch table.

V: 除了发行新专辑你们在2025年还有哪些新计划?能透露一下吗?

What are some of the new things you're working on in 2025 besides releasing a new album? Can you shed some light on that?

D: 到目前为止我们还没有计划。如果有其他计划,请继续关注。谁也说不准。

As of now, we have no plans. If the stars align otherwise, stay tuned. One never knows.

V: 你们是一支伟大的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国歌迷关注和支持你们的乐队,在采访的最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

You guys are a great band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will pay attention to and support your band, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

D: 非常感谢那你对我们的采访和对我们新专辑的关注,我们非常感谢。无论是Punk, Hardcore还是Metal,极端阴暗面的音乐社区都是一个真正的全球性社区,没有国界、语言或宗教等表面障碍。我们一直非常钦佩这种团结、合作和热情的精神,它们不仅维护而且促进了所有的创造力和产出。最后质疑一切,总是要验证,永不满足,善待他人,保持Punk。

Thank you kindly for your interest in interviewing us and spotlighting our new album. We greatly appreciate it. The music community of extreme shades, be it punk, hardcore, or metal, is a truly global one devoid of superficial barriers like borders, language, or religion. We have always admired that level of solidarity, cooperation, and enthusiasm to not only maintain but promote all that creativity and output therein. Lastly, question everything. Always verify. Never settle. Be kind. Stay punk.


Gasmiasma - Trenchrats E.P.(2011)

Gasmiasma - =Crashermangle(2012)

Gasmiasma - Krvs Kadavers(2013)

Gasmiasma - Thermobarbarian Glioblastoma(2014)

Gasmiasma - At War With Punk(2025)


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