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火山爆发 - 澳大利亚Death Metal乐队Toxik Volcano专访

今天采访到的是来自澳大利亚的Death Metal乐队Toxik Volcano,2022年12月1日,Eruptor和 Volcanor、Magva录制了三首歌曲的Demo,就这样开始了乐队的生涯,随后吉他手Igneous加入了乐队,阴暗,恐怖的氛围,粘稠的吉他Riff,让我想起了90年代一些Death Metal乐队,歌手的演唱如同吟唱邪恶的咒语一般,给人一种麻木不仁的感觉,鼓手的演奏并不像现在很多乐队那么快,反而鼓手的演奏相当的缓慢,虽然Toxik Volcano是一支非常年轻的乐队,但是他们演奏的风格却非常复古,他们的作品也是我今年最喜欢的作品之一,在前不久乐队的贝斯手Eruptor与我取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 E: 代表Eruptor)

Today's interview is with Toxik Volcano, a Death Metal band from Australia, on December 1, 2022, Eruptor recorded a three-song demo with Volcanor and Magva, and that's how the band's career began, and then guitarist Igneous joined the band, and the dark, scary atmosphere, and sticky guitar Riff, reminds me of some Death Metal bands from the 90s, the singer sings as if chanting evil incantations, giving a numbing feeling, the drummer doesn't play as fast as many bands nowadays, instead the drummer plays quite slowly, although Toxik Volcano is a very young band, they play in a very retro style. Their work is one of my favorites this year, and I was contacted by Eruptor, the band's bassist, for an interview not long ago!

(V: for the author E: for Eruptor)

采访对象:EruptorToxik Volcano乐队贝斯手


V: 你好兄弟很高兴认识你,感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你的乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向你的中国粉丝问好,Toxik Volcano是在哪一年成立的?谁发起了乐队的组建?这个名字有什么含义吗?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thanks for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to your Chinese fans, what year was Toxik Volcano formed? Who initiated the formation of the band? Does the name mean anything?

E: 来自桉树泉的问候,位于斯坎克山以北250公里处。我们很高兴能与一家中国杂志交谈,尤其是火山杂志。Volcanor和我,Magva于2022年12月1日录制了三首歌曲的Demo,这是乐队成立的日子。我们称自己为Toxik Volcano,因为唯一比火山更残酷的东西是毒火山,以k开头。

G’day from Eucalypt Springs, 250kms North of Mount Scank. We’re pumped to be speaking with a Chinese magazine, particular one called Volcano Magazine. Volcanor and Magva, me, recorded a three song demo on December 1st 2022, which was the start of the band. We called ourselves Toxik Volcano because the only thing more brutal than a volcano is a toxik volcano, with a k.

V: 你们乐队的成员都是第一代成员,我想这让歌曲创作变得容易,因为你们彼此非常了解,知道彼此需要什么样的音乐,你能告诉我们一些关于你们歌曲创作的事情吗?

The members of your band are all first generation members, I guess that makes it easy in terms of songwriting because you know each other so well and know what kind of music each other needs, can you tell us a little bit about your songwriting?

E: 这些歌曲由Volcanor和Magva创作。我们深入地底深处,为我们的火山死亡金属收集灵感,试图捕捉炽热、流动的熔岩和火成岩的真正野蛮本质。

The songs are written by Volcanor and Magva. We enter the cavernous depths of the earth and gather inspiration for our volcanic death metal, trying to capture the true brutal essence of hot, flowing lava and igneous rock formations.

V: 你们乐队的录音非常棒,你们在哪个录音室录制了这张专辑?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Your band's recordings are amazing, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album?

E: 不幸的是,Bob Rock没空,所以我们自己做了,以保持一种粗犷、Old School Death Metal声音。我们不太喜欢华而不实的现代金属声音,更喜欢Demo那种声音。Toxik Volcano的宗旨是忠实于20世纪 90 年代的Old School Demo声音,比如Bestial Warlust和Sadistik Exekution乐队。

Unfortunately, Bob Rock was unavailable, so we did it ourselves to maintain a crusty, old school death metal sound. We don’t really like the slick, modern metal sound and prefer the demo kind of sound. The point of Toxik Volcano was to keep true to the old demo sound of the 1990s, bands like Bestial Warlust and Sadistik Exekution.

V: Volcanos, Eruptions, Geology, Death这些都是关于你们的音乐主题,你们的音乐主题在死亡金属中很少见,为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你想通过这些主题表达什么?你写过歌词吗?谁创作了歌词,他的灵感来自什么?

Volcanos, Eruptions, Geology, Death these are about your musical themes, your musical themes are rarely seen in death metal, why did you choose such musical themes? What do you want to express through these themes? Do you write any lyrics, who writes them and what inspires them?

E: Death Metal乐队从一开始就在歌唱死亡,后来又转向太空和科学,因此自然而然地转向地质和岩层,而地质学中最极端的部分就是火山。这就像死亡和地质的结合,因为如果你掉进火山里你就会死,没有什么比板块破碎更能体现残酷了。我们只是想通过这些歌词来表达残酷的Old School Death Metal。作为主唱的Volcanor写了歌词。我们在桉树泉长大,可以说是天生的专家,从小就对火山了如指掌。这是我们每个小学孩子所受教育的一部分,因为我们离斯坎克山很近。

Death metal bands have been singing about death since the beginning, and has moved on to space and science, so it was only natural to move into geology and rock formations, and the most extreme part of geology is volcanoes. It’s like a combination of death and geology because if you fall into a volcano, you will die. Nothing says brutality more than the crushing of tectonic plates. We just want to express brutal old school death metal through these lyrics. Volcanor, being the vocalist, writes the lyrics. Growing up in Eucalypt Springs, we’re sort of naturally experts, brought up with knowledge on volcanoes. It’s part of every primary school kid’s education where we grew up, being so close to Mount Scank.

V: Your logo is uniquely designed to resemble a volcano, which fits in well with the theme of your music, who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also about volcanoes, who created this artwork for you?


E: 这是Magva,我做了所有这些,你喜欢吗?如果有人感兴趣,我可以为你设计Logo。

This is Magva. I did all that. Did you like it? I’m available to create logos if anyone is interested.

V: 你曾与Rassilon Records和Iron Fortress Records发行过专辑,这两家都是非常年轻的厂牌,你是如何与这些厂牌取得联系并合作的?我看到Rassilon Records是一家黑金属厂牌,他们为什么要为你发行专辑?

You've released albums with Rassilon Records and Iron Fortress Records, both of which are very young labels, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? I see that Rassilon Records is a black metal label, why would they release an album for you?

E: 你必须向Rassilon Records的BenPM询问。Toxik Volcano从Rassilon Records购买了一些商品,我们向Ben发送了一个Demo,看看他是否愿意发布它。他对此很感兴趣并与我们签约。Rassilon Records有很多黑金属,但发行的是极端澳大利亚金属,而Toxik Volcano符合这一描述。

You’d have to ask BenPM from Rassilon Records for that. Toxik Volcano bought some merch from Rassilon Records and we sent Ben a demo to see if he’d be up for releasing it. He was into it and signed us up. Rassilon Records has a lot of black metal, but releases extreme Aussie metal, and Toxik Volcano fits that description.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行的“A Trilogy of Cataclysmic Eruptions”,这张专辑总结了你们之前的作品,你们是一支Old School Death Metal乐队,有连续的快速即兴重复乐段和非常快的鼓点!就像一台高速运转的机器。

First of all, congratulations on this year's release “A Trilogy of Cataclysmic Eruptions”, an album that summarizes your previous work, you're an Old School Death Metal band, with continuous fast riffs and very fast drums! You're an Old School Death Metal band, with fast riffs, fast drums, and low vocals, like a machine running at high speed.

E: 谢谢,我们正努力让Old School音乐继续流传。澳大利亚是Old School Death Metal的发祥地。

Thanks. We’re trying to keep the old school sound alive. Australia is great for old school death metal.

V: 2024年你们乐队有哪些新计划可以透露给大家?

What are some of the new things you have coming up for your band in 2024 that you can reveal to people?

E: 我们录制了一些新歌,准备发行Spilt,但我们绝对愿意与任何感兴趣的中国极端金属乐队合作。我们的Meatfist伙伴也非常愿意。

We have some new songs recorded and ready for splits. A split release is planned, but we’d definitely be keen to do splits with any extreme Chinese metal bands who are interested. Our mates in Meatfist would be keen too.

V: 你参加过哪些音乐节?哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象?你能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?2024年你还被邀请参加哪些音乐节?

What festivals have you been to, what festivals have impressed you, and can you describe the atmosphere, and what other festivals have you been invited to in 2024?

E: 我们目前正在排练,准备在1月份在西澳大利亚珀斯的家乡Eucalypt Springs以外的地方首次演出。我们还没有被邀请参加任何音乐节,但我们绝对愿意将我们炙手可热的Volcanic Death Metal带到音乐节舞台上。

We’re currently rehearsing to play for the first time outside our home town of Eucalypt Springs, with a gig in Perth, Western Australia in January. We haven’t been invited to play any festivals yet, but we’re definitely open to bringing our steaming hot volcanic death metal to festival stages.

V: 澳大利亚有很多很棒的乐队,而且你们的金属音乐圈发展得也很好,你能告诉我们你们国家的金属音乐圈的情况吗?你会向中国乐迷推荐哪些乐队?

There are a lot of great bands in Australia and you have a very well developed metal scene, what can you tell us about your country's metal scene? What bands do you recommend to Chinese fans?

E: 澳大利亚的金属乐坛很火爆。有很多演出,很多杀手级的Death Metal乐队,也有很多很棒的唱片,Toxik Volcano建议听听Iniquitous Monolith、Burial Pit、Unholy Redeemer、Tom Thumb、Choof、Abramelin、Aglo、Pustilence……目前有很多很棒的澳大利亚乐队都在推出坚实的Death Metal。

The Aussie metal scene kicks ass. There are lots of gigs, lots of killer death metal bands, and lots of great releases. Toxik Volcano recommends checking out Iniquitous Monolith, Burial Pit, Unholy Redeemer, Tom Thumb, Choof, Abramelin, Aglo, Pustilence….there are so many great Aussie bands putting out solid death metal at the moment.

V: Toxik Volcano是一支很棒的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,虽然你们的乐队在中国不是很出名,但我希望通过这次采访有更多的中国粉丝会知道、认可和关注你们的乐队,最后你有什么想对中国粉丝说的吗?

Toxik Volcano is a great band, I will always support and follow your band, although your band is not very famous in China, I hope that through this interview, more Chinese fans will know, recognize, and pay attention to your band, in the end, do you have anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans?

E: 如果有人感兴趣的话,我们有CD和周边产品可供购买 - - 而且我们的东西随处可见,感谢所有关注我们的中国粉丝,感谢接受采访。记住小心TOXIK VOLCANO!!!!

We have CDs and merch available if anyone is interested – – and our stuff is streaming everywhere. Thanks to anyone Chinese fans who have checked us out. Thanks for the interview. Remember, beware the TOXIK VOLCANO!!!!

Toxik Volcano乐队主要作品:

Toxik Volcano - Volcanicus Toxicus Volcanus(2022)

Toxik Volcano - Sulfuric Ash Asphyxiation(2023)

Toxik Volcano - Drown the World in Lava(2024)

Toxik Volcano - A Trilogy of Cataclysmic Eruptions(2024)

Toxik Volcano乐队官方Spotify网站:

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