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生活就是煎熬 - 美国Old School Grindcore乐队Life’s Torment专访

今天采访到的是来自美国的Old School Grindcore乐队Life’s Torment,2007年由Larry Brough在2007年创立,以Hardcore / Grind-Punk / SK8 Violence / Fastcore风格为主,在经过人员变动和一系列的变故之后乐队发行了大量的作品,Life’s Torment乐队的品简单、短小精悍,没有一丝拖沓,非常有爆发力,他们的演奏影响来自Grind,Punk,Hardcore等风格,这才行了大量作品之后乐队也受到很多音乐节的邀请,给很多歌迷留下了深刻印象,同时Life’s Torment乐队也是目前非常火热的乐队之一,前几天乐队成员Larry与我取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 L: 代表Larry)

Today's interview is with Life's Torment, an Old School Grindcore band from the United States, founded in 2007 by Larry Brough in the Hardcore / Grind-Punk / SK8 Violence / Fastcore genre. Life's Torment's sound is simple, short, and punchy, without a hint of drag, and very explosive, with influences from Grind, Punk, and Hardcore, which has led to many festival appearances. The band has been invited to many festivals and has impressed many fans, and Life's Torment is one of the hottest bands in the scene right now. A few days ago, Larry, a member of the band, got in touch with me for an interview!

(V: for the author L: for Larry)

采访对象:LarryLife’s Torment乐队创始人


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先跟中国的粉丝们打个招呼吧!Life's Torment乐队成立于哪一年?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time you guys have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans! What year was Life's Torment formed?

L: Volcano Mag和我们可能拥有的中国粉丝们你们好!是的,这是第一次有中国刊物采访我们。Life's Torment乐队成立于2007年,创始人是Larry Brough。

Hello Volcano Mag & any Chinese fans we might have!!! Yes, this is the first time a Chinese publication has interviewed us. Life’s Torment was originally formed in 2007 by founding member Larry Brough.

V: 你们现在有三名成员,你们都是第一代成员吗?乐队中还有一位女性成员,你们是如何邀请她加入乐队的?

You have three members in the band now, are you all first generation members? You also have a female member in the band, how did you invite her to join the band?

L: 在大多数情况下,我们一直是三人组合。但也有过几次双人表演。不,这不是最初的阵容。这绝对是迄今为止最强大/最有趣的阵容之一!Ryan A.(贝斯手)已经加入我们一年半了。她带来了充沛的精力和动力。这正是乐队茁壮成长的源泉。大约两年前,我们的前任贝斯手因个人原因与我们分道扬镳。Joey(鼓手)和我在那时完成了新专辑的创作和录制。之后我们开始寻找一位有潜力的贝斯手。我知道Ryan会很合适。幸运的是她同意了!LOL!

For the most part we’ve always been a trio. But there has been a few occasions we performed as a two piece. No, this is not the original line up. It is definitely one of the strongest/funnest lineups to date! Ryan A. (bass) has been with us for 1.5 years now. She brings good energy & drive. That’s what this band thrives off. About 2 years ago our past bass player parted ways for personal reasons. Joey (drums) & I finished writing/recording our new album at that time. After that we started looking for a potential bassist. I knew Ryan would be a good fit. Luckily she agreed! LOL!

V: 你的乐队发行了很多专辑,你是怎么写歌的?你能描述一下创作过程吗?

Your band has released a lot of albums, how do you write your songs? can you describe the creative process?

L: 可以!我们努力把它们写出来!至于创作过程,我只是试着想出一些很酷的/令人难忘的旋律,然后围绕这些旋律创作歌曲结构。至于歌词,我一直在写。一旦写好,我通常会有大量的诗歌/注释可供选择,并添加到歌曲中。

Yea! We try to crank em out! As for the writing process, I just try to come up with cool/viscous riffs, then make a song structure around it. As for lyrics, I’m always writing. I usually have plenty of poems/notes to choose from to add to the songs, once written.

V: 你们乐队的录音非常出色,请问你们是在哪个录音棚录制的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

The recordings of your band's work are outstanding, what studio did you record your work at? Which producer produced your album?

L: 我们去过几个不同的录音室。Digital Insight,内华达州拉斯维加斯。Hit Joint,加州洛杉矶。我们的老贝司手录制了我们的一些唱片。我们最近的录音是在内华达州拉斯维加斯的 Asteroid M 录制的。我们迫不及待地想让人们听到我们的新作品!最终我们计划在公司内部完成所有工作!

Well, we’ve been to a few different studios. Digital Insight, Las Vegas NV. Hit Joint, Los Angeles CA. Our old bassist recorded a handful of our releases. Our most recent recordings were tracked at Asteroid M, Las Vegas NV. We can’t wait for people to hear our new stuff! Eventually we plan to do everything in house!

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这个音乐主题?你会写歌词吗?

What is the theme of your band's music about? Why did you choose this musical theme? Do you write any lyrics, and who writes those lyrics?

L: Life’s Torment!名字本身就说明了问题。在我看来,Hardcore/Punk是一种抗议音乐。它绝对能帮我一吐为快。歌词内容包括腐败的政府、奸诈的警察、现代奴隶制、失落的爱情、失败的关系、种族主义、法西斯主义、虐待动物等......很简单,因为有很多事情值得愤怒!几乎所有的歌词都是我写的。

Life’s Torment! The name speaks for itself. Hardcore/Punk is protest music in my opinion. It definitely helps me get a lot off my chest. The lyrics range from corrupt governments, crooked cops, modern day slavery, lost love, failed relationships, racism, fascism, animal cruelty, etc… Simply because there a lot to be angry about! I pretty much write all the lyrics.

V: 你们乐队的logo非常简单,但却是我个人的最爱......是谁为你们设计的logo?你们的专辑封面是写实的......谁为你们设计的封面?

Your band's logo is very simple, but it's my personal favorite...who designed the logo for you? Your album artwork is photo-realistic...who designed the artwork for you?

L: 我们大部分的名称logo都是我设计的。我为封面设计概念和收集图片,然后由我们的朋友 K.Fetus完成最终的排版和设计。

I pretty much designed most of our name logos. I come up with the concept & gather pic for the cover art. Then our friend K.Fetus does the final layout & design.

V: 你们是自己发行专辑,还是选择唱片公司为你们发行专辑?你对这些唱片公司的工作满意吗?

Do you release your albums on your own or do you choose labels to release them for you, and how do you get in touch with those labels to collaborate? Are you satisfied with the work of the labels?

L: 我们的专辑都是自己发行的。我们确实得到了一些不同地下厂牌的帮助。我们对此非常感激。我通常只是在一些我知道可能有兴趣参与的厂牌中巡视。满意!非常感谢任何帮助!卖唱片似乎一年比一年难。在我看来,任何支持我们事业的人都是了不起的!向这些唱片公司致敬!- To Live A Lie,Rotten to the Core,Deep Six,PanicIncMusic ,Wisegrinds

Our releases are very much DIY. We do get some help from a few different underground labels. Which we are grateful for. I usually just make my rounds to a few labels that I know might be interested in pitching in. Yes! Any help is appreciated! It seems it’s getting harder every year to sell records. Anyone down with our cause is awesome in my book! Shout out to these labels! - To Live A Lie,Rotten to the Core,Deep Six,PanicIncMusic ,Wisegrinds

V: 你们刚刚发行了两张新专辑,很抱歉我刚刚才知道你们的乐队,但你们的作品给我留下了深刻的印象,你们的作品有Punk, Hardcore, Old School Grindcore的影响,你们的作品简单、短小精悍,没有一丝拖沓,非常有爆发力,你们对自己的作品有什么看法?

You guys just released two new releases, sorry I just found out about your band, but I'm really impressed with your work, you guys have punk, hardcore, old school grindcore influences, you're simple, short and punchy, not a hint of drag, very explosive, what do you guys think about your own work?

L: 你说的流派/影响都很准确!老实说,不是我自夸,我喜欢我们所做的一切。但是我们一直在努力进步,每一次发行都会更加努力。

You named the genres/influences spot on! & honestly, not to pat myself on my own back, but I love everything we’ve done. But, we’re always trying to progress & push harder on every release.

V: 你们在2024年有什么新作品?比如写作、录音或者参加更多音乐节,能透露一些信息吗?

What new work do you have coming up in 2024? Like writing, recording more or playing more festivals, can you reveal some information to people?

L: 我们将在今年秋冬发行一张新专辑。非常高兴!至少可以说,它绝对与众不同!至于明年的现场演出,我们会更有选择性。我们只能做这么多。我们是一支工人阶级乐队。

We have a new LP coming out this Fall/Winter. Very happy about it! It’s definitely different to say the least! As for playing out live next year, we’re going to be a little more selective. We can only do so much. We are a working class band.

V: 你参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你留下了深刻印象,你能谈谈音乐节的氛围吗?

What are some of the festivals you've been to, and what are some of the festivals that have left a lasting impression on you, and what can you tell us about the atmosphere?

L: 嗯。我参加过很多不同的音乐节。但不全是HC/Grind。有些很酷,有些不怎么样。对我来说,很难想整天待在音乐节里。哈哈。

Hmmm. I’ve been to quite a few different festivals. Not all HC/Grind though. Some are cool, some not so much. For me, it’s hard to want to be at a fest all day long. Haha.

V: Life's Torment是一支非常非常棒的乐队,虽然我是第一次认识你们乐队,但我一直在支持和关注你们乐队,我希望这次采访能让更多的中国歌迷了解、关注和支持你们乐队,采访结束后,你们想和中国歌迷说些什么?

Life's Torment is a great, great band, although it's my first time to know your band, I've been supporting and following your band, and I hope that this interview will let more Chinese fans know, follow and support your band, what would you like to talk to your Chinese fans about after this interview?

L: 非常感谢!谢谢你们抽出时间和我们聊天!我们非常感谢任何曝光机会!对于中国歌迷和所有歌迷,我只能说保持坚强,继续战斗!永远追随自己的内心。永远不要怀疑自己!



Larry B. / Life’s Torment

Thanks a ton! And thanks for taking time to chat with us! We definitely appreciate any exposure! As for Chinese fans & all fans, all I can say is stay strong & keep fighting the good fight! Always follow your heart. Never doubt yourself!

Thanks again!


Larry B. / Life’s Torment

Life’s Torment乐队主要作品:

Life’s Torment - Torn Apart(2011)

Life’s Torment - Becoming What You Hate(2017)

Life’s Torment - Bloodshed(2014)

Life’s Torment - Demoralized(2021)

Life’s Torment - The Anatomy of Betrayal(2015)

Life’s Torment - Hindsight(2020)

Life’s Torment - Thou Shall Conform, Or Else​.​.​.(2024)

Life’s Torment乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Life’s Torment乐队官方Facebook网站:

Life’s Torment乐队官方Instagram网站:

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