今天介绍的是来自意大利 / 美国 / 泰国三个国家成员组建的一支Technical Brutal Death Metal乐队Theurgy,2021由Marco组建,Theurgy一词的含义是古希腊语神术的意思,最初Marco在网上发布他创作的Riff的视频,不久之后俄罗斯的鼓手Roman与Marco取得联系希望能够录制一些歌曲,随后来自泰国的Polwach Beokhaimook以歌手的身份加入了乐队并且在2021年录制了乐队的第一张Demo作品,虽然这张Demo只有短暂的两首歌曲,但是并没有掩盖乐队的实力,最终由美国的New Standard Elite厂牌发行CD版本,在这张Demo发行不久之后乐队阵容发生了一些变化,鼓手Roman退出去乐队接替他的是来自美国的19岁天才鼓手Nikhil,还有加拿大的吉他手Brandon加入乐队并且2024年在New Standard Elite发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Emanations of Unconscious Luminescence”,这张专辑绝对是2024年最出色的Technical Brutal Death Metal类型的作品之一,复杂的编曲,密集的Riff,Nikhil的表现绝对是整张专辑中最抢眼的部分,前不久乐队和来自厄瓜多尔Insalubrity,美国的Excrescence,美国的Anal Stabwound三支乐队合作方行了最新的Spilt专辑“Sheol”,在新专辑发行之际杂志为Theurgy进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Marco)
Today we present Theurgy, a Technical Brutal Death Metal band formed by members from three countries, Italy / USA / Thailand, 2021 was formed by Marco, the word Theurgy means “Theurgy” in ancient Greek, initially Marco posted a video of his riffs on the internet and soon after Russian drummer Roman contacted Marco to record some songs. Marco was contacted by Russian drummer Roman, who wanted to record some songs, and then Polwach Beokhaimook from Thailand joined the band as a singer and recorded the band's first demo in 2021, which was only a short two-song affair but didn't overshadow the band's strengths, and was eventually released on CD by the American label New Shortly after the release of the demo, the band underwent some lineup changes, with drummer Roman quitting the band to be replaced by Nikhil, a talented 19-year-old drummer from the US, and Canadian guitarist Brandon joining the band to release their first official album on New Standard Elite in 2024. Their first official album “Emanations of Unconscious Luminescence” is definitely one of the best Technical Brutal Death Metal releases of 2024, with intricate arrangements, dense riffs, Nikhil's vocals, and a lot of funk. Riffs, Nikhil's performance is definitely the most eye-catching part of the album, not long ago the band collaborated with three bands from Ecuador Insalubrity, the United States of Excrescence, the United States of Anal Stabwound three bands to square the latest Spilt album “Sheol”. “On the occasion of the release of the album, Theurgy was interviewed by the magazine!
(V: for the author M: for Marco)
V: 你好Marco很高兴见到你,非常感谢您接受我们的采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先向所有中国的乐迷和朋友们问好。Theurgy 成立于2021年。这是一支非常年轻的乐队。你们是如何组建这支乐队的?Theurgy这个名字有什么含义吗?
Hello Marco, nice to meet you and thank you very much for your participation in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, I would like to say hello to all the fans and friends in China. Theurgy was founded in 2021. It is a very young band. How did you form this band? Does the name Theurgy mean anything?
M: 你好!这是乐队的第一次官方采访。我最近的精神病诊断是 “精神分裂症”。Theurgy一词的含义来自前希腊古代。我引用维基百科上的一段话神术(古希腊语:θεουργία,theurghía)是一种宗教实践,尤其是在基督教之前的希腊罗马古代,其目的是创造奇迹,带来巨大的利益,发展神力,使神术师与他们的神圣部分相认同并获得永生。这个乐队的名字是我在意大利的一次心灵旅行中,与一位名叫Don Antonio的本笃会修道士好友的谈话中偶然得到的。这个词深深地打动了我,所以我选择了它。关于乐队的诞生:从16岁到20岁直到现在,我还经常在社交媒体上发布自己创作的Riff视频。一个神奇的日子,俄罗斯鼓手Roman在信使上给我写了一条信息:他告诉我,如果我录制了一些音乐,他就会录制鼓声。因为我一开始是贝斯手(13 岁开始弹贝斯,15-16 岁转弹吉他),所以我或多或少地整理了我在guitar pro上写的大量小片段的tablatures:这就是我如何录制2021 demo的过程,弹奏贝斯和吉他。我们在社交媒体上是很久的朋友了。我们在2020年夏天录制了2021Demo。
hello! this is the first official interview of the band. I am very happy to participate. my latest psychiatric diagnosis is "schizotype". the meaning of the word theurgy comes from pre-Greek antiquity. I quote Wikipedia: "Theurgy (in ancient greek: θεουργία, theurghía) is a religious practice practiced especially in pre-Christian Greco-Roman antiquity, aimed at producing miracles, prodigious benefits and developing powers with which theurgists came to identify with their divine part and obtain immortality." The name of the band was "given" to me by chance from a conversation with a dear friend of mine, a Benedictine monk, called Don Antonio, during a spiritual journey in Italy. The term deeply struck me and so I chose it. as regards the birth of the band: between the ages of 16 and 20, and still today, I used to post videos of riffs of my own creation on social media. one magical day, the Russian drummer Roman wrote me a message on messenger: more or less, he told me that if I had recorded some music he would have recorded the drums. this encouraged me to record for the first time (if I had been more courageous I could have recorded music even earlier). since i started out as a bass player (i started playing bass at 13 and switched to guitar at 15-16), i more or less organized the excessive amount of small fragments of tablatures i had written on guitar pro: this is how i recorded the pieces of the 2021 demo, playing bass and guitar. roman recorded the drums, but we needed a singer. polwach beokhaimook's gurgling voices had deeply impressed me, so i asked him to join our band and he accepted. we had been friends on social media for a long time. we recorded the 2021 demo in 2020, in the summer. i apologize if my answers are not completely exhaustive, i try to do my best.
V: 2023年新成员Brandon Iacovella作为吉他手加入了乐队。新年成员是如何加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?
In 2023, a new member Brandon Iacovella joined the band as a guitarist. How did the New Year members join the band? Are you satisfied with the work of the new members?
M: 我很高兴新成员加入Theurgy项目,因为我认为Theurgy不是一个乐队,而是一个集体。我之所以选择Brandon,是因为他尚未发行的项目Onychorrexis的EP给我留下了深刻印象,在我们的远程对话中,他私下与我分享了这张EP。我一直对Theurgy成员的工作感到满意:如果有爱和激情,因为团结就是力量,结果只能是非凡和奇迹。礼仪是一个大家庭 不过。
I am very happy to include new members in the Theurgy project, because I see Theurgy not as a band, but as a collective. I chose brandon because I was deeply impressed by the EP of his project onychorrexis, not yet released, which he shared with me privately, during our telematic dialogue. I am always satisfied with the work of the members of theurgy: if there is love and passion, since unity is strength, the results can only be extraordinary and miraculous. Theurgy is a family!! However.
V: 你们乐队的每个成员都是音乐家,在创作极端金属符号方面有着丰富的经验。能谈谈你们的创作过程吗?我相信你们的创作经验会给更多年轻人带来创作灵感!
Every member of your band is a musician with rich experience in creating extreme metal symbols. Can you tell us about your creative process? I believe your creative experience will bring creative inspiration to more young people!
M: 这个问题很好也很重要,但很难回答。我想用我记忆中的一句箴言来回答:“爱使爱的人有资格,而不是使被爱的人有资格"(方济各会修道士埃利吉奥神父)“进什么不重要,重要的是出什么"(耶稣)“求就给你,叩门就给你开门"(耶稣)也许创造过程是无法解释的:它是神奇而神秘的......重要的是要相信它!用你的双手和手指去实践(一般的身体)。矿物王国、植物王国和动物王国紧密相连,祈祷、祝福和照顾这三个王国对宇宙的福祉至关重要,我梦想一个和平与真正自由的世界,没有战争,没有苦难和痛苦。
wonderful and important question, but difficult to answer. I will use aphorisms borrowed from my memory: "love qualifies those who love, not those who are loved" (Father Eligio, Franciscan monk) "it is not important what comes in, but what comes out" (Jesus) "ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you" (Jesus) maybe the creative process is inexplicable: it is magical and mysterious... the important thing is to believe in it! and use your hands and fingers to practice (the body in general). the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms are closely interconnected and praying, blessing and taking care of these 3 kingdoms is essential for the well-being of the cosmos. I dream of a world of peace and authentic freedom, without wars, without suffering and pain
V: 你们乐队的录音效果非常好。你们在哪个录音棚录制了这张专辑?谁为你们制作了专辑?
The recording effect of your band is excellent. In which studio did you record the album? Who produced the album for you?
M: 由伟大的Januaryo Hardy在印度尼西亚的insidious soundlab工作室制作。乐队的每个成员都在不同的“录音室”,在家里在自己的地盘上录音。我用一个简单的斯坦伯格声卡录制吉他,我的一个朋友大概10年前把它忘在我家了。Theurgy的每位成员都使用了独特的录音方法和技巧。我个人对音乐制作一无所知。事实上为了制作“Emanations of Unconscious Luminescence”,Januaryo做了10次完整的尝试。我很抱歉让他如此辛苦。但归根结底每个人都是一件独一无二、不可复制的乐器,因此每个人的耳朵都不一样,听到的声音也不一样。
produced by the great Januaryo Hardy at insidious soundlab studios, Indonesia. each member of the band recorded in a different "studio", at home, in their own territory. I recorded the guitar with a simple steinberg sound card that a friend of mine forgot at my house something like 10 years ago. in fact I want and have to give it back to him and I will do it soon. each member of Theurgy used unique recording methods and skills. personally I know nothing about music production. in fact to get Emanations of unconscious luminescence Januaryo had to do 10 full attempts. I'm sorry for making him struggle so much. but in the end every human being is, metaphorically, a unique and unrepeatable musical instrument, so everyone has different ears and hears the sound differently
V: 你们的Loho设计非常独特,谁为你设计了这个Logo?你的专辑封面设计也非常独特。谁为你们设计的?
Your logo design is very unique. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also very unique. Who designed this artwork for you?
M: Logo由NSE的前任所有人Daniel设计。NSE专辑的插图由Mariya Popyk(Crnobogart)设计。乐器专辑(可在bandcamp上下载)的插图由Polwach Beokhaimook设计。
Logo done by Daniel, the past owner of NSE. artwork of the NSE album with vox done by Mariya Popyk ( Crnobogart). artwork for instrumental album (avaiable on bandcamp) done by Polwach Beokhaimook.
V: 你们乐队的所有作品都由美国著名品牌New Standard Elite发行。你们是如何与该品牌取得联系并进行合作的?你们对这个品牌的作品满意吗?
All the works of your band are released by the famous American brand New Standard Elite. How did you get in touch with this brand to cooperate? Are you satisfied with the work of this brand?
M: 我们对NSE非常非常满意。NSE与我们签约是因为Byonoisegenerator和Polwach的Roman NOX将2021 Demo寄给了Daniel。
We are very very satisfied by NSE. NSE signed us because roman NOX of byonoisegenerator and polwach sent the demo 2021 to Daniel.
V: 你的音乐主题是关于什么的?为什么选择这样一个音乐主题?你想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们有没有创作歌词部分,这些歌词是谁写的?
Your music theme what's it about? Why do you choose such a music theme? What do you want to express through such a music theme? You also wrote the lyrics. Who wrote these lyrics and what inspired him?
M: 歌词是声音......我们没有想过用词。我曾尝试写歌词,但我认为歌词不够充分,因为音乐......
Lyrics are sounds... we had no words in mind. i have tried to write lyrics but i thought they were not enough adequate as the musick...
V: 首先祝贺你们的第一张正式专辑"Emanations of Uncommon Luminance"于2024年发行。这是一张非常棒的作品。急促、激烈、连续的旋律,鼓手准确、快速的敲击,歌手悦耳、深情的演唱都给我留下了深刻的印象。你如何看待自己的作品?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album "Emanations of Uncommon Luminance" in 2024. This is a wonderful work. I was deeply impressed by the rapid, fierce and continuous riff, the accurate and quick strike of the drummer, and the sticky and deep singing of the singer is also very frequent. What do you think of your work?
M: 就像莫扎特+巴赫。
It's like Mozart + Bach.
V: 2025年你们乐队是否有新的工作,比如创作、录制新歌或发行新专辑?能告诉我们一些信息吗?
Is there any new work for your band in 2025, such as writing, recording some new songs or releasing a new album? Can you tell us some information?
M: 我们正在创作一些特别的作品,但我们仍在消化过去的时光。
We are working on something special but we are still digesting the past time
V: 虽然你们是一支非常年轻的乐队,但你们确实是一支非常有前途的乐队。我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队。我也希望通过这次采访能有更多的中国乐迷关注你们的乐队。最后你们有什么话要对中国的乐迷朋友们说吗?
Although you are a very young band, you are indeed a very promising band. I will always support and pay attention to your band. I also hope that more China fans will pay attention to your band through this interview. Do you have anything to say to your fans and friends in China at the end?
M: 合作是根本。热爱一切。
CollaborationS are FOUNDAMENTAL. love everything.
Theurgy - Emanations of Unconscious Luminescence(2024)
Insalubrity / Excrescence / Anal Stabwound / Theurgy - Sheol(2025)