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秋天,悲伤的耳语者 - 荷兰Death/Doom Metal乐队Sensitive to Autumn专访

今天我采访到的是来自荷兰的Death/Doom Metal乐队Sad Whisperings最老牌的乐队之一,他们早在1990年就已经组建了,如果要追溯到更早的时间,乐队其实早在1989年就已经组建了当时取名为Desecrate,由Alexander,Menno和Erik组建,在这个时期乐队以Old School Death Metal风格为主并且发行了两张Demo作品,但是由于年代久远这两张Demo作品已经很难到找到试听了,但是从乐队翻唱曲目中可以看出来乐队是Autopsy的忠实粉丝,1992年乐队更名为Sad Whisperings并且在1993年发行了他们的第一张也是唯一的一张正式专辑“Sensitive to Autumn”,这张专辑由荷兰Foundation 2000厂牌发行(这家厂牌还为荷兰的著名Death 'n' Roll乐队Gorefest发行过专辑)这张专辑发行之后就受到了荷兰本土的好评,这张专辑最大的特点就是在氛围方面非常注重,再加上Doom的元素,然他们的作品更加阴暗,沉重,在这张专辑发行之后乐队还发行了三张Demo作品,2004年乐队再次更换了名字同时也改变了风格并且在2005年发行了一张Demo作品之后再无任何新作品发行,直到2023年乐队在荷兰Vic Records厂牌发行了一张Compilation专辑“Return to Autumn”,如果你还不了解这支乐队,但是又对这支乐队非常感谢,不妨听听他们的这张“Return to Autumn”,这张专辑也是对乐队怎么多年来最好的总结,在前不久乐队的创始人吉他 / 歌手Alexander van Leeuwen与我取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 A: 代表Alexander van Leeuwen)

Today I'm talking to one of the oldest bands in the Dutch Death/Doom Metal scene, Sad Whisperings, who formed back in 1990, or even earlier, in 1989, under the name Desecrate, with Alexander, Menno and Erik. The band was formed by Alexander, Menno and Erik, and during this time the band focused on Old School Death Metal and released two demos, which are hard to find due to the age of the band, but it is clear from the band's covers that the band were big fans of Autopsy. Whisperings in 1992 and released their first and only official album "Sensitive to Autumn" in 1993, which was released on the Dutch label Foundation 2000 (which also released the album for the famous Dutch Death 'n' Roll band Gorefest). The album was released on Foundation 2000 (the same label that released the album for the famous Dutch Death 'n' Roll band Gorefest) and was well received in the Netherlands. The album was characterized by a strong focus on ambience and the addition of Doom, which made their work darker and heavier. In 2004 the band changed their name and style again and in 2005 they released one demo and nothing more until 2023 when they released a compilation album "Return to Autumn" on Vic Records, if you don't know the band yet but are very thankful for them, you should check out their new album "Return to Autumn" on Vic Records. If you don't know the band yet, but appreciate them, listen to "Return to Autumn", which is a great summary of how the band has been doing for years, and I was contacted by the band's founding guitarist/vocalist, Alexander van Leeuwen, for an interview a little while ago!

(V: for the author A: for Alexander van Leeuwen)

采访对象:Alexander van LeeuwenSad Whisperings乐队吉他 / 歌手)


V: 你好Alexander van Leeuwen很高兴见到你,非常感谢你联系我接受这次采访,Sad Whisperings乐队成立于1992年,但实际上你们成立于1990年,你们是一支历史悠久、资历深厚的乐队,是谁发起成立这支乐队的?我想这是很久以前的事了,你还记得当时的情况吗?Sad Whisperings这个名字是什么意思?

Hello Alexander van Leeuwen it's a pleasure to meet you and thank you very much for contacting me for this interview, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Sad Whisperings was formed in 1992, but you were actually formed in 1990, you are a very old band with a lot of credentials, who initiated the formation of the band? I think it's a long time ago, do you remember what it was like, and what does the name Sad Whisperings mean?

A: 你好,中国的朋友们!很高兴我们的音乐在你们国家也受到欢迎。是的,我们是在89年以Desecrate这个名字开始的。Menno(贝斯手)和我组建了这支乐队。我们想做重型音乐。不久,我们找到了鼓手Erik,开始了三人乐队。Sad Whisperings这个名字就像是"悲伤的低语者"。我们喜欢这个名字的氛围,因为它适合我们的音乐。

Hello everbody over there in China! Great that our music is also appreciated in you're country Yes we started in ‘89 under the name Desecrate. Menno ( bass) and I started the band. We wanted to make heavy music. Soon we found Erik for drums and we started off as a three piece band. The name Sad Whisperings is like it is Whispers who are sad. We liked the atmosphere of the name, cause it suited the music.

V: 你们是乐队的第一代成员,其他成员是2004年加入乐队的,你们都是老朋友了,他们是怎么加入乐队的?

You're the first generation of the band, the rest of the members joined the band in 2004, you're all very old friends, how did they all come to be in the band?

A: Aad van Straalen在95年就已经是贝斯手了,我们是通过当地一家唱片店的广告找到他的。因为Menno后来改弹键盘了,我们成了朋友。96/97年,我结束在阿根廷的生活回到荷兰后(与前Entombed乐队成员Lars Rosenberg一起在Mental Distortion乐队演出)我重新组建了乐队,人们告诉我Jurgen Oldenburger是个不错的吉他手。我们约好了时间,直接成了好朋友,现在还在一起演奏。

Aad van Straalen already played bass in ‘95 we found him via an add at a local record store. Cause Menno then switched to keys. We became friends. After I came back to Holland from my adventure in Argentina ‘96/’97 ( played in Mental Distortion with Lars Rosenberg ex- Entombed.) I reformed the band and people told me Jurgen Oldenburger is a good guitar player. We made an appointment and directly became good friends, and still playing together.

V: 你们的乐队曾多次更名,是什么让你们以如此频繁的更名?

Your band has changed its name many times, what makes you change your name in such a mundane way?

A: 我们只改过一次名字,从Desecrate改成了Sad Whisperings。因为我们觉得这个名字更适合我们的音乐。

We changed the name only one time from Desecrate to Sad Whisperings. Cause we thought that name suited the music better.

V: 多年来你们的乐队时断时续,是什么让你们一直处于这种时断时续的状态?

Your band has been on and off over the years that you've been together, what has kept you in this off and on state?

A: 第一次是因为我在96年去了阿根廷。然后我们又经历了一段当爸爸的时期等等。现在我们又重新组建了,因为Vic Records的Roel重新发行了我们的材料,并问我们:你们为什么不做一张新唱片呢?

First time was cause I went to Argentina in ‘96 Later cause of line up trouble. Then we had a period of becoming dads and so on. And now we are reformed cause Roel of Vic Records re released our material and asked us: why dont you make a new record!?

V: 你们都是老朋友了,对彼此都很了解,都知道对方需要创作什么样的音乐,所以你们正在创作一些我认为会非常成功的作品,能给我们讲讲你们的创作过程吗?

You're both very old friends, you know each other very well, you both know what kind of music each other needs to create, so you're in the process of creating something that I think is going to go very well, can you tell us a little bit about your creative process?

A: 好的!因为我们是老朋友,彼此非常了解!我们了解彼此的能力。Jurgen、Premnath和我自己写基本歌曲,然后与Aad和Chris一起开始创作。我们都很有创造力,我们之间有很好的化学反应,所以歌曲100%都是集体创作的!

Right! Cause we are old friends we know each other very well! We know eachothers competency. Jurgen, Premnath and myself write the basic songs and then with Aad and Chris we started working on it.We are all very creative and there is a good chemistry between us so the songs are 100% a collective thing!

V: 你们在哪个录音室录音录制的专辑,哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑,我很喜欢你们的录音!

What studio do you guys record at and what producer makes your albums, I love your recordings!

A: 谢谢!过去,我们经常与来自Weekend at waikiki的Jelke Haisma合作。他在家里有一间工作室。“Sensitive to autumn”是与Jelke和Hans Swagerman在Beaufort工作室录制的。新歌我们将在家里和排练室试听。今年冬天,我们将在一家著名的录音室录制新专辑。(这将是一个惊喜!)

Thank you! In the past we worked a lot with Jelke Haisma from Weekend at waikiki. He had a studio at home. Sensitive to autumn was recorded with Jelke and Hans Swagerman at Beaufort studio. The new songs we will demo at home and at our rehearsal room. This winter we will record the new album at a famous studio. ( Will keep that as a surprise!)

V: 你们的音乐主题是什么?你们想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们写过歌词吗?他的灵感来源是什么?

What is the theme of your music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes? Did you guys write any lyrics parts and who wrote those lyrics? What was his inspiration?

A: 过去我写过歌词,它们就像音乐一样,大气磅礴。大部分是古诗!这些都是我的灵感来源,我喜欢创造空间。现在Jurgen也写歌词了,他的歌词更多的是对当今世界的批判。

In the past I wrote the Lyrics, they're like the music, atmospheric. Mostly old poems! Those are my inspiration I like to create spheres. Now Jurgen writes lyrics too and his lyrics are more critical about what is going on in the world today

V: 你们曾在Vic Records和Foundation 2000发行过专辑,这两个厂牌都来自你们国家,但我对这两个厂牌并不熟悉,能介绍一下吗?

You have released albums with Vic Records and Foundation 2000, both of which are from your country, but I'm not familiar with these two labels, can you tell me about them?

A: Foundation 2000是荷兰的一个Cultc厂牌,它发掘并发行了Gorefest和The Gathering的第一张专辑,还发行了Sempiternal Deathreign、Delirium等专辑。Vic records发行了大量经典唱片和Demo唱片的复刻版,保持了地下音乐的活力!请访问他的网站了解发行情况:

Foundation 2000 is a Dutch Cult label wich discovered and released the first albums of Gorefest and The Gathering also Sempiternal Deathreign, Delirium and so on. Vic records does a lot of re issues of classical releases and demos, keeping the underground alive! Check out his website for releases:

V: 你们乐队的logo很独特,是谁为你们设计的?你们专辑的封面也很独特,是谁为你们设计的?

Your band's logo is unique, who designed this logo for you and your album artwork is unique, who designed this artwork for you?

A: 我们不想要一个标准的eath metal logo,所以我学校的一位美术老师设计了这个logo。对“Sensitive to autumn”的插图是由一位当地艺术家完成的。

We didnt want a standard deathmetal logo, so an art teacher in my school created the logo. Sensitive to autumn artwork was done by a local artists.

V: 2023年你们发行了最新作品“Return to Autumn”,这是一张过去经典歌曲的合辑,你们的作品非常注重氛围,黑暗、冰冷、末日的氛围,缓慢的吉他演奏和鼓声,这取决于你们加入了更多的Doom Metal元素,再加上一些Old School Death Metal元素,使你们的作品更加黑暗、毒辣,但又如此吸引人,还有一些女声,使你们的作品更加独特,你们对自己的作品怎么看?

In 2023 you released your latest work “Return to Autumn”, a compilation album of classic songs from your past, your work is very much about atmosphere, dark, cold and apocalyptic atmosphere, slow guitar playing and drums, which The slow guitar playing and drumming, which depends on you guys adding more Doom Metal elements, plus some Old School Death Metal elements to make your work more dark, venomous, but so appealing, and some female vocals to make your work more unique, what do you think of your work?

A: 我们喜欢这两个部分,因为动态效果营造了氛围。它的双重性。因此这也给了我们一些空间和自由来进行实验和创作。最重要的是感觉和氛围!在新专辑中我们更加注重这两个极端!

We like both parts, because the dynamics create the atmosphere. The dualism of it. So it also gives some space and freedom to experiment and be creative. Main thing always will be the feeling and atmosphere of it! On the new album we focused even more on both extremes!

V: 你们乐队在2024年有什么新的计划吗?比如创作、录制一些新歌或者参加一些音乐节,能透露一些信息吗?

Is there anything new your band is working on for 2024? Like writing, recording some new songs or playing some festivals, can you reveal some information to people?

A: 我们已经准备好了11首歌。我们将在七月试唱这些歌曲并在十一月/十二月录制新专辑。我们将在24年10月和25年2月参加一个音乐节。此外我们还被要求在25年参加更多的音乐节。我们还想和另外两个乐队一起演出,这两个乐队是我们的朋友!今年我们将更多精力放在新专辑上!我们也忙于其他项目!

We have 11 songs ready. Will demo them in July and record the new album in November/ December. We will play a festival in Oktober ‘24 and February ‘25 Also we are asked for some more festivals for ‘25. And we want to do some show with two other bands were friends with! This year we focus more on the new album! And were also too busy with other projects!

V: 你们乐队参加过哪些音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象?

What festivals have you bands been to, and what festivals have impressed you, and can you describe the atmosphere?

A: 我们参加了在鹿特丹Baroeg举办的"Dutch Doom Days"。那是一个很酷的国际音乐节。气氛很好,乐队在一起玩得很开心!以前我们经常参加Dynamo露天音乐节和Waldrock音乐节,它们总是给人留下深刻印象!

We did Dutch Doom Days in Baroeg Rotterdam. That was a cool international festival. Good atmosphere and the bands had a great time together! In the old days we always went to Dynamo open air and Waldrock wich always was impressive!

V: Sad Whisperings是一支经典而伟大的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们,也希望通过这次采访,能有更多的中国乐迷关注、支持和了解你们,最后有什么想对中国乐迷说的吗?

Sad Whisperings is a classic and great band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will follow, support and get to know your band, is there anything you would like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

A: 谢谢 🙏我希望你们能看看我们的新歌和旧歌!希望我们能从你们的国家得到更多的回应!请给我们发送带有CD或黑胶唱片的照片。希望我们能得到一些T恤 😉。在Spotify、Facebook和Instagram上关注我们。发送邮件


Thank you 🙏 I hope you will check out our old and the new songs, wich will come out!

Hopefully we will get more response from you're country! Send us pics with cd or vinyl. Hopefully we can get some T- shirts overthere 😉Follow us on Spotify, facebook and Instagram. Send a pm or email!

Greetings Alexander

Sad Whisperings乐队主要作品:

Sad Whisperings - Sensitive to Autumn(1993)

Sad Whisperings - Return to Autumn(2023)

Sad Whisperings乐队官方Facebook网站:

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