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自杀森林 - 瑞士Death Metal乐队Calcined专访

今天采访到的是一支来自瑞士的Death Metal乐队Calcined,2008年Piffeux和鼓手Lionel组建了Calcined乐队,乐队成立之初,乐队经验都非常少,在加入了一名吉他手和一名主唱并开始学习如何创作音乐。很快乐队就创作出一些Old School Death Metal歌曲,旋律简单,但结构复杂。经过16年的合作,Calcined乐队的音乐变得更加残酷。也更加的成熟,稳重,2010年歌手Fidel加入了乐队。在经过更换了多名吉他手之后,乐队最终与吉他手Jack合作了8年,Jack加入乐队之后也为乐队带来了更多的创作灵感和新的音乐元素,乐队的前两张专辑发行之后深受所有乐迷和乐评人的高价评论,今年乐队刚刚发行了他们的第三张正式专辑“To Rot in a Honeybeam”,新专辑发行之际我也联系到了乐队的创始人贝斯手Piffeux进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 P: 代表Piffeux)

Today's interview is with Calcined, a Death Metal band from Switzerland. Piffeux and drummer Lionel formed Calcined in 2008, the band started with very little experience, after adding a guitarist and a vocalist and learning how to write music. Soon the band was creating Old School Death Metal songs with simple melodies but complex structures. After 16 years together, Calcined's music has become more brutal. It also became more mature and steady, and in 2010 singer Fidel joined the band. After changing guitarists, the band finally collaborated with guitarist Jack for 8 years, Jack joined the band and brought more creative inspiration and new musical elements to the band, the band's first two albums were released by all the fans and critics of the high price of the reviews, this year the band has just released their third official album “To Rot This year the band has just released their third official album “To Rot in a Honeybeam”, and on the occasion of the release of the new album I got in touch with the band's founding bassist Piffeux for an exclusive interview!

(V: for the author P: for Piffeux)

采访对象:PiffeuxCalcined乐队贝斯 / 歌手)


V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国的粉丝们问个好,Calcined乐队成立于2008年,是一支历史悠久的乐队,是谁成立这支乐队的,你还记得当时发生了什么吗?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Calcined was formed in 2008 and is a band with a long history, who initiated the formation of this band and do you still remember what happened at that time?

P: 大家好,的确我们很少接受中国媒体的采访。2008年我和一位鼓手朋友Lionel组建了 CALCINED。乐队成立之初我们的乐队和舞台经验都非常少。我们加入了一名吉他手和一名主唱并开始学习如何创作音乐。我们很快就写出了一些Old School Death Metal歌曲,旋律简单,但结构复杂。经过16年的合作我们的音乐变得更加专业和残酷,我们的音乐现在真的更有成就感了。从2010年开始,我们有了一位Fidel主唱。不幸的是我们多次更换吉他手。现在jACK与我们合作了8年并加入了很多新浪潮元素。

Hello everybody. Indeed we are not often interviewed by the Chinese media. I've formed CALCINED in 2008 with a friend Lionel on drums. We start the band with a very low experience of band and stage. We add a guitarplayer and a vocalist and we start to lern how compose music. Quicly we write some oldschool deathmetal song, with simple riff but something with complexe structure. After 16 years of music together we change to be more professional and more brutal. Our music is now really more accomplished. We've a fidel vocalist since 2010. Unfortunately we've change of guitarist many time. Now Jack play with us sine 8 years and add a lot of new wave.

V: 你们乐队现在只有Lionel和Piffeux是第一代成员,其他成员都换过了,为什么第一代成员退出了乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的,你们对新成员的表现满意吗?

The only first generation members in your band now are Lionel and Piffeux, all the other members have changed, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band and are you happy with what the new members are doing?

P: 我们一开始使用的是本地区现有的乐手。经过多年的发展,乐队需要更多的时间,我们需要优秀的成员来进一步发展。我们的歌手Magnus从2010年开始加入CALCINED。对我们来说,这就像是一个固定成员。

We started with musician we have at disposal in our region. After many year the band take more time to everyone and we need to have the good members to go more up. Our SInger Magnus is on CALCINED since 2010. For us, it's like a fouding member

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑在编曲方面都非常讲究,你们是如何创作歌曲的?

Each of your band's albums has been very elaborate in terms of arrangements, how do you write your songs and can you describe your songwriting experience?

P: 我们喜欢写一些不容易演奏或容易聆听的歌曲。原因是我们每次都需要进步,每首新歌都需要进步。因此我们的音乐时而简单,时而复杂,但每一次编曲都是经过深思熟虑的,都是有原因的。

We like to write some song that is not easy playing or easy listening. The reasons is that we need to progress every time, for every new song. we like to be forced to be very focused to play. So our music it something simple, sometime complicate, but every arragement is thinking and has a reason.

V: 死亡、折磨是你的音乐主题,你为什么选择这个音乐主题,你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?你们有歌词部分吗?谁来写歌词?

Death, Torment is your musical theme, why did you choose this musical theme and what do you want to express through this musical theme? Do you have a lyrics section, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

P: 我们95%的歌曲都是由主唱Magnus创作的。Lionel和Jack写了我们上两张专辑的最后几首歌,我写了一些以前的老歌。我们的主题是死亡和折磨,因为我们对人类的劣根性或什么会让一个人变得孤僻或与世隔绝很感兴趣。因此我们的歌词讲述了关于坏影响、坏时刻的历史....一直以来,我们的歌词都充满了特殊的普遍性和大量的隐喻。读我们的歌词,你可以想象自己的世界。没有什么是明确的,但很微妙。

The 95% of our songs are written by our singer Magnus. Lionel and Jack has written the last songs of our 2 last album and i've written some old old songs. The thematique is death , torment because we're intrigued by what a human can be bad or what can change a person to be recluse or isolate. So our lyrics tell histories about bad influence, bad moments.... All the time with a particuliar univers and a lot of metaphors. When you read our lyrics, you can imagine you world. Nothing is explicit but suptle

V: 你们乐队的Logo很美,是谁为你们设计的Logo?你们的专辑封面也很独特,是谁为你们设计的封面?他的灵感来源是什么?

Your band's logo is beautiful, who designed the logo for you and your album artwork is unique, who designed the artwork for you? What was his inspiration?

P: Logo是鼓手Lionel设计的。这次我们想用摄影作品作为封面的基础。艺术品Jack制作,由我们的朋友Kevin Jacots-Descombes安排。它代表了格罗恩兰海滩上随处可见的动物尸体。我们专辑的名字 “To Rot In a Honeybeam”寓意着我们如何度过一生,却什么也没有意识到(因为我们不能或不敢)在遥远的海滩上,一只随意死去并被遗忘的动物正是我们的主题。

The logo was created by Lionel the drummer. And this time, we want to create the cover with a base of photography. The imager base has made by Jack and arranged by a friend of us, Kevin Jacots-Descombes. It represent a random dead animal in the Groenland beach. Our album's name "To Rot In a Honeybeam" means that how to pass our life and don't realise nothing (because we can't or we don't dare). A random dead and forgot animal in a far beach is exackly in our theme.

V: 你们先是在乌克兰的Metal Scrap Records唱片公司发行了一张Spilt专辑,然后又在法国的 Great Dane Records唱片公司发行了三张正式专辑。你是如何与这两家唱片公司联系发行专辑的?你们对他们的工作满意吗?

You first released a Spilt album on Metal Scrap Records in the Ukraine, and then you released three official albums with Great Dane Records in France, which is a very good label, how did you get in touch with both labels to release an album together? How did you get in touch with these two labels to release the albums? Were you satisfied with their work?

P: 我们非常满意与Great Dane Records的合作。这正是我们想要的服务。这也是我们与他们合作发行这三张专辑的原因,这也是我们经过长期研究后得出的结论。很多唱片公司对乐队的建议和帮助都比较少。

We're very satisfied to work with Great Dane Records. It's exactly the service we want. That is the reason we've work with us for this 3 albums. We arrived that after long research. A lot of label propose less and help less the band.

V: 你们乐队在2018年发行了第二张正式专辑后很长时间没有发行专辑,是什么原因导致你们这么久没有新作品?

Your band didn't release an album for a long time after the release of your second official album in 2018, what was the reason why you didn't have any new work for so long?

P: 创作的过程需要更多的时间。我们在创作的过程中需要更多的时间。我们迫不及待地要在乐队成立10周年之际发行第二张专辑"Discipline"。这一次我们希望花更多的时间做得更好歌曲,更好的制作。

The process of writing has take more time. The riffing more established and difficult. We was pressed to release our secoud Album "Discipline" for the 10 years anniversary of the band. This time we want to take more time to be better. Better song and better production.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行了一张新专辑,Old School Death Metal的基本元素依然存在,但你们加入了一些新的元素。你们的吉他音色让人联想到Old School Death Metal,其中一些和弦行进和主旋律略带美式风格。我想到了Grave、Feral或技术性更强的Obituary等乐队,在这些乐队中,既有典型的和弦,也有凶猛的旋律,还有节奏和速度在很短时间内发生变化的部分。从歌曲和整张专辑的大局来看,这些元素从未让人感觉过于混乱,反而很有意义,这也是对乐队歌曲创作能力的最好证明。节奏始终富有韵律感,即使在较为复杂的部分,这些模式也显得结构合理,每一个休止符都有其存在的理由。节奏吉他和主音吉他弹奏的标志性和弦之间的互动营造出一种奇妙而迷人的氛围。吉他演奏朗朗上口,节奏部分也不得不提。鼓点非常精准,紧跟每首歌的主节奏,并突出需要加强的部分。在大多数情况下,鼓声轻快,突出了音乐的婉转和欢快。就连贝司也有出彩的时候。此外人声也从低沉的咆哮风格转变为中音调。你对自己的作品有什么看法?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations for releasing a new album this year the basic elements of traditional death metal are still there, but you have added some new ones. Your guitar tone is reminiscent of traditional Death Metal, with some of the chord progressions and main riffs being slightly Americanized. Bands like Grave, Feral or the more technical Obituary come to mind, where you have both typical chords and ferocious melodies, as well as parts where the tempo and speed change in a very short period of time. In the grand scheme of the songs and the album as a whole, these elements never feel overly confusing, but rather make sense, which is a testament to the band's songwriting skills. The rhythms are always rhythmic, and even in the more complex sections, the patterns seem well structured, with every rest having a reason for being there. The interaction between the signature chords played by the rhythm guitar and the lead guitar creates a marvelous and captivating atmosphere. Catchy guitar playing and the rhythm section has to be mentioned. The drumming is very precise, following the main rhythm of each song and highlighting the parts that need to be beefed up. For the most part, the drums are lilting, emphasizing the euphony and upbeat nature of the music. Even the bass has its moments to shine. Also the vocals shifted from a deep growling style to a mid-range tone. Do you have any thoughts on your work? Has anything changed on the new album compared to the old one?

P: 首先非常感谢你们的祝贺。不,我们没有想过这个问题。所有的改变都是自然而然的。我们不再老了,更成熟了,我们的影响力也发生了很大变化。起初,当我们开始组建乐队时,我们听的是Old School Death Metal,尤其是佛罗里达场景中的一些乐队,如Monstrosity、Death、Obituary、Morbid Angel....。这些都是最经典、最有名的DM乐队。现在我们都受到了一些不同的影响:Lionel听了很多瑞典DM、Grindcore乐队的音乐... Magnus听了很多新一代Black metal、post black metal, Sludge音乐... Jack听了很多晦涩难懂的Black metal音乐,如Hate Forest,还有一些摇滚乐队的音乐,而我则非常欣赏一些Technical Death Metal乐队(如Ulcerate、Sunless).... 我们将所有这些混合在一起,保留DM的规则,不做过多考虑,调整所有细节和编排,这就是2024年的煅烧版。

A first thanks a lot for this congratulation. No we don't really think about that. All change come naturally. We're no more old, more mature, our influence change a lot. At first, when we start the band we listen the oldschool Death metal, especially the Florida scen with some band like Monstrosity, Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel.... The standart and famous DM we've all some different influence: Lionel listen a lot of swedish DM, grindcore... Magnus a lot of Black metal new generation, post black metal, Sludge... Jack listen a lot of obscure black metal like Hate Forest, some band more Rock'n'Roll... And me i appreciate a lot some technical death metal band (like Ulcerate, Sunless).... We mix all of that, we keep the DM rules, we don't think too more, we adjust all details and arrangement and you have Calcined version 2024.

V: 你们的乐队参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能谈谈这些音乐节的气氛吗?

Your band has played a lot of festivals, which ones have impressed you, can you tell us about the atmosphere and which festivals you are going to play in 2024?

P: 能为音乐节演出总是一种荣誉,因为每一分钟都是精确到毫米的。你到达后你有一点时间安装舞台,你有很紧的时间演出,你需要快速清理舞台。我们非常喜欢这样,因为你不会去想 我需要如何演奏这个旋律?或者为什么我用这种方式演奏这个旋律,我也许可以那样演奏?”。当然你还能结识很多来自不同地区或不同国家的乐迷和音乐家,这真的很酷!2024 年我们不会参加音乐节。我们会在2025年再来

It's always a honour to play for a festival. All the time it's a sprint because every minute is measured to the millimeter. You arrive, you've a little time to install on stage, you've a tight time to play, you need to clear the stage quickly. We really like that because you don't can think to "how i need to play on this riff ?" or "Why i play the riff on this way, i can maybe play like that ?". And of course you can meet a lot of fan and musician of music of different horizon or different country and that is really cool ! For 2024, we don't played for festivals. We will come back in 2025

V: 你们是一支很棒的乐队,我是你们的忠实歌迷,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的歌迷关注、支持和喜欢你们的乐队。在采访的最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷朋友们说的吗?

You guys are a great band, I'm a big fan of yours, I'll always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview, more fans will pay attention to, support, and like your band, do you have anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

P: 非常感谢大家的称赞!中国的金属场景对我们来说是全新的。在我们的音乐节或音乐会上,我们还没怎么遇到过中国的金属乐迷。我相信在你们这个神奇的国度里,有很多令人难以置信的金属乐队。我们很荣幸能更多地了解你们的现场和你们的极限音乐文化。

So, really thanks to all this praise ! The Chinese metal scene is something new for us. We haven't often met Chinese metalheads in our festivals or concerts. I'm sure that a lot of incredible band of metalhead in your fantastic country. We would be honored to know more about your scene and your culture of extreme music.


Calcined - Thwarted(2011)

Calcined - Tormenting Attractions(2015)

Calcined - Discipline(2018)

Calcined - To Rot in a Honeybeam(2024)




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