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致幻剂 - 葡萄牙Death / Doom Metal乐队Ressonância Psicodélica专访

Writer: Volcano MagazineVolcano Magazine

今天采访到的是Melkor组建的另外一支乐队Ressonância Psicodélica,这支乐队组建于2018年,这支乐队融合了Stoner, Doom和Death Metal等元素,2024年乐队发行了第一张正式专辑“Planeta Alucin​ó​geno”,既有Doom缓慢沉重的氛围,也有Death Metal的凶残再加上一些Stoner的元素,让这支乐队的作品听起来与众不同,Melkor组建的每一支乐队都风格迥异,可以看出来Melkor是一名才华横溢的音乐家,在新专辑发行之际杂志再次与Melkor取得联系为Ressonância Psicodélica乐队进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Melkor)

A entrevista de hoje é com a Ressonância Psicodélica, outra banda formada por Melkor. Formada em 2018, a banda combina elementos de Stoner, Doom e Death Metal, e em 2024 a banda lançou seu primeiro álbum oficial “Planeta Alucinógeno” é uma mistura da vibe lenta e pesada do Doom e da brutalidade do Death Metal com um toque de Stoner, o que faz com que o trabalho da banda soe diferente, e cada uma das bandas de Melkor tem um estilo diferente. Como é evidente que Melkor é um músico talentoso, por ocasião do lançamento do novo álbum, a revista contactou Melkor novamente para uma entrevista com a banda Ressonância Psicodélica!

(V: para o autor M: para Melkor)

采访对象:MelkorRessonância Psicodélica乐队创始人)


V: 你好Melkor这次采访是关于你组建的Ressonância Psicodélica乐队的。这个乐队是什么时候组建的?Ressonancia Psicodelica这个名字是什么意思?

Hello Melkor, this interview is about the Ressonância Psicodélica band that you formed. When was this band formed and how did you form it? What does the name Ressonancia Psicodelica mean?

M: Ressonância Psicodélica是我在2018年创建的一个个人项目。它并不是一个传统的乐队,而是我个人的音乐之旅,在这里我可以充分探索Stoner、Doom和Death Metal与迷幻主题的融合。我想制作一种反映意识改变状态的沉浸式音效体验,而这个项目让我可以不受任何创作限制地自由发挥。Ressonância Psicodélica这个名字的英文翻译是“迷幻共振”。它代表了声波在头脑中产生共鸣、扭曲感知并导致深刻反省的理念,就像迷幻体验一样。

Ressonância Psicodélica is a solo project that I created in 2018. It wasn’t formed as a traditional band but rather as a personal musical journey where I could fully explore the fusion of stoner, doom, and death metal with psychedelic themes. I wanted to craft an immersive sonic experience that reflects altered states of consciousness, and this project gave me the freedom to do that without any creative limitations. The name Ressonância Psicodélica translates to Psychedelic Resonance in English. It represents the idea of sound waves resonating through the mind, distorting perception and leading to deep introspection, just like a psychedelic experience.

V: 这个乐队还是你自己组建的,所以你可以按照自己的想法进行创作。能介绍一下你的创作过程吗?

This band is still formed by yourself, so you can create according to your own ideas. Can you introduce your creative process?

M: 是的,因为Ressonância Psicodélica完全是我自己的项目,所以我可以完全按照自己的设想自由塑造声音和概念。我的创作过程通常始于一个强烈的想法或感觉,我想把它转化为音乐。由于Planeta Alucinógeno中的每首曲子都代表了一种不同的迷幻药,我首先会研究它对生理和心理的影响,以捕捉正确的氛围。在音乐方面,我首先尝试的是让人感觉催眠、沉重和身临其境的旋律和质感。我使用低音吉他和充满模糊感的贝斯来营造一种厚重、震撼的声音,而鼓声则为这种体验增添了一种仪式感的脉搏。有了乐器的基础,我就开始专注于歌词的创作,用诗意和超现实的意象来唤起人们对每种物质的感觉。最后,我自己进行混音和母带处理,确保声音尽可能令人沉醉。我希望每首歌都能让听众感觉自己被带入了一个不同的境界。这是一个非常直观和身临其境的过程,我让音乐引导我,就像我塑造音乐一样。

Yes, since Ressonância Psicodélica is entirely my own project, I have complete freedom to shape the sound and concept exactly how I envision it. My creative process usually begins with a strong idea or feeling that I want to translate into music. Since each track on Planeta Alucinógeno represents a different psychedelic substance, I first research its effects, both physical and psychological, to capture the right atmosphere. Musically, I start by experimenting with riffs and textures that feel hypnotic, heavy, and immersive. I use downtuned guitars and fuzz-laden bass to create a thick, crushing sound, and the drums add a ritualistic pulse to the experience. Once I have the instrumental base, I focus on the lyrics, using poetic and surreal imagery to evoke the sensations of each substance. Finally, I handle the mixing and mastering myself, making sure the sound is as engulfing as possible. I want the listener to feel like they’re being pulled into a different realm with each track. It’s a very intuitive and immersive process, and I let the music guide me as much as I shape it.

V: 这张专辑是在你自己的录音室录制的,所有工作仍由你自己完成。这样你就完全掌握了这张专辑的创作精髓。能否介绍一下这张专辑的创作过程?

This album was recorded in your own studio, and all the work was still done by yourself. This way, you have fully mastered the creative essence of this album. Can you introduce the creative process of this album?

M: 是的,"Planeta Alucinógeno"完全是在我自己的工作室Studios13录制、混音和母带制作的。由于专辑的方方面面都是我一手操办,因此我可以完全掌控创作理念,完全按照自己的想法塑造声音。创作过程从概念开始:每首歌都代表一种不同的迷幻物质,因此我必须通过声音捕捉每种体验的精髓。我首先创作了一些旋律,并尝试了一些音调,这些音调让人感觉身临其境、催眠,有时甚至是混乱的,这取决于我所描绘的物质的性质。在吉他、贝司和鼓等乐器的基础上,我开始专注于声乐的创作。人声从低沉的吟唱到刺耳的咆哮不一而足,反映了迷幻之旅的强度和不可预测性。歌词采用了诗意和超现实的意象,旨在唤起人们对感知状态的改变。在混音和母带处理过程中,我确保营造出一种稠密、大气的音效,并使用深度混响、延迟和分层效果来增强迷幻感。我的想法是让每首曲子都成为一种独立的体验,但同时也是整张专辑连贯旅程的一部分。这张专辑的一个独特元素是隐藏的奖励曲目,其标题只有在CD封面上才会显示。这为专辑增添了一层神秘感和独特性,使其不仅仅是一张专辑,更是一次值得探索和体验的音乐之旅。

Yes, Planeta Alucinógeno was entirely recorded, mixed, and mastered in my own studio, Studios13. Since I handled every aspect of the album, I had full control over the creative vision, allowing me to shape the sound exactly how I wanted. The creative process started with the concept: each track represents a different psychedelic substance, so I had to capture the essence of each experience through sound. I began by composing riffs and experimenting with tones that felt immersive, hypnotic, and sometimes chaotic, depending on the nature of the substance I was portraying. Once the instrumental foundation was in place, guitars, bass, and drums, I focused on the vocal approach. The vocals vary from deep, droning chants to harsh growls, reflecting the intensity and unpredictability of a psychedelic trip. The lyrics were crafted with poetic and surreal imagery, aiming to evoke altered states of perception. In the mixing and mastering process, I made sure to create a dense and atmospheric soundscape, with deep reverbs, delays, and layered effects to enhance the psychedelic feel. The idea was to make each track an experience on its own, but also part of a cohesive journey through the album. One unique element of the album is the hidden bonus track, whose title is only revealed in the CD artwork. It adds an extra layer of mystery and exclusivity to the project, making it more than just an album, it’s a sonic trip designed to be explored and experienced.

V: 这支乐队的标志设计非常独特,专辑封面也非常漂亮。我非常喜欢这张专辑的封面设计。这些作品都是你们自己设计的吗?

The logo design of this band is very unique, and the album artwork is very beautiful. I really like the artwork of this album. Did you design all of these artworks yourself?

M: 谢谢!我很感谢你喜欢这张专辑的封面和Logo。实际上Logo是最难设计的部分之一。我想要一个真正独特的Logo,但似乎没有什么感觉是对的。我尝试了许多不同的风格,试图抓住 Ressonância Psicodélica的精髓,但都不能让我满意。最后我决定尝试一种简单的字体,突然间,一切都变得有意义了。有时候,简单就是最好的方法,而这个选择最终完美地代表了这个项目。至于专辑封面,它是由AI生成的元素和Photoshop制作的多层细节组合而成。虽然乍看之下很简单,但为了达到强烈的迷幻效果,我们花了很多工夫才把色彩处理得恰到好处。我希望封面能直观地表现出音乐给人带来的心灵震撼,因此每一个细节都经过了精心调整,以增强这种感觉。这是一个漫长的过程,但我对最终效果非常满意。

Thank you! I appreciate that you like the artwork and the logo. The logo was actually one of the most difficult parts to create. I wanted something truly unique, but nothing seemed to feel right. I experimented with many different styles, trying to capture the essence of Ressonância Psicodélica, but nothing satisfied me. In the end, I decided to try a simple font, and suddenly, it all made sense. Sometimes, simplicity is the best approach, and that choice ended up representing the project perfectly. As for the album artwork, it was a combination of AI-generated elements and multiple layers of details created in Photoshop. Although it might look simple at first glance, it took a lot of work to get the colors just right in order to achieve that strong psychedelic effect. I wanted the cover to visually represent the mind-expanding experience of the music, so every detail was carefully adjusted to enhance that feeling. It was a long process, but I’m really happy with the final result.

V: 这支乐队的发行权仍然属于你,你对自己的作品拥有完全的控制权。你对这张专辑的发行有什么想法吗?

The distribution rights of this band are still yours, and you have complete control over your own works. Do you have any thoughts on the release of this album?

M: 是的,我仍然完全拥有这张专辑的发行权,这让我可以完全自由地决定如何发行Planeta Alucinógeno并将其呈现给听众。我的目标一直是让这张专辑成为一次身临其境的体验,而不仅仅是另一张歌曲集。这就是为什么我决定在CD版本中加入隐藏的奖励曲目并将重点放在艺术品和发行的整体氛围上。目前,这张专辑有数字版,但我很希望能有正式的实体版或许能有一个特殊的包装,增强迷幻的概念,给人以视觉冲击,让人感觉是真正的收藏品。或许还可以推出黑胶版本,并根据每首歌的主题配上独特的颜色。不过,由于我所做的一切都是独立的,所以在实现这一点之前,我必须考虑需求和资源。我经常想知道的一件事是,人们是否真正理解这张专辑背后的意图。对我来说,“Planeta Alucinógeno”是一次个人实验,是我从未想过的创作。我并不想追随任何潮流,也不想迎合特定的流派模式。相反我想通过声音捕捉迷幻体验中的感受、感觉和不可预测性。我知道这种方式可能不寻常,我也不指望每个人都能以同样的方式与之产生共鸣。有些人可能只把它当作一张沉重、迷幻的Doom / Death专辑,而另一些人可能会完全沉浸在这个概念中,让自己迷失在音效中。无论如何,我都为自己的创作感到自豪,无论人们是完全领会了我的意图,还是只是按照自己的方式享受它,我认为这都是音乐的魅力所在。

Yes, I still fully own the distribution rights, which gives me complete freedom over how Planeta Alucinógeno is released and presented to the audience. My goal was always to make this album an immersive experience, not just another collection of songs. That’s why I decided to include the hidden bonus track in the CD version, as well as focusing on the artwork and the overall atmosphere of the release. At the moment, the album is available digitally, but I would love to see it in a proper physical edition, perhaps with a special packaging that enhances the psychedelic concept, something visually striking that feels like a true collector’s item. Maybe even a vinyl edition with unique color variants to match the themes of each track. However, since everything I do is independent, I have to consider demand and resources before making that happen. One thing I often wonder is whether people truly understood the intention behind this album. For me, Planeta Alucinógeno was a personal experiment, something I never thought I would create. I wasn’t trying to follow any trend or fit into a specific genre formula. Instead, I wanted to capture feelings, sensations, and the unpredictability of psychedelic experiences through sound. I know this approach might be unusual, and I don’t expect everyone to connect with it in the same way. Some might just see it as a heavy, trippy doom/death album, while others might fully dive into the concept and let themselves get lost in the soundscapes. Either way, I’m proud of what I created, and whether people fully grasp the intention or just enjoy it on their own terms, I think that’s part of what makes music so powerful.

V: 这支乐队的音乐主题是什么?你为什么选择这个音乐主题?你想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?这些歌词的灵感来源是什么?

What is the music theme of this band about? Why did you choose this music theme, what do you want to express through this music theme, and did you also create the lyrics section? What is the inspiration for these lyrics?

M: Ressonância Psicodélica的主题围绕迷幻体验展开,特别是不同药物带来的感知、情感和意识的改变。"Planeta Alucinógeno"中的每首歌曲都针对一种特定的药物,将其效果转化为音效和歌词,以反映药物所能引起的感觉。我之所以选择这个主题,是因为我想探索与其他项目完全不同的东西。这是一次个人实验,也是一种将我的创造力推向Stoner, Doom或者Death Metal的常规界限之外的方式。迷幻体验是不可预知的,它可以让人兴奋、内省、恐怖或超凡脱俗。这种双重性让我着迷,我想通过音乐来捕捉它。是的,所有歌词都是我自己创作的。这些歌词充满诗意和超现实感,旨在唤起人们对每一种改变状态的感受,而不仅仅是字面上的描述。有些歌词如梦境般抽象,有些则感觉更加混乱和迷失,反映了每种物质的性质。至于灵感,我有多种来源。有些来自于对不同迷幻药如何影响大脑和感知的研究,有些则基于个人经历或经历过强烈体验的人的故事。我还从超现实主义诗歌、哲学甚至恐怖元素中汲取灵感,以表现某些经历中更黑暗、更梦魇的一面。最终我的目标是让听众感受到这些改变了的状态,而不仅仅是听到它们。

The main theme of Ressonância Psicodélica revolves around psychedelic experiences, specifically, the altered states of perception, emotions, and consciousness that come from different substances. Each song on Planeta Alucinógeno is dedicated to a specific drug, translating its effects into soundscapes and lyrics that reflect the sensations it can induce.I chose this theme because I wanted to explore something completely different from my other projects. This was a personal experiment, a way to push my creativity beyond the usual boundaries of stoner, doom, or death metal. Psychedelic experiences are unpredictable, they can be euphoric, introspective, terrifying, or transcendental. That duality fascinated me, and I wanted to capture it through music. Yes, I created all the lyrics myself. They are deeply poetic and surreal, meant to evoke the feelings of each altered state rather than just describe them literally. Some lyrics are dreamlike and abstract, while others feel more chaotic and disorienting, reflecting the nature of each substance. As for inspiration, I drew from multiple sources. Some came from research into how different psychedelics affect the brain and perception, while others were based on personal experiences or stories from people who have undergone intense trips. I also took inspiration from surrealist poetry, philosophy, and even horror elements to represent the darker, more nightmarish side of certain experiences. Ultimately, my goal was to make the listener feel these altered states rather than just hear about them.

V: 首先祝贺你们的第一张专辑"Planeta Alucinógeno"于2024年发行。这是一张融合了Death Metal和Doom元素的作品,既有Death Metal的残酷,又有Doom风格的末日感。而且这两种元素结合得天衣无缝,没有任何不舒服的感觉。节奏在快慢之间来回切换,这让你的作品听起来更有乐趣。你对自己的作品有什么看法?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your first album "Planeta Alucinógeno" in 2024. This is a work that combines elements of death metal and doom, with both the brutality of death metal and the sense of doom in doom style. Moreover, the combination of these two elements is very seamless, without any uncomfortable feeling. The rhythm switches back and forth between fast and slow, which makes your work more enjoyable to listen to. What is your opinion on your own work?

M: 感谢你的关注!我非常感谢你注意到Death Metal和Doom元素是如何完美结合在一起的。在创作过程中,我非常注重这种平衡。老实说"Planeta Alucinógeno"对我来说是一次意想不到的旅程。我从未想象过自己会创作出这样一张专辑,但一旦我开始尝试这个概念,就感觉很自然。我的目标是让每首歌都成为一种身临其境的体验,让听众感受到沉重、催眠般的重复和不可预知性,就像一次迷幻之旅。我对这张专辑的效果感到非常自豪,尤其是在氛围营造方面。节奏在缓慢、沉重的Doom乐段和激烈、混乱的Death Metal乐段之间的转换是有意为之的。我想创造出深沉恍惚的时刻,然后是强烈的爆发,这反映了意识改变状态在平静的兴奋和压倒性的感觉之间波动的方式。尽管如此,我并不期望"Planeta Alucinógeno"适合所有人。它并不是一张简单的金属专辑,而是一种体验,一种需要听众全身心投入,让声音把他们带到别处的体验。我不知道人们是否真正领会了这张专辑背后的意图,但对我来说,这是一个引人入胜的创作项目,我很高兴这张专辑抓住了我所设想的精髓。

Thank you! I really appreciate that you noticed how the elements of death metal and doom were combined seamlessly. That balance was something I was very conscious of during the creative process. To be honest, Planeta Alucinógeno was an unexpected journey for me. I never imagined myself creating an album like this, but once I started experimenting with the concept, it felt natural. My goal was to make each track an immersive experience, where the listener could feel the heaviness, the hypnotic repetition, and the unpredictability, just like a psychedelic trip. I'm very proud of how the album turned out, especially in terms of atmosphere. The way the rhythm shifts between slow, crushing doom sections and intense, chaotic death metal parts was intentional. I wanted to create moments of deep trance, followed by bursts of intensity, mirroring the way altered states of consciousness can fluctuate between calm euphoria and overwhelming sensations. That being said, I don’t expect Planeta Alucinógeno to be for everyone. It's not meant to be a straightforward metal album, it’s an experience, something that requires the listener to fully engage with the sound and let it take them somewhere else. I don’t know if people truly grasped the intention behind it, but for me, it was a fascinating project to create, and I’m happy with how it captures the essence of what I envisioned.

V: 哪些乐队影响了这支乐队?

Which bands have influenced this band?

M: 老实说,我并没有将Ressonância Psicodélica建立在任何特定乐队的基础上。我的主要影响来自于我对迷幻体验、意识改变状态以及不同物质如何影响感知的研究。我想把这些概念转化为声音,而不是遵循现有的音乐模式。当然,听众可能会将这张专辑的声音与某些乐队进行比较,这很自然,毕竟Doom、Death和Stoner Metal都有自己的既定特点。有些人可能会在较重、较慢的部分听到Electric Wizard或Acid Bath的元素,而有些人可能会在较激烈的Death Metal部分听到Death或Autopsy的气息。但我的目标绝不是复制任何人的声音。我想尽可能做到原创,让概念决定音乐,而不是相反。我还尝试了很多纹理、效果和非传统的歌曲结构,以创造更身临其境的体验。混响、延迟和分层的使用都经过精心策划,以增强迷幻、幻觉的感觉。归根结底对我影响最大的不是任何乐队,而是声音作为一种改变心灵的力量,能够将听众带到另一个维度的理念。

Honestly, I didn’t base Ressonância Psicodélica on any specific band. My main influence came from the research I did on psychedelic experiences, altered states of consciousness, and how different substances affect perception. I wanted to translate those concepts into sound rather than follow an existing musical formula. Of course, listeners might compare the album’s sound to certain bands, and that’s natural, after all, doom, death, and stoner metal have their own established characteristics. Some might hear elements reminiscent of Electric Wizard or Acid Bath in the heavier, slower parts, while others might catch a Death or Autopsy vibe in the more intense death metal sections. But my goal was never to replicate anyone’s sound. I wanted to be as original as possible and let the concept dictate the music, not the other way around. I also experimented a lot with textures, effects, and unconventional song structures to create a more immersive experience. The use of reverb, delays, and layering was carefully planned to enhance that psychedelic, hallucinatory feel. So, in the end, my biggest influence wasn’t any band, it was the idea of sound as a mind-altering force, capable of transporting the listener to another dimension.

V: 这支乐队在2025年有什么新的工作要进行吗?能和大家分享一些信息吗?

Does this band have any new work to do in 2025? Can you share some information with everyone?

M: 目前,我还没有任何具体计划来延续Ressonância Psicodélica。"Planeta Alucinógeno"可能是一个一次性的项目,也可能在未来继续,这是我还没有决定的事情。如果我再回到这个概念上,我必须把它做得更深入。我不想重复自己或者只是用类似的方法再创作一张专辑。我需要探索迷幻体验的新方面,进一步突破声音的界限并完善音乐反映感知状态改变的方式。当然,我本人无意尝试任何药物,但我需要做大量研究,深入探索迷幻背后的科学和哲学并找到将其转化为音乐的新方法。现在,我会让时间来决定。如果有合适的灵感,也许Ressonância Psicodélica会有新的篇章。如果没有"Planeta Alucinógeno"仍将是一个独特的实验,一个我引以为豪的实验。

At the moment, I don’t have any concrete plans to continue Ressonância Psicodélica. Planeta Alucinógeno might be a one-time project, or it could have a continuation in the future, it’s something I haven’t decided yet. If I ever return to this concept, I would have to take it even further. I wouldn’t want to repeat myself or just create another album with a similar approach. I’d need to explore new aspects of the psychedelic experience, push the boundaries of sound even more, and refine the way the music reflects altered states of perception. Of course, I have no intention of experimenting with any substances myself, but I would need to do a lot of research, dive deeper into the science and philosophy behind psychedelia, and find new ways to translate that into music. For now, I’ll let time decide. If the right inspiration comes, then maybe Ressonância Psicodélica will have another chapter. If not, Planeta Alucinógeno will remain a unique experiment, one that I’m proud to have created.

V: Ressonância Psicadélica是一支非常年轻的乐队,但确实是一支非常有前途的乐队。我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队。我也希望能尽快看到你们的新作品。我也希望通过这次采访让更多的人了解和认识你们的乐队。最后有什么想对你们的中国歌迷和朋友们说的吗?

Ressonância Psicadélica is a very young band, but it is indeed a very promising band. I will always support and follow your band. I also hope to see your new works soon. I also hope to let more people know and get to know your band through this interview. Do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans and friends in the end?

M: 非常感谢你的赞美和支持!知道包括中国在内的世界各地的人们都在关注Ressonância Psicodélica这对我来说意义重大。作为一名独立音乐人,知道自己的音乐能得到如此广泛的听众,这种感觉非常特别。对于我的中国歌迷和朋友们,我想说非常感谢你们的支持。你们是我人生旅途中重要的一部分,我很感谢有你们和我一起走过这条路。Ressonância Psicodélica是我个人的尝试,但知道它能引起全世界人们的共鸣,就更有意义了。我希望音乐能继续带您踏上声音之旅,并期待着在未来与您分享更多。敬请期待,保持好奇心,永远不要停止探索自己意识的边界,无论是通过音乐、艺术还是生活本身。我会永远感谢你们的支持,希望我们能一起继续这场冒险。谢谢你们

Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me to know that people from all over the world, including China, are connecting with Ressonância Psicodélica. As an independent artist, it’s a very special feeling to know that my music can reach such a wide audience. To my Chinese fans and friends, I just want to say a huge thank you for your support. You are an important part of this journey, and I’m grateful to have you on this path with me. Ressonância Psicodélica is my personal experiment, but knowing that it resonates with people all over the world makes it even more meaningful. I hope the music continues to take you on journeys through sound, and I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. Stay tuned, stay curious, and never stop exploring the boundaries of your own consciousness, whether through music, art, or life itself. I’ll be forever grateful for your support, and I hope we’ll continue this adventure together. Thank you!

Ressonância Psicodélica乐队主要作品:

Ressonância Psicodélica - Planeta Alucin​ó​geno(2024)

Ressonância Psicodélica乐队官方Bandcamp网站:



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