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荒凉的国度 - 荷兰Melodic/Epic Black Metal乐队Slechtvalk专访

今天采访到的是来自荷兰的老牌Melodic/Epic Black Metal乐队Slechtvalk,成立于2000年的Slechtvalk乐队到今年已经组建了24年了,其实早在1999年乐队就已经成立了最初取名为Dommer,2000年正式更名为Slechtvalk,最初乐队由Shamgar创建并且只有他一个人,在2000年乐队发行了第一张正式专辑“Falconry”,这张专辑发行之后便受到了很多歌迷的关注,大量的键盘铺垫营造出如同末日一般的凄惨,冰冷的氛围,有一种Doom Metal的感觉,这张专辑发行之后乐队也招募到了其他成员加入乐队,Slechtvalk乐队从一支单人乐队变成了一支完成的乐队,随后乐队发行了多张精彩作品,今年乐队他们的第六张正式专辑“At Death's Gate”,在新专辑发行之际我也联系到了乐队的创始人Shamgar进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 S: 代表Shamgar)

Today's interview is with Slechtvalk, a veteran Melodic/Epic Black Metal band from the Netherlands. Founded in 2000, Slechtvalk has been around for 24 years, and was originally founded in 1999 as Dommer, and was officially renamed Slechtvalk in 2000. Slechtvalk, initially created by Shamgar and only he, in 2000 the band released its first official album “Falconry”, the album was released after the attention of many fans, a large number of keyboard pads to create a doom-like bleak, cold atmosphere, a Doom Metal After the release of this album, the band also recruited other members to join the band, Slechtvalk from a one-man band to a completed band, then the band released a number of wonderful works, this year the band their sixth official album “At Death's Gate”, the new album in the new album, “At Death's Gate”. This year the band released their sixth official album “At Death's Gate”, and on the occasion of the release of the new album I got in touch with the founder of the band, Shamgar, for an interview!

(V: for the author S: for Shamgar)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先跟中国的乐迷们打个招呼吧,Slechtvalk乐队成立于2000 年是一支有着24年历史的乐队,乐队最初是由Shamgar组建的,他当初是怎么想到组建这支乐队的?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time that your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Slechtvalk was formed in 2000, is a band with a history of 24 years, the band was originally formed by Shamgar, how did he come up with the idea of forming the band in the first place? How did he come up with the idea of forming this band?

S: 向所有的中国歌迷问好!这确实是我们第一次接受中国杂志的采访,我们也很期待与中国的观众见面。早在1999年我18岁的时候,我就开始了Slechtvalk这个单人项目。几年前我就开始创作自己的音乐并曾多次尝试组建乐队,但都以失败告终,于是我决定自己写歌、录歌。首张专辑"Falconry"发行后,我更容易找到其他音乐人组建乐队,因此在2001年Slechtvalk成为一支完整的乐队。

Hello to all our Chinese fans! This is indeed the first time to have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine and we're looking forward to getting to know own Chinese audience. I started Slechtvalk as a one-man project back in 1999 when I was 18. I've been writing my own music for a couple of years and on different occassions tried to form a band, but that was unsuccesfull at the time, so I decided to write and record songs myself. After the release of the debut-album 'Falconry' it was much easier to find other musicians to form a band with, so in 2001 Slechtvalk became a full-band

V: 现在你们乐队的原始成员只有Shamgar和Premnath,Seraph在2010年才加入乐队,为什么第一代成员退出了乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你们对新成员满意吗?

The only original members of your band now are Shamgar and Premnath, Seraph only joined the band in 2010, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with the new members?

S: Seraph是在2005年加入的,也就是"At the Dawn of War"发行后不久(或之前)但"A Forlorn Throne”(2010 年)是他参与演出的第一张专辑。因此我认为Seraph也是Slechtvalk的核心成员之一,因为他在“At the Dawn of War”(2005 年)和“A Forlorn Throne”(2010 年)的风格转变中起到了关键作用。至于第一代成员,他们至少在两张专辑中都是Slechtvalk的成员: 鼓手Grimbold于2001年加入乐队,他于2017年退休,主要原因是打极端金属鼓对他年迈的身体来说太过劳累,而且他的膝盖还受了伤。主唱/吉他/贝斯手Ohtar于2001年加入,但在 2012年离开,因为当时他想移民到另一个国家。他回来参加了“Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”(2016 年)专辑的录制,但没有与我们一起进行过现场演出。女高音Fionnghuala也于2001年加入,但在2007年离开,因为她不喜欢在现场演出的大部分时间里站在一旁。一般来说她只能在一半的歌曲中唱几句,因此她决定转而专注于古典合唱团的工作。还有一些人曾经是Slechtvalk大家庭的一员,但多年后因为生活重心的转移而离开了。在新专辑“At Death's Gate”中,Tomrair,2021年和Hamar,2017 年加入了我们的行列,他们与我们一起创作了“At Death's Gate”,但遗憾的是,他们两人的个人生活迫使他们退了一步,但目前我们还没有找到替代者。以前我们在寻找新成员时都是靠口口相传,我们认识的人似乎总能知道谁会对我们感兴趣。

Seraph joined in 2005, shortly after (or before) the release of 'At the Dawn of War', but 'A Forlorn Throne' (2010) was the first album he played on. So, I'd consider Seraph also part of the core of Slechtvalk, because he was pivotal in the stylistic shift from 'At the Dawn of War' (2005) and 'A Forlorn Throne' (2010). As for the first generation of members who were part of Slechtvalk for at least 2 albums: Grimbold, the drummer who joined in 2001, retired in 2017, mainly because drumming extreme metal became too taxing for his aging body and he suffered from a knee-injury. Ohtar, vocals/guitars/bass, joined in 2001, but left in 2012, because at the time he wanted to emigrate to another country. He returned for the album recordings of 'Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide' (2016), but hasn't played live with us. Fionnghuala, soprano, also joined in 2001, but left in 2007, because she didn't like to be standing on the sidelines for a good part of the live shows. In general she only had a few lines too sing on only half the songs and decided that she wanted to focus on classical choir-work instead. And there were several more who were part of the Slechtvalk family at some point and left years later, because their priorities in life shifted. For the new album 'At Death's Gate' we were joined by Tomrair (2021) and Hamar (2017), who fully worked with us in creating 'At Death's Gate', alas for both of them, their personal lives forced them to take a step back, but at the moment we haven't found a replacement yet. Previously we relied on word-of-mouth when finding new members, someone we knew always seemed to know someone who might be interested.

V: 你们乐队的每张专辑都录制得非常好,是在哪个录音室录制的?哪位制作人制作了你们的专辑?

Each of your band's albums have been recorded very well, what studio did you record the albums in? Which producer produced your albums?

S: “At the Dawn of War”(2005 年)没有成为我们希望的专辑,其中一部分原因是我们自己的错(没有按点击率录音)另一部分原因是我们与一位不理解我们音乐风格的制作人之间的关系很僵。因此当我们在寻找合适的录音室录制“A Forlorn Throne”时,我们特别想找一家在Detah / Black Metal面有丰富经验的录音室。我们列出了一份我们能负担得起的录音室清单,当然也有一份我们梦想去的录音室的愿望清单。当然所有伟大的Black Metal乐队的录音室都超出了我们的预算,但Fascination Street的Jens Bogren帮助我们与他经常合作的一家瑞典录音室谈成了一笔不错的交易。这仍然超出了我们的预算,但我们向旋风唱片公司(他们在 Fear Dark解散后向我们提供了唱片合约)提出了这个想法,他们愿意支付Jens Bogren的混音/母带制作费用,条件是我们支付录音的费用,我们与制作人Johan Örnborg一起在Studio Mega进行了录音。当我们计划制作“Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”时,我们最初的想法是再次与Jens Bogren和Johan Örnborg合作,但他们的价格变得更贵了或者说我们真的在AFT买到了好东西,因此我们正在寻找能以更低价格提供类似制作质量的替代方案。我们发现制作人Lasse Lammert是因为他在网上的吉他放大器视频,他看起来是个很懂行的人,工作起来也很愉快,与他合作非常愉快,所以当我们计划录制“在死亡之门”时,Lasse Lammert是我们唯一考虑的制作人。

'At the Dawn of War' (2005) didn't become the album we hoped it would be, part of it was our own fault (not recording to a click), another was part of a strenous relationship with a producer who didn't understand our style of music. So when we were looking for a suitable studio to record 'A Forlorn Throne' we were looking specifically for a studio with a solid experience with Death/Blackmetal. We got a list of studios we could realistically afford and ofcourse had a wish-list of studios we dreamed of going to. Ofcourse the studio's where all the great blackmetalbands record were out of our budget, Jens Bogren of Fascination Street helped us in getting a good deal with a Swedish studio he often woked with. It was still out of our budget, but we proposed this idea to Whirlwind Records (who offered us a record deal after Fear Dark disbanded) and they offered to pay for the mixing/mastering by Jens Bogren provided we paid for the recording sessions, which we did with producer Johan Örnborg at Studio Mega. When we were planning for 'Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide' our initial idea was to work with Jens Bogren & Johan Örnborg again, but they've become much more expensive (or we really got a good deal for AFT), so we're looking at alternatives that could deliver a similar production quality at much lower rates. We discovered producer Lasse Lammert because of his guitar-amp youtube videos, he seemed like a guy who knows his stuff and pleasant to work with and it was great working with him, so when we planned to record 'At Death's Gate' Lasse Lammert was the only producer we considered.

V: 你们刚成立乐队时叫Dommer,但不久后就改成了现在的名字,为什么要改名?

When you first started the band you went by the name Dommer, but shortly after you changed it to your current name, why did you change it?

S: 1999年之前我有过很多短暂的项目,因为我仍在探索自己的音乐风格。在我探索音乐的过程中,它们从来没有真正并存过,而是一个发展成另一个。Dommer只是这一过程中的另一个临时阶段,我认为它始于“AscensioN”,然后是“Rebirth”,接着是“Richter”,然后是 “Dommer”,直到我决定制作一张专辑并将其命名为“Slechtvalk”。十多岁时我迷恋上了学习挪威语,因此把荷兰语的“Richter”改成了挪威语的“Dommer”,但和其他人一样,我觉得这样不够酷。Slechtvalk(荷兰语中游隼的意思)是我在观看一部自然纪录片后想到的,游隼的飞行特点给我留下了深刻印象。它的荷兰名字听起来很酷,而荷兰名字的含义(源自名词拆毁)似乎也很适合音乐风格。

Before 1999 I had many shortlived projects as I was still discovering my musical style. They never really co-existed, but rather one developed into the other as I was on my musical exploration. Dommer was just another temporary phase in that process and I think it started with 'AscensioN', then 'Rebirth', then 'Richter' and then 'Dommer' until I decided to make an album and called it 'Slechtvalk'. In my late teens I was obsessed with trying to learn the Norwegian language, which is why I changed the dutch 'Richter' to its Norwegian equivalent 'Dommer', but like the others, I didn't think it was cool enough. 'Slechtvalk' (the dutch word for 'Peregrin Falcon') came to me after watching a nature documentary and I was impressed by the flying characteristics of the Peregrin falcon. The dutch name for it sounded cool and the meaning of the dutch name (which derived from the noun 'to tear down') also seemed fitting for the musical style.

V: 你们乐队的Logo非常独特,是谁设计的?你们专辑的封面设计也非常精美,是谁为你们设计的?

Your band's logo is very unique, who designed your logo, and your album artwork is beautifully designed, who designed the artwork for you?

S: 我们在2000年至2009年间使用的Slechtvalk原始Logo是由Nik Önder设计的,有点符合Black Metal Logo的一般晦涩风格。但问题是它的辨识度不高,尤其是与Slechtvalk这样的单词组合在一起时。因此当我们聘请Raymond Swanland为"A Forlorn Throne"设计封面插图时,我们还请他设计了一个带有猎鹰徽章的新Logo。最终猎鹰徽章看起来更像一只鹰,而不是一只猎鹰,但大多数人都不希望改变它,所以我们保留了Raymond Swanland设计的样子。我们新专辑“At Death's Gate”的封面设计由Mark Erskine完成。我们找不到能及时创作封面的艺术家,所以我们想找一个和Raymond Swanland一样优秀,但没有他那么出名(而且提前几年预订)的人。我们找到了Mark Erskine的个人资料,他的作品给我们留下了深刻印象。当我们联系他时,发现他是Slechtvalk的长期粉丝,可以在短时间内创作出作品。因此我们觉得这次合作是命中注定的。

The original Slechtvalk logo we used between 2000 and 2009 was designed by Nik Önder and kinda fit the general obscure family of blackmetal logo's. The problem with it, it wasn't very recognizable, especially combined with a word like 'Slechtvalk', so when we hired Raymond Swanland to design the cover-artwork for 'A Forlorn Throne' we also asked him to design a new logo with a falcon crest. In the endresult the falcon crest kinda looks more like an eagle, than a falcon, but the majority didn't want it changed, so we kept it the way Raymond Swanland designed it. The cover artwork for our new album 'At Death's Gate' is designed by Mark Erskine. We were a bit late with finding an artist who could create the artwork in time, so were looking for someone who was as good as Raymond Swanland, but not as known (and booked years ahead). We found Mark Erskine's profile and were impressed by his work. When we contacted him, it turned out he is a Slechtvalk fan for a long time and could create the artwork on a short notice. So it feels like this collaboration was supposed to be.

V: 基督教主题、幻想、战斗、战争是你们乐队音乐的主题,你们为什么选择这些主题,想通过它们表达什么?歌词是谁写的,灵感来自哪里?

Christian themes, Fantasy, Battles, War are the themes of your band's music, why do you choose them and what do you want to express through them? Who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

S: 现在所有的歌词都是我写的(过去Ohtar也写过一些)我喜欢写短篇小说,但写歌词也是表达自己的一种方式。我不是一个很健谈的人,有些话题我不和别人说(即使我应该说,比如我和自杀的斗争)所以我把我的想法写成歌词。因为我是基督徒,所以我对生活有自己的看法,也相信即使一切看似迷茫,也总能找到希望。在我为“At Death's Gate”写歌词期间,我的一位家人自杀了,这让我重新想起了自己的一些挣扎。因此我决定将自己过去与自杀的斗争以及如何决定坚持活下去作为歌词的基础。其他一些歌词的灵感来源于俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的冲突以及阿拉伯叛乱中的伊斯兰国叛乱,在这些叛乱中,年轻人被迫服兵役,而他们的父母却无法或不敢阻止这一切,只能眼睁睁地看着自己的孩子被送往屠宰场,直到他们决定站出来为自己的孩子而战。

Nowadays I write all lyrics (in the past Ohtar also wrote some) and I like to write short stories, but writing lyrics is also a way to express myself. I'm not a very talkative guy and some subjects I don't talk about with others (even if I should, like my struggle with suicide), so I write my thoughts to lyrics. Because I'm a Christian I look at life a certain way and also believe that there is always hope to be found even if all seems lost. In the period I was writing lyrics for 'At Death's Gate', a family member committed suicide and that revived some of my own struggles. So I decided to base many of the lyrics on my own past struggles with suicide and how I decide to cling to life. Some of the other lyrics are inspired by the conflict between Russia & Ukraine and the IS-revolt in the Arab revolt, where young men are forced into military service on and their parents unable or too afraid to stop it and powerlessly see how their children are sent to the slaughter until they decide to stand up and fight for their children.

V: 你们曾与Fear Dark Records、MDD Records、Whirlwind Records等唱片公司发行过专辑。你是如何与这些厂牌取得联系并进行合作的?你对这些厂牌的工作满意吗?

You've released albums with labels such as Fear Dark Records, MDD Records, Whirlwind Records, etc. How did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you satisfied with the work of these labels?

S: 在过去的30年里,音乐产业发生了很大的变化。当Slechtvalk刚开始的时候,唱片公司通常会根据3首歌曲的试唱片支付整张专辑的所有费用(录音室、包装、推广)Fear Dark负责一切(甚至包括大多数演唱会)所以我们所要做的就是专注于写新材料和演出。当Fear Dark在2007年解散时,我们正在寻找一个替代方案。时代在改变,但在2009年,我们发现Whirlwind愿意发行“A Forlorn Throne”,他们支付了大约75%的成本。不幸的是由于个人原因,他们在专辑发行后的一年就解散了。2014年我们在寻找新品牌的时候,时代真的变了。唱片公司在考虑签约乐队之前,不仅想听完整的专辑,还希望乐队支付所有录音室费用。这令我们感到震惊,因为在过去,我们被签约的唱片公司宠坏了。如果我们不得不支付工作室的费用,我们认为我们不妨自己发行,所以我们做了“Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide”,2016并聘请了公关公司来帮助公关。我们挣回了投资,但作为一只孤独的狼意味着我们的专辑几乎没有得到任何明显的发行,而我们自己做的所有事情都是很多工作,这在我只有一个孩子的时候是可以管理的,但将是不可能的现在我有四个。人们(预订者/促销者等)似乎也不像签约乐队那样重视未签约乐队,所以对于“At Death's Gate”,我们决定再找一个唱片公司。MDD最初在2023年联系我们,当时他们听说我们要进工作室,但我们想先尝试一些不同的选择。有一些线索,但没有成功,MDD仍然很乐意与我们合作。MDD不是一个大牌子,但它从90年代就开始出现,在整个舞台上受到尊重。现在判断我们是否满意他们为新专辑所做的宣传工作还为时过早。

Much has changed in the past 3 decades in the music industry. When Slechtvalk first started it was common for a label to pay all expenses regarding a full length album (studio, packaging, promotion) based on a 3-song demo. Fear Dark took care of everything (even for most of the concerts), so all we had to do was to focus on writing new material and the shows. When Fear Dark disbanded in 2007 we were looking for an alternative. Times were changing but in 2009 we found Whirlwind to willing to release A Forlorn Throne and they paid for roughly 75% of all costs. Unfortunately they disbanded in the year after the album's release due to personal circumstances. When we were looking for a new label in 2014, times really changed. Labels not only wanted to hear a finished album in its entirety, before they'd consider signing the band, but also expect the bands to pay for all studio costs. That came as a shock to us, because in the past we were pampered by the labels we signed with. If we had to pay for the studio costs anyway, we thought we might as well release it ourselves, so we did with 'Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide' 2016 and hired a PR agency to help with PR. We earned our investment back, but being a lone wolf meant that our album hardly got any noticeable distribution, while doing everything ourselves was a lot of work, which was manageable when I only had one child, but would be impossible now I have four. It also seemed that people (bookers/promotors etc) don't take unsigned bands as seriously as signed bands, so for 'At Death's Gate' we decided to look for a label once again. MDD initially contacted us back in 2023 when they heard we were going into the studio, but we wanted to try some different options first. There were some leads, but didn't work out and MDD were still happy to work with us. MDD isn't a huge label, but it has been around since the 90's and is respected throughout the scene. It's a bit too early to tell whether we're satisfied with their work as the promotion for the new album just started, but so far the collaboration goes well. They're nice guys who run a business but also keep the artist wishes in mind.

V: 首先祝贺你最新专辑“At Death's Gate”的发行,这张专辑是你花了8年时间完成的,我相信它和你的每一张专辑一样,都是一张经典专辑,它有着宏大的氛围、悠扬的旋律和键盘垫。这使你的作品更加宏大,仿佛是一场悲壮的战争场面,你如何看待自己的作品?新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your latest album ‘At Death's Gate’, which took you 8 years to complete and I believe it is a classic album, as is every one of your albums, with its grandiose ambience, melodic melodies and keyboard pads. It makes your work even more grandiose, as if it were the scene of a tragic war, what do you think of your work? Has the new album changed anything compared to the old one?

S: 我们原本计划在 2020 年底录制“At Death's Gate”,但Covid大流行迫使我们多次推迟。2021年贝斯手Dagor移民到了葡萄牙,Tomrair加入了我们,因此我们重新审视了所有创作素材。我们喜欢在每张专辑中突破自己的极限,我认为“At Death's Gate”是我们迄今为止最残酷的专辑,同时还保持了Slechtvalk所特有的史诗氛围。我们已经为未来的专辑构思了很多新歌,所以我们希望“At Death's Gate”能够获得成功,这样我们就有能力在未来几年重返录音室。

Originally we planned to record 'At Death's Gate' late 2020, but the Covid Pandemic forced us to postpone it several times. In 2021 bassguitarist Dagor emigrated to Portugal and we were joined by Tomrair, so we were revisiting all material we wrote. We like to push the bar of our limitations with every album and with 'At Death's Gate' I think we delivered our most brutal album yet, while still keeping the epic atmosphere Slechtvalk is known for. We already have a lot of new songs ideas for a future album, so we hope 'At Death's Gate' will be a success so we can afford to return to the studio the coming years.

V: 除了发行新专辑之外,你们乐队还有什么新的计划吗?我相信你们要做的第一件事就是宣传新专辑。

Do you have any of those new endeavours coming up for your band other than the release of the new album? I'm sure the first thing you'll be doing is promoting the new album.

S: 我们计划在11月举办一些发行派对,届时我们会演奏新专辑中的大部分歌曲甚至是全部歌曲。之后的事情就有点扑朔迷离了。Hamar(鼓手)想退出,这样他就可以专注于家庭和工作,但到目前为止,我们还没有找到替代者,这使得我们很难积极地尽可能多地演出。

We have some release parties planned in November where we play most, if not all, songs of the new album. After that things are a bit shrouded in mists. Hamar (drums) wants to step down, so he can focus on his family & work, but so far we haven't found a replacement yet, which makes it difficult to actively try to get as many shows as possible.

V: 你们参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象,能描述一下音乐节的氛围吗?2024年你们会参加哪些音乐节,2005年你们发行了 DVD “Upon the Fields of Battle”?这张 DVD是你参加的音乐节的作品吗?

You've played a lot of festivals, which festivals have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere, which festivals you're going to play in 2024, and which ones you've released the DVD ‘Upon the Fields of Battle’ in 2005? The DVD is from the festival you attended?

S: "Upon the Fields of Battle"的DVD是在一次特别组织的活动上发行的,只有我们参加了演出。门票是免费的(以确保观众爆满)除了现场表演本身,我们还为“Thunder of War”的视频剪辑做了一些拍摄。过去我们曾在各种音乐节上演出。有的音乐节阵容强大,风格各异(如 Elements of Rock)而有的则以Black Metal为主,如Boarstream和Barther Metal Open Air。我们对这两种音乐节都很喜欢,因为能看到平时听不到的乐队并与他们交流很有趣,而且与志同道合的人在一起也很酷。我们喜欢和未曾谋面的人在一起,在每个音乐节上,都会有一些乐队在后台独来独往,而另一些乐队则喜欢结识其他乐队。到目前为止我们在所有音乐节上都留下了美好的回忆。随着2024年的结束,我想除了最初的专辑发行演出之外,我们不会再参加任何演出了,我们希望在2025年能经常参加一些音乐节,希望我们的新专辑能受到好评,为我们铺平道路。

The DVD 'Upon the Fields of Battle' was on a special organised event where only we played. Tickets were free (to ensure we'd get a full crowd) and aside from the live-show itself, we also did some takes for the video clip of 'Thunder of War'. In the past we've played at various festivals. Some with a line-up of various styles (like Elements of Rock), while others were focused on mostly blackmetal, like Boarstream and Barther Metal Open Air. We like both kind of festivals, because it's fun to get to see and talk to bands that you normally don't listen to, but it's also cool to be with like-minded people. We like to hang out with people we haven't met before and at every festival there are bands that keep to themselves while backstage, while others like to get to know the other bands. So far we have great memories from all the festivals we played. With 2024 drawing to an end, I don't think we'll be playing any more shows except for the initial album release shows and we hope to frequent a decent number of festivals in 2025, we hope our new album will be well received and pave the way for us.

V: Slechtvalk是一支经典的荷兰乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望通过这次采访能有更多的人关注、支持、喜欢你们的歌,最后你们有什么想对中国的歌迷说的吗?

Slechtvalk is a classic Dutch band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview, more people will pay attention to, support, and like your songs, and in the end, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans?

S: 我很荣幸能有这个机会和中国的听众交流,因为能和中国歌迷交流的社交媒体平台并不多。我们希望今后能认识你们。

I'm honoured by this opportunity to talk with our Chinese audience, because there aren't that many social media platforms where we can talk with our Chinese fans. We hope we will able to get to know you in future.


Slechtvalk - Falconry(2000)

Slechtvalk - The War That Plagues the Lands(2002)

Slechtvalk - At the Dawn of War(2005)

Slechtvalk - Thunder of War(2005)

Slechtvalk - A Forlorn Throne(2010)

Slechtvalk - Where Wandering Shadows and Mists Collide(2016)

Slechtvalk - At Death's Gate(2024)




Slechtvalk乐队官方Official website网站:



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