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虐待快乐 - 乐印度尼西亚Brutal Death Metal乐队Saw乐队专访

今天采访到的是来自印度尼西亚的Brutal Death Metal乐队Saw,众所周知印度尼西亚是一个Brutal Death Mwtal大国,在印度尼西亚孕育着大量优秀的乐队,2023年组建的Saw乐队虽然很年轻,但是乐队早在2019 - 2020年就已经发行了两张作品,深受印度尼西亚歌迷和其他国家的歌迷和乐队乐评人的好评,凭借着两张优秀的作品被印度尼西亚也是亚洲最大的厂牌Brutal Mind挖掘并且在今年发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Unleash Perpetual Torment”,残酷,血腥的氛围,连续快速的Riff,而且两把吉他的配合非常默契并且技术性非常强,不会让人觉得很乏味,具有很高的可听性,鼓手的表现也是非常抢眼,歌手Sick的演唱也给所有歌迷留下深刻印象,虽然这只是乐队的第一张正式专辑,但是却是一支非常有实力的乐队,可以说印度尼西亚的乐队从来没有让歌迷们失望过,非常期待他们的新作品,前不久乐队的吉他手Ilyas与杂志取得联系进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 I: 代表Ilyas)

Today we are interviewing Saw, a Brutal Death Metal band from Indonesia. As we all know, Indonesia is a Brutal Death Metal country, which breeds a large number of excellent bands. Although Saw, formed in 2023, is very young, the band has released two works as early as 2019-2020, which are well received by fans in Indonesia and fans and band critics in other countries. With these two excellent works, they were discovered by Brutal Mind, the largest label in Indonesia and Asia, and released their first official album "Unleash Perpetual Torment" this year. The cruel, bloody atmosphere, continuous and fast Riff, and the cooperation between the two guitars are very tacit and technical, which will not make people feel boring and has high audibility. The performance of the drummer is also very eye-catching, and the singer Sick's singing also left a deep impression on all fans. Although this is only the first official album of the band, it is a very powerful band. It can be said that Indonesian bands have never disappointed fans. I look forward to their new works. Not long ago, the band's guitarist Ilyas contacted the magazine for an interview!

(V: represents the author, I: represents Ilyas)



V: 你好Ilyas很高兴认识你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们第一次接受中国杂志的采访首先向中国粉丝问好,Saw是在哪一年成立的?你是如何组建乐队的,Saw这个名字对你来说有什么意义吗?

Hello Ilyas it's nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time you guys have been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, in what year was Saw formed? How did you start the band and does the name Saw mean anything to you?

I: 你好!也很高兴认识你!!谢谢你邀请我参加这次采访!这是一本很酷的杂志!好的首先我想介绍一下自己,我是来自印度尼西亚West Java乐队Saw的吉他手Ilyas。我也想向中国的所有粉丝问好,希望我们能在那里见面!Saw成立于2023年11月,我们也来自印度尼西亚一个偏远的城市。这支乐队最初想尝试一种新的流派,即Slamming Brutal Deathmetal并希望组建一支富有成效的乐队来发行歌曲和表演。乐队Saw的名字没有任何意义,我只是想取一个简短的乐队名,这样容易记住

Hello! Nice to meet you too!! And thank you for inviting me to this interview! This is a very cool magazine! Okay First of all I want to introduce myself, I am Ilyas from the band Saw from Garut, West Java, Indonesia. And I also want to say Hello to all fans in China and hopefully we will meet there! Saw was formed in November 2023, We also come from a remote city in Indonesia. This band started from wanting to try a new genre, namely Slamming Brutal Deathmetal and wanted to make a productive band to release songs and perform. And the name of the band Saw has no meaning, I just wanted to make a short band name so that it is easy to remember

V: 你们乐队的成员都是第一代成员吗?你们是怎么走到一起的?

Are all the members of your band first generation members? How did you all come together?

I: 最初的成员​​分别是Ilyas(吉他手)、Panji(主唱)、Robby(吉他手)、Indera(鼓手)、Fauzi(贝斯手)而2021年由于Panji(主唱)要去日本工作,他最终决定退出Saw乐队,由Arif Lukman接替。之后乐队成员没有变动,也没有减少,希望我们还能在一起。

For the first members, namely Ilyas (Guitar), Panji (vocals), Robby (Guitar), Indera (Drums), and Fauzi (Bass). And in 2021 because Panji (vocals) had to work in Japan, he finally decided to resign from the Saw members, and was replaced by Arif Lukman. After that there was no change or reduction in members and hopefully we can still be together.

V: 你们乐队的创作过程是怎样的?能描述一下你们的创作过程吗?

How does the creative process work in your band? Can you describe your creative process?

I: 我们专辑的创作过程非常顺利。我们在朋友Rendi Renaldi家里录制了吉他和贝斯,因为他有录音设备。我们在QR Record录音室录制了人声,在FK Studio录制了鼓声,没有任何障碍。

The creative process of making our album went smoothly. We recorded the guitar and bass at our friend Rendi Renaldi's house because he had the equipment for recording. For the vocals we recorded at the QR Record studio, and for the drum recordings we recorded at FK Studio, and there were no obstacles.

V: 你们乐队的Logo设计得很漂亮,谁为你们乐队设计了这个Logo?你们的专辑封面设计得很病态,谁为你们设计了这幅封面?

Your band's logo is beautifully designed, who designed this logo for your band and your album artwork is morbidly designed, who designed this artwork for you?

I: Logo由Wildan_Slam制作,我们的EP专辑封面由Jonzig制作

The logo was made by Wildan_Slam and the cover of our EP album was made by Jonzig

V: 你们乐队的音乐主题是什么?你们想通过这样的音乐主题表达什么?你们写过歌词吗?谁写的这些歌词?他的灵感来自哪里?

What is the theme of your band's music about? What do you want to express through such musical themes? Do you guys write any lyrics parts, who writes these lyrics and what does he get his inspiration from?

I: 我们的音乐主题是残酷、谋杀、鲜血和血腥。所有歌词都是由Arif (主唱) 创作的,主题是关于虚构的谋杀,因为如果某件事是真实的,就必须承担责任,所以我们选择了关于谋杀的主题,这不是真实的,只是想象的。

Our music theme is something brutal, murder, blood, and gore. The one who wrote all the lyrics is Arif (Vocal) and the theme is about fictional murder, because if something is real there must be accountability so we chose the theme about murder that is not real and just imaginary.

V: 你曾与Stockers Record、Truesick Production和Brutal Mind合作过,尤其Brutal Mind是你所在国家最著名的唱片公司之一,你是如何与这些唱片公司取得联系并合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

You have released with Stockers Record, Truesick Production and Brutal Mind, especially Brutal Mind is one of the most famous labels in your country, how did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? How did you get in touch with these labels to work with them? Are you satisfied with their work?

I: 对于第一家厂牌Truesick Productions,他们发布了我们的Demo,名为Promotional 2019,包含2首歌曲,分别是Use My Saw和Scattered Shapeless Disgusting。我们通过Panji与 Truesick Production合作,我不太清楚开始的过程,我只知道他们要求我们为我们的首张Demo专辑制作2首歌曲。对于第二家厂牌Stockers Record,他们与乐队Implied合作制作并发行了名为Split Sick Brutality的专辑,该专辑于2020年发行,Stockers Record还发行了Saw的一些商品,例如T恤、长袖、手帕和短裤。最初我们之所以能够与Stockers Record建立联系,是因为我们之前的歌手Panji和Sandi (Stockers Record) 之间是朋友直到现在,尽管Panji已经辞职,我们仍然与Stockers Record保持着良好的沟通。下一个厂牌是Brutal Mind,他们发行了我们的EP专辑Unleash Perpetual Torture,其中包含7首曲目,即Intro、Unleash Perpetual Torture、Decomposing Mind From Psychopathic Acts、Chainsaw Man Massacre、Cannibalistic Of Rotting Dead Body、Wrath Of Vengeance和Generasi Kultur Barbar。他们还发行了我们的CD EP专辑并发行了T恤和旗帜等商品。我们之所以能够与Brutal Mind合作,是因为当时我们在Garut Death Fest #3 活动中演出,Deni Lisain(Brutal Mind)观看了我们的演出,因为当时Brutal Mind在活动中开设了一个展位。之后Arif和Deni Lisain(Brutal Mind)进行了闲聊,之后我们进行了进一步的交流。

For the first label, Truesick Productions, they released our demo entitled Promotional 2019 and contained 2 songs, namely Use My Saw, and Scattered Shapeless Disgusting. We were able to collaborate with Truesick Production through Panji and I don't really know the beginning, all I know is they asked us to make 2 songs for our demo debut. For the second label, Stockers Record, they made and released our Split with the band Implied entitled Split Sick Brutality which was released in 2020, and Stockers Record also released several merchandise from Saw such as T-shirts, Longsleeves, Handbans, and Shorts. Initially we were able to establish communication with Stockers Record because there was a friendship between our previous vocalists, Panji and Sandi (Stockers Record) and until now we still have good communication with Stockers Record even though Panji has resigned. And the next label is Brutalmind, they released our EP album entitled Unleash Perpetual Torture which contains 7 tracks, namely, Intro, Unleash Perpetual Torture, Decomposing Mind From Psychopathic Acts, Chainsaw Man Massacre, Cannibalistic Of Rotting Dead Body, Wrath Of Vengeance, and Generasi Kultur Barbar. They also released our CD EP album and released merchandise such as T-Shirts and Flags. We were able to collaborate with Brutalmind because at that time we performed at the Garut Death Fest #3 event and Deni Lisain (Brutalmind) watched our performance because at that time Brutalmind was opening a booth at the event. after that there was a small talk between Arif and Deni Lisain (Brutalmind) and we had further communication after that.

V: 首先祝贺你今年发行的第一张正式专辑"Unleash Perpetual Torment",这是一张很棒的美式Brutal Death Metal专辑,有两把吉他,演奏得很棒,连续、快速、残酷的即兴重复乐段,Sick的歌声,快和精准的鼓点,从任何角度来看,这都是一件很棒的作品,你对自己的作品有什么看法?

First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album this year, “Unleash Perpetual Torment”, a wonderful piece of American Brutal Death Metal, with two guitars, great playing, continuous, fast, brutal riffs, Sick's vocals, fast! and precise drumming, it's a wonderful piece of work from any angle, what do you think of your own work?

I: 谢谢你的赞美,这对我们来说意义重大,我认为这个作品很好,我感到自豪,但我有点不满意,因为我们还在学习这个,对这个流派了解不多,所以我希望在下一个版本中我们能做出更疯狂的东西,但总的来说,我对这张EP专辑以及 Brutal Mind 厂牌的完美混音和母带制作感到满意。

Thank you for the compliment it means a lot to us, I think this work is good and I am proud, but I am a little dissatisfied because we are still learning about this and do not know much about this Genre, so I hope in the next release we want to make something crazier, but overall I am satisfied with this EP album and in Mixing and Mastering perfectly by the Brutalmind label.

V: 除了发行新专辑,你在2024年还有其他新计划吗?比如写歌、录制新素材?

Do you have any other new endeavors going on in 2024 besides releasing a new album? Like writing, recording some new material?

I: 是的,我们正在写新歌,计划制作一张完整的专辑。虽然几年后才会发行,但我们从现在就开始准备素材了。

Yes, we are writing new material and we are planning to make a full album. Although it will be released in a few years, we are preparing the material from now.

V: 你们有没有去现场表演过?哪些现场表演给你们留下了深刻印象?能描述一下现场的氛围吗?

Have you guys ever been to a live show and what live shows have impressed you and can you describe the atmosphere?

I: 是的,我们做过现场表演,所有的表演都给我们留下了深刻的印象,因为观众和活动组织者真的很欣赏我们,尽管我们很年轻,我们的乐队来自农村,但他们很欣赏我们。每场演出我们都会结识很多新朋友,所以真的很棒。

Yeah we did live shows and all the shows made us impressed because the audience and the event organizers really appreciated us even though we were young and our band was from the village but they appreciated us. And every show we always had a lot of new friends so it was really great.

V: Saw是一支很棒的乐队,我是你们的忠实粉丝,我会一直支持你们,关注你们,希望通过这次采访更多的中国粉丝能够关注、支持和了解你们,也希望很快能听到你们的新作品,在这次采访结束时你有什么想对中国粉丝说的吗?

Saw is a great band, I'm a big fan of yours, I'll always support and follow you, and I hope that through this interview more Chinese fans will follow, support and get to know you, and I hope to hear your new work soon, is there anything you'd like to say to your Chinese fans at the end of this interview?

I: 非常感谢你们对我们乐队的赞美和支持。这对我们来说意义重大。我要对每一位阅读这本杂志的人说声谢谢,特别是对来自中国的所有粉丝,我希望我们能来中国演出,一起玩得开心。


I would like to say thank you very much for your compliments and support to our band. It means a lot to us. And to everyone who reads this magazine I say thank you especially to all the fans from China I hope we can come to perform there and have fun together. This magazine is great for introducing a remote band like us to many people I really appreciate it! And I hope this magazine gets more fans too!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!


Saw - Unleash Perpetual Torment(2024)


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