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解剖学研究 - 智利Goregrind乐队Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy专访

今天采访到的是一支来自智利的老牌Goregrind乐队Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy,2009成立的Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy乐队由Robert一人组建,2010年发行的Demo作品“Rigor Mortis in Progress”,便收到了智利本土歌迷关注,2015年Diego Larvae加入乐队,负责吉他和歌手的位置,但是由于个人问题退出了乐队,乐队再次成为单人乐队,随后与很多地下厂牌合作发行了多张作品,2018年乐队在墨西哥Lymphatic Sexual Orgy Records厂牌发行了第一张正式专辑“Cadaveric Sex and Cavernous Genital Rigidity”,这是一张极度Sick的专辑,快速,疯狂噪音般的Riff,折磨着所有歌迷的隔膜,但是还有一些中慢速的段落填充在作品中,让他的作品具有一定聆听感,虽然乐队采用的是Drum programming,但是非常富有变化性,不像一般的Drum programming乐队那样类似于直线性的编排,Robert类似于抽水马桶一般的演唱,让他的作品更加的病态,前不久杂志联系到了乐队成员Robert进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Robert)

Today, I interviewed Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy, an old Goregrind band from Chile. The Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy band, founded in 2009, was founded by Robert alone, and the Demo work "Rigor Mortis in Progress" released in 2010. It received the attention of local fans in Chile. In 2015, Diego Larvae joined the band and was responsible for the position of guitar and singer. However, due to personal problems, he quit the band and became a solo band again. Later, he cooperated with many underground brands to release several works. In 2018, the band released its first official album "Cadaveric Sex and Cavernous Genial Rigidity" on the label of Musical Orgy Records in Mexico. This is an extremely Sick album, with a fast, crazy noise-like Riff that torments all fans. However, there are still some middle and slow passages filled in his works, which makes his works have a certain sense of listening. Although the band uses Drum programming, it is very changeable, unlike the general Drum programming band, which is similar to linear arrangement. Robert sings like a toilet, which makes his works more morbid. Recently, the magazine contacted Robert, a member of the band, for an interview!

(V: for the author R: for Robert)

采访对象:RobertGruesome Bodyparts Autopsy乐队创始人)


V:Robert很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向中国歌迷们打声招呼。Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy乐队成立于2009年,是智利一支老牌乐队了,你是怎么想到组建这个乐队的?

Robert, nice to meet you. Thank you very much for taking part in this interview. I think this is your band's first interview with China magazine. First of all, pay tribute to the fans in China. Founded in 2009, Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy is a senior band in Chile. How did you come up with the idea of forming this band?

R: 你好,同志,很高兴有机会参加这样一个高水平杂志的采访。GxBxA出生于2009年,和它一起出生的还有已经不再参与该项目的好朋友Diego Larvae。起初我们想创建一个更加面向Grindcore的乐队,但最终我们决定加入Goregrind。这主要体现在第二个版本,叫做“Cannibal Anatomy”,虽然我们在第一个Demo中只做了一点点改动。影响我们的有Ulcerrhoea, Warsore, Regurgitate, LDOH, DoomAutophagia。值得注意的是,Diego刚开始的时候,我们最喜欢玩Grindcore,一醉方休,直到它成立,哈哈。这是创建队的一个很好的动机。现在我也喝醉了(还有其他事)有创意,但是一个人。

Greetings, comrade. I am glad to have the opportunity to participate in an interview with such a high-level magazine. GxBxA was born in 2009, together with Diego Larvae, a good friend who is no longer involved in the project. At first, we wanted to create a band more oriented to grindcore, but in the end we decided to join goregrind. This is mainly reflected in the second version, which is called "Cannibal Anatomy", although we only changed a little in the first demonstration. We are going to follow Ulcerrhoea, Warsore, Regurgitate, LDOH, Doom and Autophagia. It is worth noting that at the beginning of Diego, we liked to play grindcore more than anything else and get drunk until it landed on the floor. This is a good motivation to create Ajajaja band. Now, anyway, I am drunk (and other things) and creative, but alone.

V: 你的乐队2015年中还有一名成员,但他在2015年后离开了乐队。他离开乐队的原因是什么?

You had another member in the band until 2015, but he left the band after 2015. What's your reason for leaving the band?

R: 是的。一开始我们是两个人,Diego Larvae负责吉他和第二声乐。我们合作过几次,直到2015年,他因为与人生规划有关的个人原因,主动决定离开乐队,但是我们一直保持联系。现在我们已经恢复了他们的另一个项目“Malt”,我们将很快发布一个正式专辑。Diego Larvae很有可能和GxBxA合作开发八弦琴和第二部声乐,但目前还不确定。

Yes. At first, we were two people. Diego Larvae is in charge of guitar and second vocal music. We worked several times until 2015, when he voluntarily decided to leave the band for personal reasons related to his life plan. Anyway, we always keep in touch. Now that we have resumed their other project called "Malt", we will release a long album soon. Diego is likely to cooperate with GxBxA to develop eight strings and the second vocal music, but it is still uncertain.

V: 乐队里只有你一个人,所以作曲很容易,因为你可以用任何你想用的方式写歌。你能描述一下创作过程吗?

You are the only one in the band, so it is easy to compose music, because you can write songs in any way you want. How to compose songs? Can you describe the creative process?

R: 由于经验的原因,随着时间的推移,理论上的程序变得非常简单,但我通常会对轨道的组成施加很大的压力,因为我对自己的要求太高了。通常我写歌的时候,都已经提前灵性化了。我做的第一件事是在电脑上创建一个鼓。首先我创建了一个简单的版本。当歌曲的结构是我喜欢的,我就继续录吉他和贝斯。我通常这样做,直到我有我想要的音轨数。当我创作完了所有我想要的歌,这就是我录的音,不是我最喜欢的部分,是剪辑,混音,母带。此时,我通常会花时间尝试不同的程序。这基本上就是我做的。

Due to experience, the theoretical procedure becomes very simple over time, but I usually put a lot of pressure on the composition of the track because I demand too much of myself. Usually, when I write songs, I have spiritualized them in advance. The first thing I did was to create a drum on the computer. First, I created a simple version. When the structure of the song is what I like, I continue to record guitar and bass. I usually do this until I have the number of tracks I want. When I have created all the songs I want, this is my recorded sound, not my favorite part, but editing, mixing and mastering. At this point, I usually spend time and try different programs. This is basically what I did.

V: Gore, Putridity, Medical procedures你的音乐的一些主题。你为什么选择这样的音乐主题?你想通过这些话题表达什么?你写过歌词吗?这些歌词的灵感来自于什么?

Gore, Putridity, Medical procedures are some themes of your music. Why did you choose them? What do you want to express through these topics? Have you ever written a letter? What inspired you to write it?

R: 从很小的时候,我就被Puttrefaction吸引,甚至在我遇到任何极端音乐流派之前。当我第一次听说Goregrind的时候,我立刻有了归属感,我知道这就是我要去的地方。一开始我被手术吸引,但我意识到这并不能反映我内心的仇恨和狗屎,于是我慢慢回到了我标题里所有疯狂和病态的东西。这个话题,旁边的声音

From an early age, I was attracted by puttrefaction, even before I met any extreme music genre. When I first heard about goregrind, I immediately felt a sense of belonging, and I knew this was where I was going. At first, I was attracted by surgery, but I realized that it didn't reflect my inner hatred and shit, so I slowly returned to all the crazy and sick things in my title. This topic, the voice next to it

V: 你的录音在这种Grindcore风格中非常清晰,这张专辑是在哪个录音室录制的?哪个制作人制作了你的专辑?

Your recording is very clear in this Grindcore style. In which studio did you record this album? Which producer made your album?

R: 我感谢大家对我的声音的评价,我从来没有在外部录音棚录制过,因为我已经在音响工程领域接受了多年的培训,我也和其他乐队的成员保持联系,我可以和他们一起学习音频编辑。至于声音我从来没有直接和制作人合作过。我最近才做了所有的事情,但各种各样的音乐印章帮助我释放了身体上的垃圾,从而促进了传播。

I am grateful for the evaluation of the sound I have obtained. I have never recorded in an external recording studio because I have been trained in the field of sound engineering for many years. I also keep in touch with people from other bands, and I can learn about audio editing with them. As for the sound, I have never worked directly with the producer. I have only done everything recently, but all kinds of music stamps help to release my shit physically, thus promoting the spread.

V: 你的大部分专辑已经在墨西哥的Lymphatic Sexual Orgy Records发行,你目前与印度尼西亚的Inherited Production签约。你如何联系这些唱片公司?你对他们的工作有多满意?

Most of your albums have been released in Lymphatic Sexual Orgy Records in Mexico, and you are currently signing a contract with Inherited Production in Indonesia. How do you contact these record companies? How did you come into contact with these stamps? How satisfied are you with their work?

R: 这些厂牌与我直接接触,他们与我提到的第一个建立了友好的关系并一直愿意与我合作。我对这两个厂牌的工作非常满意,尽管我最近与海关发生了冲突,因为实物材料被长期保留和扣押。

These stamps are in direct contact with me, but they have established a friendly relationship with the first one I mentioned and have always been willing to work with my songs. I am very satisfied with the work of these two stamps, although I recently had a conflict with the customs because the physical materials were kept for a long time and recklessly.

V: 去年你刚刚发行了你的新的Spilt专辑。你们是一支很棒的智利乐队,我一直很喜欢。我从2009年开始关注你们乐队,给我留下了深刻的印象。粘稠,快速,Sick的Riff,你采用Drum programming制作了鼓,这种方式有一个很大的缺点就是如果制作不好会非常的机械化,但是你却把Drum programming运用的很好。

You just released your new album Spilt. Last year, you were a Chilean band, and I always liked it. I have been following your band since 2009, which has left a deep impression on me. Your work, using battery programming, the biggest disadvantage of this type of battery is that it can be very mechanical, if you don't program well, but your battery programming is very easy to use and very fast, and your guitar has a stickiness.

R: 个人比较喜欢这张EP"Ritual Procedure of Dismembering Incorporated Corpse"。我喜欢我听到的声音。最新专辑,我一直希望随着时间的推移能有所改善。我还想减少小军鼓的“乒”声。至于弦乐的声音,我想我已经接近找到我要找的声音了,我们正在微调细节。总之我认同声音,但我总是尽量让声音听起来恶心,混乱,没有业余的声音。

Personally, I prefer this EP "Ritual Procedure of Dismembering Incorporated Corpse". I like the sound I get and. The latest album, but I always hope to improve over time. I also want to reduce the "ping" sound of snare. As for the sound of the string, I think I am close to finding the sound I am looking for, and we are fine-tuning the details. In short, I agree with the voice, but I always try to sound as disgusting, disgusting and chaotic as possible, and there is no amateur voice.

V: 2024年有什么新工作吗?创作,录制一些新的歌单,能不能透露一些信息给人?

Are there any new jobs in 2024? How to write or record new songs, can you reveal some information to people?

R: 目前为止,今年可能会发布一些简短的内容,我正在考虑一个非常早期的Demo或EP。也许包括一些封面之类的东西会更容易些。另外我之前提到过,我可能会用Diego Larvae创作一些新的作品,但我现在不能保证。我目前正在准备第二张专辑,30分钟左右,但是很辛苦,需要时间,所以因为个人生活的变化,会花我一点时间。欲望是存在的,我必须澄清它。

So far, some short content may be released this year, and I am considering a very early demonstration or EP. Maybe it's easier to include some covers or something like that. Besides, as I mentioned before, I may decode strings and sounds with Diego Larvae, but I can't guarantee it now. I also plan to do the second one for a long time, about 30 minutes, but it is hard work and takes time, so it will take me a little time because of the changes in my personal life. Desire exists and I must clarify it.

V: 你举办过音乐姐吗?有哪些音乐节让你印象深刻?能否描述一下当时的氛围,2024你还准备参加哪些音乐节?

Have you ever held a concert? What concerts impressed you? Can you describe the atmosphere in 2024 and which festivals you will attend?

R: 我没有组织过演唱会,但是如果几年前参加了近10年的现场演出。我很难收到音乐节的邀请,我可能会被鼓励去玩其中的一些。今年我不会参加任何活动,但也许我会参加2025年正在计划的一个大型节日。感觉很棒,虽然在智利,使用Drum programming的乐队不那么受支持。和其他大洲的表演只有几光年的距离。不管怎么说这是一次宝贵的经历。

I have never organized a concert, but if I attended Ajiha for nearly 10 years a few years ago. I received an invitation, but it was difficult to accept it. I might be encouraged to play some of them. I won't take part in any activities this year, but maybe I will take part in a big festival being planned in 2025. It feels great, although in Chile, bands that use drum machines are not so supported. It is only a few light years away from performances in other continents. Anyway, it was a great experience to make people dissatisfied with the shit I did.

V: Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy是一支优秀的乐队,我一直是你的超级粉丝。我会一直支持和关注你的乐队。希望通过这次采访让更多的中国粉丝认可、支持、关注你们的乐队。最后你有什么想对中国的粉丝说的吗?

Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy is a very good band. I have always been a big fan of yours. I will always support and pay attention to your band. I hope that through this interview, more fans in China will recognize, support and pay attention to your band. Finally, do you have anything to say to your fans in China?

R: 非常感谢你的话。我们将继续在逆境中做立体声的垃圾,尽管逆境。我想告诉我的中国歌迷,我的下一张专辑会让他们大吃一惊,尽管它需要一些时间来制作。请注意我打算在这部作品上留下我的印记。

Thank you very much for your words. We will continue to do stereo shit for a long time, despite adversity. I want to tell my fans in China that my next album will surprise them, even though it will take some time to cook. Please note that I intend to leave my mark on this work.

Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy乐队主要作品:

Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy - Cannibal Anatomy(2012)

Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy - Cadaveric Sex and Cavernous Genital Rigidity(2018)

Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy - Delightful Demonstration of a Finished Putrefaction(2021)

Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy - Ritualistic Procedure for Dismembering Inhumed Corpse(2021)

Pulmonary Fibrosis / Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy - Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy / Pulmonary Fibrosis / Take That Vile Fiend 3 Way Split CD(2023)

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