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金属永存 - 厄瓜多尔极端金属乐手Pablo Barrera个人专访

Updated: Aug 29

今天的采访对象是来自厄瓜多尔的极端金属音乐家Pablo Barrera,这也是该杂志首次采访音乐家。他于安巴托是通古拉瓦省的首府,位于安巴托河畔。安巴托河畔。安巴托是通古拉瓦省的首府,位于安巴托河畔,是一座屡遭火山和地震破坏的城市,1949年最后一次大地震后重建。1997-1998 年,12岁的Pablo Barrera受到巴西著名金属乐队SEPULTURA的影响,开始接触金属音乐。2000年,他开始学习弹奏乐器并创建了一些当地乐队,开始了自己的音乐生涯:朋克、Goregrind、Deathgrind、Industrial Black/ Death Metal并发行了多张不同风格的专辑。他已经演奏了20多年他在厄瓜多尔地下金属乐坛留下了不朽的传奇。此外,他还在 YouTube 上开设了自己的播客节目 BESTIAL BLAST RADIO SHOW,他在其中采访了许多重要的乐队。他与我取得了联系,接受了这次独家采访!

(V: 代表笔者 P: 代表Pablo Barrera)

Today's interview is with extreme metal musician Pablo Barrera from Ecuador, the first time the magazine has interviewed a musician. He was born in 1985 in Ambato, a mountainous city in central Ecuador; Ambato is the capital of the province of Tungurahua, on the banks of

Ambato River. A city repeatedly damaged by volcanoes and earthquakes, rebuilt after the last great earthquake, in 1949. In 1997-1998, at the age of 12, Pablo Barrera was influenced by the famous Brazilian metal band SEPULTURA and began to get involved in metal music. In 2000 he started to learn how to play the instrument and started his career by creating some local bands, playing in many different styles such as: Punk, Goregrind, Deathgrind, Industrial Black/ Death Metal and having several albums released within various genres. He has been playing for more than 20 years and has left a legacy of the Ecuadorian underground metal scene that will not be forgotten. Besides, he has also started his own podcast on YouTube, BESTIAL BLAST RADIO SHOW, in which he interviews a lot of important bands. He got in touch with me for this exclusive interview!

(V: for the author P: for Pablo Barrera)

采访对象:Pablo Barrera


V: 你好Pablo Barrera很高兴你联系我接受采访。我想这也是你第一次接受中国杂志的采访。首先,请向你的中国粉丝介绍一下你自己。

Hello Pablo Barrera, I'm glad you contacted me for an interview. I think this is also your first interview with a Chinese magazine. First, please introduce yourself to your Chinese fans.

P: 你好!是的,这是我第一次接触中国地下党,我为能来到这里感到荣幸。我对亚洲充满敬意。我叫Pablo Barrera,我来自安巴托市,位于厄瓜多尔中部的高原地区。我开始对金属产生兴趣,1997-98年我12岁时,SEPULTURA的专辑“Arise”传入了我的耳朵。2000年底我开始演奏乐器,后来又参加了几支乐队。我的第一支乐队是一支名为INNFELICES的HC-Punk乐队(我是贝斯手)成立于2002年2月。但我一直有玩Grind的想法,于是我在2002年12月组建了 EL MUERMO 乐队(我是吉他手)在录制了两张简短的合辑后,我于2004年5月离开了乐队。这个名字是鼓手起的,所以我不在乎他们是否保留这个名字。然后我决定买一台鼓机,成立我的个人乐队OLUPARÚN。我花了几年时间从手臂的伤势中恢复过来,因此在2007年初,我已经做好了演出的准备,伤势也痊愈了。然后我花了两年时间为OLUPARÚN并在几年后发行。顺便说一句,在那之后我所有最重要的活动都是用鼓机完成的。2010年我停止了与Oluparún的合作,组建了一支名为MASTER OF GENOCIDE (MoG) 的Blackened Death-Grind乐队。这支乐队没有任何政治色彩,只是为了记录,但这是我摆脱当时许多负面情绪的一种方式。起初,它是一支个人乐队,后来一位朋友在2015年加入,担任主唱。他叫Javier,我们像二重奏一样,我负责吉他。2018年我决定终止MASTER OF GENOCIDE,因为我不再喜欢这个名字了。我改变了很多,我不想再处理那个乐队的概念。我再也不会回到那种状态了。MoG 死后,我们的音乐得到了更好的演奏和制作,我们想组建一支新的乐队。我要说清楚:MoG 没有改名,它死了。我这么说因为总会有人在Metallum百科全书上添加错误信息......哈哈哈!MoG死了,我们的新乐队叫GIGANTIC RED,以纪念在宇宙中环绕的红巨星。巨型恒星在宇宙中循环往复,拥有难以想象的力量,是人类有史以来任何破坏力尝试都无法比拟的。GIGANTIC RED乐队的设计理念是,拥有机器人般的Death-Black之音、电子人声和超机械化的鼓点编排。听起来很人工化吗?嗯......这就是我们的想法。否则它就不会是机器人。哈哈,与此同时,我还有一些临时项目。其中一些是尝试组建一个完整的乐队,但没有成功。最后一个(也是最有趣的一个)并不打算成为任何完整的乐队。是SPACE INVADERS,Javier负责主唱,我负责贝斯和鼓机。这首歌混合了Industrial音乐和Doom Atmosphere。顺便说一句,这完全不是Doom Metal,只是给人一种昏暗的感觉。这是在录制GIGANTIC RED专辑后不久完成的。OLUPARÚN在2019年至2021年期间进行了重组,Javier担任贝斯/主唱。我们在2019年录制了“Monsterland”的Demo,然后在2021年8月录制了与 PURE NOISE的合辑录音。在那之后,我们没有再一起演奏过任何类型的音乐。我们的职业让我们一直很忙,Javier和他的一个朋友成立了另一个乐队,我不知道我们是否还会与GIGANTIC RED重聚。无论如何能与世界其他地方分享我们的音乐总是件好事。 现在我致力于我的YouTube播客,这是一档采访节目,专门与世界各地的极限音乐家进行对话。节目名为“bestial blast radio show”。大部分访谈以英语进行并配有西班牙语口语翻译,因此如果有人懂英语,绝对会喜欢这个节目。

Hello! Yes, this is my first contact with the Chinese underground and I feel honoured for being here. Lotsa respect for Asia. Me? My name is Pablo Barrera. I am from the city of Ambato, located right in the middle of Ecuador, in the highlands of the country. I started developing an interes for metal in 1997-98, when I was twelve and SEPULTURA's album "Arise" entered my ears. I started playing an instrument at the end of the year 2000 and then I've bee part of several bands. My first band was a HC-Punk one called INNFELICES (I was the bassist), formed in February of 2002, but the idea of playing Grind stuff was always circulating my thoughts. So I formed the band EL MUERMO (me on guitars) in December of 2002. After two short recordings for splits, I left the band in May of 2004; the name had been brought forth by the drummer, so I didn't care if they kept the name without me. Then I decided to buy a drum machine and create my solo band OLUPARÚN. I spent a few years recovering from an injury in my arm, so I was ready and healed for playing in early 2007. Then, I spent 2 years making recordings for OLUPARÚN, which were released several years after that. By the way, all my most important activity has been made with a drum machine after that point. In 2010 I stopped with Oluparún and formed a Blackened Death-Grind band called MASTER OF GENOCIDE (MoG). Nothing political about it, just for the record, but it was a way of getting rid of many negative feelings I had at the time. First, it was a solo band and then a friend joined in 2015 on vocals. His name is Javier. We stayed like a duet for years, with me in charge of guitars. In 2018, I decided to terminate MASTER OF GENOCIDE because I didn't like the name anymore. I had changed a lot and I didn't want to deal with that band's concepts anymore. I would never go back to that state again. When MoG died, our music was better played, better produced and we wanted to make a new band. Let me say it clear: MoG DID NOT change the name. It died. I say it because there will always be someone out there adding wrong info on the Encyclopaedia Metallum... hahaha! MoG died and our new band was GIGANTIC RED, to honor the Red Giant stars circulating the universe with an unimaginable power, unmatched by any attempt of destructive power, ever made by any human. GIGANTIC RED is a band conceived for having a robotic Death-Black sound, with cyber vocals and ultra mechanized drum programming. Does it sound artificial? Well... that's the idea. Otherwise, it wouldn't be robotic. Haha! In the meanwhile, I've had temporary projects. Some of them were attempts of conforming a full band, but didn't work out. The last one (and the most fun), not intended to be any full band, was SPACE INVADERS, with Javier on vocals and me playing bass & drum machine. It's a mixture of industrial sounds with a touch of Doom atmosphere. Not Doom Metal at all, by the way. Just a doomy feeling. It was done a little while after the recording of GIGANTIC RED's album. OLUPARÚN was reformed between 2019 and 2021, with Javier on bass/vocals. We did the 'Monsterland' demo in 2019 and then the recording for the split with PURE NOISE, in August 2021. After that, we haven't played any kind of music together. Our occupations have kept us busy, Javier formed another with a friend of his and I don't know if we will ever reunite with GIGANTIC RED. Anyway, it's always nice to share our music with the rest of the world. Right now I dedicate myself to my YouTube podcast, an interview show dedicated to having conversations with extreme musicians from all over the world. It's called BESTIAL BLAST RADIO SHOW. Most of the interviews are in English with immediate spoken translation to Spanish so, if anyone knows English, that person will absolutely enjoy the show.

V: 你参加过很多乐队,但大多数都被搁置了,只有三个乐队还在活动。为什么你的大部分乐队都被搁置了?

You have participated in many bands, but most of them are on hold, with only three bands still active. Why are most of your bands on hold?

P: 我想我不小心在问题一中回答了这个问题。嘿嘿!GIGANTIC RED是唯一一个被正式搁置 的乐队,因为我对未来一无所知。其他乐队都不再活跃,但我仍在推广这些音乐,因为我觉得这样做是值得的。因为每首歌、每张唱片的创作都花费了我太多的心血,我觉得让这些音乐烂在我桌子的抽屉里是不公平的。

Well, I think I accidentally answered this on question one. Hehe! GIGANTIC RED would be the only one officially 'on-hold', 'cause I have no idea about the future. The rest of the bands are not active anymore, but I am still promoting the music because I think it's worth it, just because it took me so much effort to create each song and each recording that I don't think it would be fair to let all of that music rot inside a drawer of my desk.

V: 能跟我说说你目前参加的三个乐队吗?

Can you tell me about the three bands you’re currently active in?

P: 我现在还没有正式加入乐队,但我一直在学习新的东西,也一直在想新的点子,为下一次我决定加入乐队做准备。

I am officially not active now, but always learning new things and always coming up with new ideas for the next time I decide to jump into having a band.

V: 你有很多创作经验,能否介绍一下您所有乐队的创作经验?我相信你的经验会给很多年轻音乐家带来灵感。

You have a lot of creative experience. Can you introduce the creative experience of all your bands? I believe your experience will bring inspiration to many young musicians.

P: 我不认为自己是什么导师,但我现在唯一想到的是,每个人都有大脑,都有创造的能力。你唯一要做的就是对别人的批评充耳不闻,是的,充耳不闻。当一个人提出不同的想法时,世界上的其他人(包括许多音乐家)会嘲笑你与众不同或 “太疯狂”。别听他们的,尽快切断与他们的联系,拿起你的乐器,疯狂地练习像疯子一样练习,永不停止学习,然后融入新的想法。


Well, I don't see myself as any kind of menthor, but the only thing that comes to my mind now is the fact that every person has a brain and the capability to create. The only thing you have to do is to be deaf, yes, deaf to other people's criticism. When a person comes up with different ideas, the rest of the world (many musicians included) will make fun of you for being different or "too crazy". Don't listen to them, cut contact with them as soon as possible, grab your instrument, practice like a maniac, never stop learning and then incorporate new ideas. Never stop working until you create just what you imagined. F*ck the established idiots who criticize you. Surround yourself by good teachers, keep absorving info from all over the world, believe in yourself and achive your goals through tons of hard work.

V: 你参加的乐队的Logo设计都很简单,但这种设计形式是我个人最喜欢的,因为我很容易就能记住你参加的乐队的名字。这些Logo是谁为你设计的?你的专辑封面设计也非常独特,其中大部分都使用了真实照片。这些作品是谁设计的?

The logo designs of the bands you participated in are all very simple, but this design form is my personal favorite because I can easily remember the names of the bands you participated in. Who designed these logos for you? Your album artwork designs are also very unique, most of which use real photos. Who designed these artworks for you?

P: 你说的这些都是我自己做的,在早年(2002-2006 年)每当我请人做什么事时,他们都会想出一些其实我并不喜欢,也不想要的想法。有时当你去告诉他们你很看重他们的能力时,他们会有一种态度。因此我决定不再向任何人求助。由于我在大学的职业生涯,我已经掌握了一些 Photoshop技能,所以我开始玩视觉东西,构思自己的Logo和艺术品。这样我就可以花尽可能多的时间来修改任何不必要的错误,然后得到我所想象的东西。

All of these things you are talking about have been made by myself. In the early years, 2002-2006, whenever I asked someone to do something, they came up with someting that I didn't actually like or want. Sometimes, people have an attitude when you go to them and tell them that you value their ability. Hence, I decided that I wasn't going to ask anyone for favours. I already knew some Photoshop skills thanks to my career at University, so I started playing with the visual thing and conceived my own logos and artwork. That way, I could take as much time as I wanted to polish any unwanted mistake and then obtain exactly what I had imagined.

V: 你所在的乐队曾与许多唱片公司发行过专辑。你是如何与这些唱片公司联系合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

The band you are in has released albums with many labels. How did you get in touch with these labels to collaborate? Are you satisfied with their work?

P: 你是在说OLUPARÚN吗?嗯,满意......是,也不是。哈哈,对不起让我释一下。我很满意,因为经过很多努力,所有的录音终于发行了,我很满意,因为所有的唱片都是经过大量的努力才最终发行的。OLUPARÚN的最大发行是与PIEL DE CADAVER在Rotten Foetus Recs上的合辑。其他发行的唱片也很好地参与了实际上非常棒,唱片公司对我也很好。没什么可抱怨的。然而可悲的是,自2005年以来,音乐产业过于依赖社交媒体。因此要想在任何地方签约或发行音乐,就必须在社交媒体上占有一席之地,扮演受欢迎的角色,获得人们的喜欢等等。我可不是这样的人。哈哈!我是个脾气暴躁的老家伙,不在乎让我的乐队看起来 “酷”。我认为音乐应该由人来说话,人们至少应该先按下“播放”键,然后再决定是否喜欢。因此发行唱片的难度与日俱增,但我更愿意专注于音乐,而不是扮演 “受欢迎的人”,就好像高中生派对一样。

Are you talking about OLUPARÚN? Well, satisfied... yes and no. Haha! Sorry. Let me explain myself. I am satisfied because all the recordings have been finally released after lotsa hard work. The biggest release for OLUPARÚN was the split with PIEL DE CADAVER, on Rotten Foetus recs. The other releases have been very nice to participate in (awesome, actually) and the labels have been very kind to me. Can't complain. However, the sad part is the fact that, since 2005, the music industry has depended too much on social media. So getting signed or having your music released anywhere requires you to have a presence on social media, play the roll of the popular guy, getting liked by people and so on. That's not me. Haha! I'm a grumpy old guy who doesn't care about making my bands look "cool". I believe the music has to do the speaking and people should at least hit 'play' on something and then decide whether they like it or not. Getting a release is harder every day because of that, but I prefer to focus on music instead of playing 'the popular guy' as if it were a high school party or so.

V: 你参加的乐队风格各异,但大部分都是Death Metal和Grindcore,你参加的Gigantic Red 乐队是一支Industrial Black/Death Metal 乐队。你是怎么想到加入这支乐队的?

The bands you participated in have different styles, but most of them are Death Metal and Grindcore. The band you participated in, Gigantic Red, is an Industrial Black/Death Metal band. How did you come up with the idea of ​​joining this band?

P: 我的想法是创造一些机器人,就像科幻电影中的反派角色。我一直很喜欢电视里的机器人声音和人声,但一直不明白为什么它们在金属乐中并不常见。是的,有一些乐队在某些歌曲的某些部分使用了这些人声,但从来没有将其作为一个永久性的元素来定义他们的声音的元素。所以我说为什么不呢?

The idea was creating something robotic, like some kind of SciFi villain thing. I've always loved robotic sounds and vocals on TV, but always wondered why they have never been more common in metal. Yes, there have been some bands with certain parts of certain songs using those vocals, but never as a permanent element that defined their sound. So I said 'why not?'.

V: 我听说过你参加过的一些Grindcore和Death Metal乐队的专辑。你的风格主要是Old School,你对自己的作品有何看法?

I have heard of the albums of some Grindcore and Death Metal bands you participated in. Your style is mainly Old School. What do you think of your work?

P: 好吧,我总是在想象一些东西,而他们付出了努力去创造它。实际上我从来没有在意过一个乐队听起来是否老派。也许我有过但只是在OLUPARÚN的最后几年,即2019-2021年。但总的来说,我只想要十足的力度。有时听起来新,有时听起来旧。听起来最现代的是2009年的 OLUPARÚN或GIGANTIC RED的录音。谁知道呢?但有一点是肯定的:我不喜欢经过过度处理的吉他,也不喜欢混音风格。我不想成为第20000个拥有“完美”声音的乐队,制造出SLIPKNOT用爆破节奏演奏的假象,这是肯定的。

Well, I always imagine something and they put in the effort to create it. I've never actually cared about whether a band sounds old school or not. Maybe I have, but just in the last years of OLUPARÚN, 2019-2021. But in general, I just want total intensity. Sometimes it sounds new, sometimes it sounds old. The most modern-sounding recordings have been by the 2009-OLUPARÚN or a little bit at GIGANTIC RED. Who knows? But one thing is for sure: I don't like hyper-processed guitars nor mixing styles. I don't wanna be the 20000th band with a "perfect" sound, creating the illusion of being SLIPKNOT playing with blast beats. That's for sure.

V: 你的乐队参加过这些音乐节。你对它们印象深刻。你能描述一下当时的气氛吗?

Your band has participated in those music festivals. You were impressed by them. Can you describe the atmosphere at that time?

P: 我不知道你在说什么音乐节。我在舞台上的表现一直很有限。无论如何,只要我们在现场演出,我都会非常努力地为了听起来很残酷。事实的顺序,尤其是在GIGANTIC RED的时候,总是一样的:几个穿着“普通”衣服的书呆子来了。他们开始在角落里准备装备,只在组织者和音响技术人员面前进行试音......然后观众开始涌入,没有人知道那两个书呆子在干什么,那两个书呆子在最后一个角落里做什么。似乎没有人关心他们,然后当时间到了,我们开始演奏,我们最初在试音时设定的声音效果很好,然后世界就停止了转动。人们停止了打摩斯,每个人 演出结束时,每个人都对我们很友好,脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。我只能努力创造一种但当我看到那些像雕像一样盯着我们看的人们的开心表情时,我只能认为我们的工作做得很好。这就是我的回报!

I don't know what music festivals you are talking about. My presence onstage has always been limited. Anyway, whenever we've played live, I have worked really hard for sounding brutal. The sequence of facts, especially with GIGANTIC RED, always was the same: A couple of nerdy guys, dressed up with "normal" clothes come. They start preparing their gear in a corner, do the sound-check in presence of the organizer and sound technicial only... then, the people start coming and no one knows what that couple of nerdy guys are doing in the last corner. No one seems to care about them and then, when the time has come, we get onstage dressed up like a couple of cyborgs in red clothes, start playing, the sound we initially set at the sound-check works out well and then the world stops turning. People stop moshing, everyone tries to figure out what the hell we're doing and, by the end of the show, everybody's friendly to us and comes with a happy face. I can only try to create an obliterating sound, I can't judge our own work but, when I see those happy faces of people who stared at us like statues I can only suppose we did our job well. That's my reward!

V: 你几岁开始接触金属?哪些乐队影响了你组建自己的乐队?能说出你最喜欢的几支乐队吗?

How old were you when you first got into metal? Which bands influenced you to start your own band? Can you name some of your favorites?

P: 我12岁那年,我姐姐成为了一个男人的女朋友,这个男人是当地一支Dark Pop乐队的创始人。我听姐姐和她的朋友们谈论过一个叫SEPULTURA的乐队,据说是超重型乐队,我想了解一下。我姐姐的男朋友先给了我一盘在家录制的专辑,几个月后他又给了我一盘家庭录音带,上面写着“SEPULTURA - Arise”。那是1998年初,所以他告诉我,我不应该被那种老式的快节奏音乐迷住。他说“这只是个参考”让你知道现在的音乐从哪里来。你觉得结果如何?从第二张开始就上钩了!我不在乎任何建议,也不在乎新旧之争。我只想要它又重又快!当然在此期间,我开始和一个人的哥哥混在一起,他是个喜欢grindcore/powerviolence的人。他的一个朋友向我展示了更极端的,然后在2001-02年间,我的生活中出现了整个外国极端音乐的磁带交易和邮寄过程,我一直喜欢金属乐,但当时我被 oregrind迷住了,问题一中所解释的故事最终发生了。

I was twelve when my older sister became the girlfriend of a guy who was the creator of a local Dark Pop band. I had heard my sister talk with her friends about certain band called SEPULTURA, which was supposedly mega heavy, and I wanted to know about it. My sister's boyfriend first gave me a home-recorded tape with KORN and a couple of months later came up with another home-recorded tape which said 'SEPULTURA - Arise'. It was early 1998, so he told me that I shouldn't get hooked by that fast old music because we were in the 90s and there were much more "evolved" bands out there. He said "this is just a reference for you to know where current music comes from". What do you think happened? Hooked from second one! I didn't care about any advice, I didn't care about the old-vs-new dilemma. I just wanted it heavy and fast! Of course, in the meanwhile I started hanging around with the brother of this guy, a guy who was into grindcore/powerviolence. One of his friends showed me more extreme music and then, in 2001-02, the whole tape-trading and post-delivery of foreign extreme music took place in my life. I've always liked metal but at the time I was hooked by Goregrind and the story that is explained on question one finally happened.

V: 除了参加乐队之外,你还在Facebook上创建了一个Old School Grindcore群组并在 YouTube上创建了自己的博客。为什么要创建这个群组和博客?它们的现状如何?哪些乐队参与了你的博客?

In addition to participating in the bands, you also created an Old School Grindcore group on Facebook and your own blog on YouTube. Why did you create this group and blog? What is their current status? Which bands have participated in your blog?

P: 我想这发生在2020年末。有一天我很无聊,想找找现代的Goregrind乐队。当时我在 Facebook上搜索时,发现每一个Goregrind标签下的每一页都充斥着野蛮狂欢和色情狂欢乐队。别误会,顺便说一句,我确实喜欢这些风格。我并不反对它们。我喜欢它们、 事实上但是,我没有找到我要找的东西。所以我决定创建这个页面,只是为了挽救我所失去的乐趣。我的意思是,生活中的变化是不可避免的,每一种音乐都是有效的。不过我还是怀念起 Goregrind残忍、快速、可怕的时代,因为它的肮脏。是的在上世纪90年代末和本世纪初,谈论Goregrind意味着你参与了晦涩难懂的肮脏音乐,挑战了人类对音乐残酷性的极限。挑战人类音乐残暴的极限 正如我所说......在过去。我想看看是否有新的乐队加入这一潮流,所以我创建了这个页面,至少可以作为旧式野蛮的最后堡垒。当然我仍然可以去现场观看演出,与嬉笑怒骂的人狂欢; 但我想让这最后一缕肮脏的音乐继续存在下去,就是这样。

It happened in late-2020, I think. One day I was bored and looking for modern Goregrind bands. When I searched on Facebook, at that time, I found that every single page under the label 'Goregrind' was full of Brutal-Slamming and P*rn-Grind bands. Don't get me wrong, I DO LIKE THOSE STYLES, by the way. I have NOTHING against them. I enjoy them, actually. However, I did't find what I was looking for. So I decided to create that page just for the sake of rescueing the fun I was missing. I mean, change is inevitable in life and every kind of music is valid. However, I got nostalginc about the times when Goregrind was brutal, fast and scary due to it sordidness. Yes, back in the late 90s and early 2000s, talking about Goregrind meant you were involved in obscure and sordid music that challenged the extremes of human capabilities for musical brutality. As I said... back in the day. I wanted to see if there were any new bands into that trend, so I created the page as a way of having at least the last bastion meant for old-fashioned savagery. Sure, I still can go to a live gig and party with groovy and funny grind; but I wanted to keep that last strand of sordid music alive. That's it.

V: 你为厄瓜多尔的金属乐坛做出了自己的贡献,你的乐队也是厄瓜多尔一支非常重要的乐队。我会一直关注你的乐队。最后你有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

You have made your own contribution to the metal scene in Ecuador, and your band is also a very important band in Ecuador. I will always follow your band. Finally do you have anything you want to say to Chinese fans?

P: 我不知道自己能否称得上“重要”,也许我的乐队中最有名的是EL MUERMO,这要归功于我们当时发行的唱片。一些关注Grind音乐的人可能更喜欢OLUPARÚN。一些人可能还记得 GIGANTIC RED 现场表演时的怪异音效。有些人会迷上BESTIAL BLAST广播节目,甚至一些老家伙还会记得我与INNFELICES乐队的初衷。谁知道呢?总之爬山的人不可能知道自己爬山时的样子因为只有其他人能从远处看到他。我的意思是,我无法判断自己有多重要或不重要。


Well, I don't know if I can call myself 'important'. Maybe the best-known of my bands was EL MUERMO, thanks to the releases that we did at that time; some people who follow Grind music probably prefer OLUPARÚN. A few might remember GIGANTIC RED playing live with a weird sound setting. There will be some people hooked with the BESTIAL BLAST radio show, or even some old guys will remember my beginnings with INNFELICES. Who knows? Anyway, a man climbing a mountain can't know how he looks when climbing because only other people can see him from the distance. What I mean is that I can't judge how important or unimportant I have been. Only other people can. To the people in China? I can only send my greatest appreciation, a big hug and the wish of, some day, being able to know the cascade of talented bands that exist in your country. I know that the Chinese are extremely hard-working and dedicated people, so I'm sure there must be a neverending flow of bands with an amazing level of talent that could probably make me feel ashamed of myself. Haha! No kidding. And, by the way, thanks to every single reader who took a bit of patience to read these long paragraphs I came up with. Cheers!!!

Pablo Barrera参与乐队的主要作品:

Gigantic Red - Merciless Supernova(2023)

Gigantic Red乐队官方Bandcamp网站:

Gigantic Red乐队官方Fascebook网站:

Gigantic Red乐队官方Deezer网站:

Gigantic Red乐队官方Instagram网站:

Gigantic Red乐队官方Spotify网站:

Gigantic Red乐队官方Twitter网站:

Gigantic Red乐队官方YouTube网站:

Oluparún - A Clash of Barbarians(2021)

Oluparún乐队官方Skull Dungeon | Archive网站:

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