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心灵治疗师 - 意大利Extreme metal乐队The Remedy专访

今天采访到的是一支来自意大利的Extreme metal乐队The Remedy,成立于2021年的The Remedy乐队目前也组建了三年的时间了,作为一支很年轻的乐队虽然也经历过成员的变动,但是他们依旧没有放弃对于金属音乐的热爱,目前乐队的阵容为,吉他手:Andrea “Rust”,吉他手:Enrico “Jack”,鼓手:Ale “The Sword”,歌手:Ilenia “Fenis”,贝斯手:Daniele Firbus,The Remedy乐队的作品给人一种很独特的魅力,你很难给这支乐队归类到一种风格当中,The Remedy受到了很多风格的影响,在干净的嗓音和沙哑的尖叫之间,乐队对最极端的金属理解,同时也加入了更多的Melodic或Groovy的元素,让The Remedy乐队在旋律方面给歌迷留下了深刻印象,沉重的打击乐节奏,让歌迷有感受到一些Doom风格的影响,女歌手的演唱为乐队带来更多的亮点,低沉,饱满,有力,沙哑的演唱方式来回切换,而且非常流畅,给人留下了深刻印象,今年乐队也即将在意大利The triad Rec厂牌他们的最新专辑“Sore”,前不久杂志通过The triad Rec厂牌的协助与乐队的吉他手Rust取得联系进行了一次专访!

(V: 代表笔者 R: 代表Rust)

Today, I interviewed The Remedy, an Extreme metal band from Italy. The Remedy band, founded in 2021, has been established for three years. Although it has experienced changes in its members as a very young band, they still have not given up their love for metal music. At present, the lineup of the band is, guitarist: Andrea “Rust ". Guitarist: Enrico “Jack ",drummer: Ale “The Sword", singer: Ilenia “Fenis "and bassist: Daniele Firbus. The works of The Remedy give people a unique charm, and it is difficult for you to classify this band into one style. The Remedy is influenced by many styles. Between the clean voice and hoarse scream, the band understands the most extreme metal, and at the same time, it adds more elements of Melodic or Groovy, which makes The Remedy band leave a deep impression on fans in melody. The heavy percussion rhythm makes fans feel influenced by some Doom styles, and the female singer's singing brings more highlights to the band, and the deep, full, powerful and hoarse singing style switches back and forth. And it's very smooth and impressive. This year, the band will also brand their latest album "Sore" in The triad Rec, Italy. Not long ago, the magazine got in touch with the guitarist Rust of the band with the help of The triad Rec brand for an exclusive interview!

(V: for the author, R: for Rust)

采访对象:RustThe Remedy乐队吉他手)


V: 你好Rust很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次面试。我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先我想向所有的中国球迷问好。The Remedy乐队成立于2021年,是一支非常年轻的乐队。你是如何组建这个乐队的?The Remedy这个名字有什么含义吗?

Hello Rust, nice to meet you and thank you very much for your participation in this interview. I think this is the first time for your band to be interviewed by China magazine. First of all, I would like to say hello to all China fans. The Remedy band was founded in 2021, and it is a very young band. How did you form this band? Does the name The Remedy mean anything?

R: 嗨,Mr Volcano,很高兴见到你,是的这是我们第一次接触中国和中国重金属乐迷,对我们来说是一个非常谦卑的时刻,穿越世界从意大利到中国与你们所有人接触是很棒的,一个非常感人的时刻!The Remedy成立于整个疫情时代,那时我们都被迫远离人群、工作或爱好,那段时间对所有人来说都非常艰难,当然不仅仅是我们,而是所有人,所以我们组成了演奏我们的音乐,为我们在生活中遭受的痛苦和孤独找到一种“疗法”。

Hi Mr Volcano it's a pleasure to meet you, yes it's the first time that we get in touch with China and chinese metalheads and to us is a very humbling moment, crossing all the world from Italy to China ,to get in touch with all of you is great, a really touching moment! The Remedy was founded in full pandemic time, when we all were forced to stay away from people and our jobs or hobbies, those times were very hard for all, not only us of course but for all people and so we formed to play our music, to have a "remedy" for the pain and solitude we all suffered (and somehow still suffer) from life.

V: 你的乐队现在有五名成员,他们都是第一代成员?你们更换过成员吗?第一代成员为什么退出乐队?新成员是怎么加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?

There are five members in your band now. They are all first-generation members? Have you changed members? Why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you satisfied with the new members' work?

R: 是的,如果我可以这么说的话,我们有一个艰难的开始: 我们4年前录制了专辑“Sore”,但在录制结束时,由于工作情况,我们失去了我们原来的贝斯手Andrea,这迫使我们辞职一段时间,以获得一个新的贝斯手。我们在几个月后的某个时候找到了Christian,由于工作原因我们也失去了他(他甚至改变了国籍,去了瑞士工作),这让我们再次回到起点,最后Daniele(他拍摄了我们的第一部视频“Fog of war”)宣誓效忠于The Remedy最后我们一切就绪,准备好寻找演出,向人们推荐我们的音乐(当然是在写新东西的时候)

Yep we had a rough start if I may say so: we' recorded the album "Sore" 4 years ago but at the end of the recording we lost our original bassplayer Andrea due to work situation, this forced us to step down for some time to get a new bassist. We've found Christian sometime after and after some month we lost him too due to work (he even changed nation and went to Switzerland for a job) so..yeah... let's get back to square one again.

In the end Daniele (who filmed our first video Fog of war) swore allegiance to TheRemedy and finally we're full set and ready to search for gigs and propose our music to people (while writing new stuff of course)

V: 刚刚听了你的作品,你的作品在录音方面已经很成熟了。这张专辑是在哪个录音室录制的?谁为你制作了这张专辑?我知道你的新专辑即将发行。新专辑的录制过程顺利吗?

I just listened to your works, and your works are very mature in recording. In which studio did you record the album? Who produced the album for you? I know that your new album will be released soon. Is the recording process of the new album going smoothly?

R: 新专辑已经准备好了,刚刚发行Volcano!“Sore”在数字商店有售,很快将通过Digipack销售所有实体格式(就像我一样)我们现在正在推广,是的,他妈的是的这很难,但我们终于来了...你不仅是第一个在中国采访我们的人,也是第一个在我们以Triad rec发行专辑的时候和我们交谈的人。Triad rec. label发行了“Sore”,Francesco Salvadeo在novi Ligure的“The cat's cage studio”录制的。 Francesco是一位了不起的艺术家和令人敬畏的音响工程师,他和我们一起工作,ann为会议做好准备,他也是一位伟大的吉他演奏家,来自Critical Failure和Loreweaver金属乐队,所以他实际上在制作过程中帮助了我们很多。不仅Francesco,Erik Bosio也制作了我们与Ilenia合作的演唱并用干净的合唱和咆哮将她推向了极限,制作非常棒,让我们看起来像真正的音乐家!:P

The new album is ready and out just now Volcano! "Sore" is available on digital stores and soon via digipack for all the physical format (as I am) and we are promoting just now so, yeah fucking yes, it was hard but here we are finally... and you are the very first interview not only in China, but also the very first to talk with us now taht we are releasing the album under The Triad rec. label! Sore was recorded by Francesco Salvadeo in "The cat's cage studio" in novi Ligure. Francesco is an amazing artist and a formidable sound engineer who worked with us making feel comfortable ann ready for the sessions, he's also a great guitar performer from "Critical Failure" and "Loreweaver" metal prog bands, so he actually helped us a lot in the making. Not only Francesco but also Erik Bosio produced our voicelines working with Ilenia and pushing her to her limit with the clean choirs and growls, the production was great: made us look real musicians! :P

V: 你的乐队是如何创作的?能说说你的创作经历吗?相信你的创作经历会激励很多年轻的音乐人!

How did your band create? Can you tell us something about your creative experience? I believe your creative experience will inspire many young musicians!

R: 你说得对Volcano,我们的歌来自我们在生活中遭受的所有痛苦,“疼痛”是痛苦(我们是它的某种补救措施)我们都把自己的反思放在痛苦、愤怒、挫折上。每首歌都是我们在生活中不时要面对的不同类型的问题: “看不见”是一首关于独处和不被别人看到的歌曲,即使你被人包围,似乎也没有人理解你的感受或孤独。“不光明”谈论的是社会媒体的反响,它迫使你成为另一个人或另一个你不是的人。你知道每首歌都有它自己的故事,我们试图通过我们的音乐与粉丝分享这些故事

You got it right Volcano, our songs come from all those anguishes and pain that we all suffer in life, "Sore" is pain (and we are some kind of remedy for it) and we all put our personal reflection on what pain, rage, frustration can be. Each song is a different type of issue that we all in life have to face from time to time: "Invisible" is a song talking about being alone and not being seen by others, even when you are surrounded by people, no one seems to understand what you're feeling or the loneliness. "Ill-Lumination" talks about the socialmedia echoes that forces you to be someone or something you are not. You know every song has it's own story, stories that we try to share with fans throughout our music

V: 你们乐队的logo很漂亮。谁为你设计了这个logo?你的专辑插图也设计得很漂亮。谁为你设计了这件艺术品?

The logo of your band is very beautiful. Who designed this logo for you? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed. Who designed this artwork for you?

R: 嗯,我有一个朋友在“Anime Sgradite”(unwelcomed souls),帮助我们的艺术作品,不是专业的,但他做了一个非常好的工作!

Well I have this friend of mine in "Anime Sgradite" (unwelcomed souls) that helped us in the artwork, not a pro definetly, but he made a very good work!

V: 你们乐队和意大利The Triad Rec品牌合作出了新专辑,在你们国家是很优秀的品牌。你是怎么接触到这个品牌来合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

Your band has released a new album in cooperation with The Triad Rec brand in Italy, which is an excellent brand in your country. How did you get in touch with this brand to cooperate? Are you satisfied with their work?

R: 我们一直在接触不同的厂牌,试图找出谁是最适合我们的...你知道The Triad Rec吧。名单上充满了伟大的乐队和艺术家,他们都彼此不同,我们喜欢这个,它看起来像一个疯狂的马戏团,我们可以完美地融入其中。我们的歌可以是缓慢的或Groovy的,也可以是快速的和激烈的。我们不是一个权威的金属流派:我们不是Death,我们不是Thrash,我们不是Power,我们不是Genre Metal。那我们是什么?我们是The Remedy...在一个畸形的马戏团里做一个畸形人会让你有宾至如归的感觉!

We've been touching different labels trying to figure out who was the best for us and... you know the Triad rec. roster is full of great bands and artists, all of them different from one another, we liked this, it looked like a mad circus where we could fit in perfectly. Our song can be slow or groovy, or fast and violent. We're not a definitive genre of metal: we're not death, we're not thrash, we're not power, we're not postmetal. So what are we? We're The Remedy... being a freak in a freak circus makes you feel at home!

V: 首先恭喜你即将发行新专辑,这是一张非常棒的极端金属专辑,你在里面有不同的音乐风格。很难定义你的风格,但你的作品绝对精彩,经典的即兴重复充满了侵略性,令人难忘的旋律和美妙的歌声,你认为你的工作怎么样?

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming new album. It's an excellent extreme metal album. You have different music styles in it. It's difficult to define your style, but your work is absolutely wonderful. The classic Riff is full of aggression, unforgettable melody and wonderful singing. What do you think of your work?

R: 我告诉你实话:这他妈太棒了!等等,我不是在这里自吹自擂,我是认真的:每首歌都是不同的,就像我之前在回答中提到的,每首歌都有自己的味道。我们尝试演奏任何特定类型的音乐,我们只是演奏我们感觉到的音乐。我们是五位有着不同音乐背景的乐手,我喜欢90年代的Death/Groove Metal或Thrash,我们的鼓手Ale演奏了很多70年代的Doom Psychedelic Stone Rock风格,Ilenia更喜欢SOAD或Disturbed甚至Evanescence的风格......我们不想专注于特定的音乐类型,我们只是演奏我们成长过程中接触到的音乐,并尽可能将它们融合在一起!

I'll tell you the truth: it's fucking awesome! Wait wait I'm not getting cocky here, I really mean it: every song is different and as I just said in the previous question, it has its own flavour. We are trying to play any particular type of music, we're simply playing what we feels. We are 5 musicians with different musical backgrounds I love death/groove metal or the thrash scene from the 90ies, our drummer Ale played a lot of doom psychedelic stone rock 70ies style, Ilenia is more on the SOAD or Disturbed or even Evanescence style... we didn't wat to focus on a particular type of music, we simply palyed what we grew up with and blended as best that we can!

V: 你们乐队今年除了发行新专辑还有哪些工作要做?比如继续写一些新歌或者参加一些音乐节。你能告诉我们一些信息吗?

What other work does your band have to do besides releasing a new album this year? For example, continue to write some new songs or participate in some music festivals. Can you tell us some information?

R: 我们当然在写新歌(这张专辑对我们来说是老东西了,^^)有新的贝斯手Daniele和我们在一起意味着我们写的东西和以前不同,他和我们以前的贝斯手不一样,所以我们会融合一种新的方式来改进。当然我们正在挖掘我们的方式去演出和庆祝,嘿,如果有一天能够来到中国并在那里演出,那该多好啊!谁知道呢,让我们期待未来所有人的和平和机会吧!

We are writing new songs of course (the album is old stuff for us ^^) having the new bassplayer Daniele with us means that we write different things from before, he's a different bassplayer than our former ones and so we will blen a new formula for TheRemedy.

Of course we are diggin' our way to play gigs and festival and hey, would not be wondefurl one day to be able to come to China and play there! Who knows that, let's hope for peace and opportunities for all in the future!

V: 你的乐队参加过哪些音乐节或现场演出?有哪些音乐节或现场演出给你留下了深刻的印象。能介绍一下当时的氛围吗?2024年你还打算参加哪些音乐节?

What music festivals or live performances did your band participate in? What music festivals or live performances left a deep impression on you. Can you introduce the atmosphere at that time? What other music festivals are you going to attend in 2024?

R: 我必须先告诉你一些事情: 我,Ilenia和Daniele12年前有一个乐队叫Sypheed,我们做了很多音乐会和演出甚至节日。2012年我们也和Tarja Turunen一起参加了她的“地下世界”巡演,所以我们已经参观了大型演出和场馆。我们的鼓手Alessandro先生和一个叫Doctor Cyclops的乐队一起演奏过一段时间,他在欧洲不同的国家表演过(德国,法国,等等),而我们的吉他独奏狂人Jack有很多项目,不仅仅是音乐,还有骑马,潜水..嘿,他妈的,他真的已经来过中国了,为了一个兀术的展览,所以是的:我们又开始了。正如已经说过的,The Remedy已经有了一系列的麻烦,所以我们必须重新开始建设我们自己..现在我们终于准备好出发了!在意大利我们有很多很好的音乐会,从摇滚的Luppolo到Valle Caudina festival,有太多很难一一列举,但我承认我更喜欢小场地,那里没错,人少,但每个人都更平易近人,有非常嘈杂疯狂人群的小场地对我来说是最好的;你可以看到人们的脸,你有球迷在附近,你感受到他们的能量,你把你的能量回馈给他们。对我来说是最好的,绝对的!

I have to tell you something first: me, Ilenia and Daniele had a band called Sypheed 12 years ago, we did a lot of concerts and gigs, even festivals. We went on tour with Tarja Turunen too in her "what lies beneath" tour in 2012, so we already had a look on big shows and venues. Our drumemr Alessandro played for sometime with a band called Doctor Cyclops and he performed in different nations here in Europe (Germany, France, And so on) while Jack our solo-guitar madman have a miriad of projects going on not only in music, but with horses, scuba diving..hey whaddafuck he really already came to China,for a Wu Shu exhibition, so yeah: we're getting our feet wet again. As already said The Remedy had line up troubles so we had to start building us up around again.. now we're finally ready to go! in Italy we have many good concert realities from Luppolo in Rock to Valle Caudina festival, there are so many it's hard to name it all, but I admit that I prefer small venues, where yes, less people is present, but everyone is more approachable, small venues with very noisy crazy crowds is the best to me; you can see people in the face, you have the fans near, you feel their energy and you give yours back to them. The best to me, absolutely!

V: 虽然The Remedy是一个非常年轻的乐队,但你们的成熟和稳健表明你们是一个伟大的乐队。虽然你在中国名气不是很大,但我相信通过这次采访会有更多的中国粉丝关注、支持、了解你的乐队。最后你有什么想对中国球迷说的吗?

Although The Remedy is a very young band, your maturity and steadiness represent that you are a great band. Although you are not very famous in China, I believe that through this interview, more China fans will pay attention to, support and get to know your band. Do you have anything to say to China fans at the end?

R: 在采访中,你发现我们很年轻,但同时我们也不年轻,我们都有在金属世界的经历,我们想再次分享。中国是一个大国,大到我们意大利人都不知道它有多么广阔和不同,中国有如此多的民间故事、地域文化和现实,需要我们用一生的时间去探索它们。但是我想对外面的每个人说一件事: 即使当你感到悲伤或愤怒,当你感到孤独或被误解时,你也不孤独。所有这些痛苦,所有这些问题都是你心中的痛,培育它,它会留下一些伤疤,它们会形成你现在的样子。凡事都有补救办法,我们正努力让每个人都知道!我们真诚地希望有一天有机会在中国的某个地方表演,我的朋友们,在那之前,请举起号角,保持真实,让你们每天都有所收获!

Well during the interview you discovered that we are young but at the same time we are not, we all had our experiences in the metal world and we want to share them again. China is a big country, so big that we italians do not really understand how much vaste and different it is, there are so many folklore stories, regional cultures and realities in China that would take us a lifelong time to explore them all. But I wanna say just one thing to everyone out there: you are not alone, even when you feel sad or angry, when you feel alone or misunderstood. All this pain, all these issues is a sore in your heart, nurture it, it will take some scars and they will form what you are. There is a remedy for all things and we're trying to make everyone know! We truly hope to have a chance one day to perform somewhere there in China my friends, until then raise the horns, keep it real and get your daily dose of TheRemedy!

The Remedy乐队主要作品:

The Remedy - Sore(2024)

The Remedy乐队官方Instagram网站:

The Remedy乐队官方Facebook网站:

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