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海神尼普顿庇护 - 意大利Death Metal乐队Membrance专访

威尼斯作为一个“水城”,有着独特的运河和水上建筑而闻名,当然在威尼斯也有很多迷人的传说和恐怖的传说,也为这座美丽的城市添加了一些神秘,浪漫的色彩,今天我采访这支意大利Membrance乐队就一支以威尼斯民间传说为主题的乐队,2012年成立的Membrance在成立之初发行了一首单曲之后再2013年短暂解散,2014年乐队重组并且发行了他们的Demo作品“Horror Vacui”,随后发行了多张专辑,2017年乐队发行了他们的第一张正式专辑“Abyss”,便收到了高度的关注,2019年乐队的第二张正式专辑“Morality's Collapse”更是达到一个全新的高度,一张Old School Death Metal加上death’n’roll的作品,如果你第一次听到这支乐队的作品,你会发现他们受到了瑞典Death Metal的影响非常深,沉重,沉闷的音色营造出一种世界末日的感觉,经典的Riff让人如痴如醉,也让他们成为了一支国际知名的乐队,2023年的第三张正式专辑“Undead Island”同样收到了广泛的关注和好评,前不久乐队刚刚发布了他们的最新EP专辑“Undead Remains”在新专辑发行之际我也联系到了乐队进行了一次采访!

(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Membrance乐队)



V: 你好兄弟很高兴见到你,非常感谢你参加这次采访,我想这是你们乐队第一次接受中国杂志的采访,首先向你们的中国粉丝问好,Membrance成立于2012年,是一支拥有12年历史的乐队,谁提出了组建这个乐队的想法?

Hello brother nice to meet you and thank you very much for participating in this interview, I think this is the first time your band has been interviewed by a Chinese magazine, first of all say hello to the Chinese fans, Membrance was formed in 2012 and is a band with 12 years of history, who initiated the idea of forming this band?

M: 你好!是的这绝对是我们第一次与中国接触,幸运的是万事开头难!向你们所有人问好!Membrance2012年成立于威尼斯,作为一项共同协议,在岛屿和附近大陆之间达成了协议。


Hi there! Yes, it’s absolutely the first time we’ve had contact with China, and luckily, there’s

a first time for everything! A big hello to all of you guys! Membrance was formed in Venice,

between the islands and the nearby mainland, in 2012 as a mutual agreement between

Davide, the only remaining member, along with Jacopo and Giulio, who later left to form


V: 现在乐队中只有一位Davide的原创成员,其他成员都是新加入乐队的,为什么第一代成员退出了乐队?新成员是如何加入乐队的?你对新成员的工作满意吗?

You only have one original member of Davide in the band now, the rest of the members have

been replaced, why did the first generation members quit the band? How did the new members join the band? Are you happy with the new members?

M: 在职业生涯中,更换乐队成员绝非易事,尤其是当你想 团队精神的时候。乐队最初的阵容本身就很不稳定,他们花在聚会和喝酒上的时间多于真正在一起演出的时间。因此尽管他们从未明确表示过,但很快就因为普遍的不感兴趣而解散了。乐队的一半成员组成了Catechon,另一半人则与好友们一起填补了空缺并继续演奏了几年。在制作了一些很有前途的Demo之后,我们收到了一些严肃而有趣的邀请,这再次改变了我们的期望和阵容,只保留了Davide和Pietro并请来了他的朋友Giovanni担任鼓手。几年来一切都很顺利!但当我们还在寻找第二吉他手时,在意大利COVID演出期间,Pietro认真地思考之后决定彻底远离金属音乐。我们必须重新调整乐队。我们不得不与Giacomo(Giovanni的老朋友)和后来的Mattia一起重新调整吉他部分。这是一段不愉快而艰难的时期,但最终我们因为这个带来了巨大的收益!

Changing band members is never an easy time in a career, especially when you want to think as a team. The very first lineup was already unstable on its own, with more time spent partying and drinking than actually playing together, so the lineup soon broke apart due to general disinterest, even though it was never explicitly stated. While half of the band went on to form Catechon, the other half filled the gaps with close friends and carried on for a few years. After some promising demos, we received some serious and interesting offers for our future. This changed our expectations and the lineup once again, keeping only Davide and Pietro, and bringing in his friend Giovanni on drums. For several years, things went well—really well! But while we were still searching for a second guitarist, during the COVID period in Italy, Pietro took a hard look in the mirror and decided to step away from metal music altogether. We had to recalibrate the guitar section with Giacomo (an old friend of Giovanni) and later Mattia. It was an unpleasant and difficult period, but in the end, we’re happy because it brought us great benefits!

V: 你的乐队在2013年短暂解散,然后在2014年重组,是什么原因导致你们解散?是什么让你们重聚的?

Your band broke up briefly in 2013 and then reformed in 2014, what caused you to break up?

And what brought you back together?

M: 严格来说我们没有分手。由于不同的优先事项,没有人再看到对方,没有人谈论它。由于缺乏活动,我们的互联网页面被关闭或隐藏。还有一些外部分歧使事情复杂化。当Davide和Emma再次开始一起演奏,他们重新使用了这个名字和一些老歌,正式复兴一切,但“前”成员对此毫无兴趣。

Technically, we didn’t break up. No one saw each other anymore due to different priorities,

and no one talked about it. Our internet pages were closed or hidden due to inactivity. There were also some external disagreements that complicated things. When Davide and Emma started playing together again, they reused the name and some old songs, officially reviving everything, but the “former” members showed no interest in it.

V: 你们乐队的录音非常棒,是在哪个录音棚录制的专辑?哪位制作人 制作了你们的专辑?新专辑的录制过程如何?

Your band's recordings are fantastic, what studio did you record the album in? Which producer produced your album? How was the recording process for the new album?

M: 我们很高兴听到你这么说!每张专辑的录制过程都略有不同,所有事情都是在意大利完成的。我们最新的专辑和EP,除了人声部分是在帕尔马附近的AudioCore工作室录制。混音和母带制作由DJ Simone Sighinolfi和Modern Age of Slavery的吉他手Lucca Cocconi完成。一般来说我们自己制作所有材料,然后提交给唱片公司。

Thank you. We’re really glad to hear that! Every album had a slightly different process, but everything has always been handled in Italy. Our latest album and our newest EP were recorded in our rehearsal space, except for the vocals, which were recorded at AudioCore Studio near Parma. The mixing and mastering were done by DJ Simone Sighinolfi and the guitarist from Modern Age of Slavery, Lucca Cocconi. Generally, we self-produce all our material and then present it to labels.

V: 你们乐队的每个成员都是创作极端金属乐的资深音乐家,能介绍一下你们的创作过程吗?新专辑的创作过程是怎样的?

Each member of your band is an experienced musician in creating extreme metal, can you describe your creative process? How did the writing process for the new album go?

M: 一般来说,Davide是创作的原动力。他构思了大部分歌曲的整体,然后在排练中向大家传授乐句并解释如何处理歌曲结构。一起演奏可以帮助大家诠释和重新编曲,但有必要先录制一些完整的小样,以确定歌曲是否真的可行。通常在这个阶段独奏和其他改进的想法就会出现。独奏和其他改进的想法。有时歌曲是从零开始创作的比如“Sprirar nel Caigo”。

Generally, Davide is the driving force. He conceives most of the songs in their entirety and then teaches everyone the riffs and explains how to manage the structure in rehearsals. Playing together helps everyone interpret and rearrange, but it’s necessary to record some complete demos first to see if the songs really work. It’s usually at this stage that ideas for solos and other improvements come up. Occasionally, songs are created from scratch, working on everyone’s ideas during rehearsals, like with Sprirar nel Caigo.

V: 恐怖、死亡、社会、威尼斯民间传说是你们乐队音乐的一些主题,其中威尼斯民间传说很少见,你们为什么选择这个主题?你们想通过这些主题表达什么?你们还创作了歌词部分,是谁写的歌词?

Horror, Death, Society, Venetian folklore are some of the themes of your band's music, of which Venetian folklore is rare, why did you choose this theme? What do you want to express through these themes? You also write the lyrics, who writes the lyrics and what inspires them?

M: 歌词一直都是由Davide根据乐队成员的想法或建议创作的。威尼斯几乎一直是我们思考的核心,因为我们一生都在这里生活、学习和工作。在第一张专辑中,我们更多的是“funky horror”的风格在第一张专辑中,其中不乏幽默和对死亡的不敬,但这只是一种风格上的选择。从“Morality’s Collapse”开始,我们开始含蓄地介绍威尼斯。沼泽是关于潟湖岛民(被视为沼泽)的,“Wander in Ghostown”讲述了游客在“老鼠陷阱”中受到虐待,“Escape from Hell”讲述威尼斯人逃往梅斯特雷的故事。随着最近的阵容变化,我们决定更直接、更明确地写出几个世纪以来萦绕在环礁湖畔的传说,关于鬼魂和诅咒的故事并重拾了几乎被遗忘的民间传说,说明今天的威尼斯实际上是一个古老欧洲国家的前首都。我们希望激发人们对威尼斯的热爱,不仅仅是来拍照,而是通过了解其险恶的秘密。

The lyrics have always been written by Davide, based on ideas or suggestions from the band.Venice has almost always been at the core of our thoughts, as we’ve lived, studied, and worked here our whole lives. On the first album, we had more of a “funky horror” style with a lot of humour and a more irreverent take on death, but that was a stylistic choice. Starting from Morality’s Collapse, we began to implicitly introduce Venice. The Swamp Things is about the lagoon islanders (seen as a swamp), Wander in Ghostown talks about tourists being mistreated in a “mouse trap,” Escape from Hell is about Venetians fleeing to Mestre, and so on throughout the album, except for Poveglia, the cursed and haunted Venetian island.With the latest lineup change, we decided to be more direct and explicit, writing about legends that have haunted the lagoon for centuries, about ghosts and curses, and reviving the almost forgotten folklore of the Serenissima, showing that what Venice is today is actually the former capital of an ancient European state. We hope to inspire people to love Venice, not just by coming to take a photo, but by learning its sinister secrets.

V: 你们乐队的Logo很棒,是谁为你们设计的?尤其是新专辑的封面,真的很漂亮,是谁为你们设计的?

Your band's logo is great, who designed it for you, and your album artwork is beautiful, especially the artwork for the new album, it's really beautiful, who designed the artwork for you?

M: Logo是由Giulio设计的,他是乐队的第一位吉他手和联合创始人。多年来Davide对它进行了多次修改,但基础始终保持不变,因此仍然可以辨认出来。“Undead Island”的封面由我们的朋友Francesco Cagali根据我们的概念创作的:威尼斯被表现为一条倒置的美人鱼(这是勒内-马格利特(René Magritte的经典超现实主义形象)模仿其地理形状,垂死挣扎在一个水坑中,靠近现在的工业化大陆(梅斯特雷工业化的大陆(梅斯特雷)附近的水坑中。天空中,海鸥飞来吞食尸体,同时为牟利而出卖该岛的威尼斯人被描绘成在泥泞中逃窜的蠕虫、 身着bauta和tricorne面具(我们狂欢节的典型面具)。

The logo was designed by Giulio, the first guitarist and co-founder of the group. Over the years, Davide has reworked it several times, but the base has always remained the same, so it’s still recognizable. The cover of Undead Island was created by a friend of ours, Francesco Cagali, based on our concept: Venice is represented as an inverted mermaid (a classic surrealist image by René Magritte), emulating its geographical shape, dying and stranded in a puddle near the now industrialized mainland (Mestre). In the sky, seagulls approach to devour the carcass, while Venetians, who sold out the island for profit, are depicted as worms fleeing in the mud, dressed in bauta and tricorne (masks typical of our Carnival).

V: 你的所有专辑都是在意大利的Envenomed Music发行的,这是一个非常成熟的厂牌,你是如何与该厂牌联系合作的?你对他们的工作满意吗?

All of your albums have been released on Envenomed Music in Italy, which is a very wellestablished label, how did you get in touch with the label to collaborate? Were you satisfied with their work?

M: Envenomed Music是知名的Vacula Productions旗下的一个Death Metal厂牌。Vacula Productions是欧洲Black Metal乐迷崇拜的厂牌。我们最初只是在音乐上交换意见,最终促成了合作。第一张专辑发行后他们制作了一张合辑,后来又与Narcoleptica Productions合作,为我们的第二张专辑提供了更大的影响力。他们对音乐和地下场景充满热情!不幸的是在战争时期作为一家乌克兰唱片公司,我们并没有像我们希望的那样,我们决定与其他人合作发行我们的最新专辑。

Envenomed Music is a death metal branch of the more well-known Vacula Productions, a cult label for fans of European black metal. It started as an exchange of musical opinions that eventually led to a collaboration. After the first album, they produced a split and later teamed up with Narcoleptica Productions to give more reach to our second album. They’re passionate about music and the underground scene! Unfortunately, being a Ukrainian label during a time of war and not having the reach we had hoped to break out of Europe and our two countries, we decided to work with someone else for our latest release.

V: 首先祝贺你们今年发行了最新EP专辑。你们是一支伟大的意大利乐队,你们演奏的是Old School Death Metal风格并加入了一些摇滚元素,听起来非常独特。你们的曲风与瑞典乐队相似,旋律沉重得令人窒息。嗡嗡作响的吉他音调营造出一种污秽和厄运的氛围。主音吉他上的 主音吉他上的和声巧妙地将一些优美的旋律融入了 在无调性的框架中融入了一些优美的旋律。它令人着迷,有些和声 虽然有一些和声给音乐增添了一丝Melodic Death Metal的味道,但总体而言,乐队还是坚持了更为传统的风格,比如Entombed。此外乐队还加入了少量的Blast Beats以增强某些部分的强度。在某些部分还加入了类似Doom的段落。你们非常注重营造强烈的氛围,歌手的声音低沉有力,总之你们的作品 散发出非常独特的魅力。新专辑与旧专辑相比有什么变化吗?

First of all congratulations on the release of your latest EP album this year, you're a great Italian band, you play Old School Death Metal style and you add some rock elements to it, it sounds so unique, your compositions are similar to those of Swedish bands, breathtakingly heavy melodies. The buzzing tones of the guitars create an atmosphere of filth and doom. The harmonies on the lead guitar are cleverly used to incorporate some beautiful melodies into an otherwise tuneless framework. It's mesmerising, and although there are some harmonies that add a touch of melodic death metal to the music, overall the band stick to more traditional styles such as Entombed. There is also a small amount of blast beats added to enhance the intensity of certain parts, and Doom-like passages in certain passages. You guys pay a lot of attention to creating a strong atmosphere, and the singers' vocals are low and strong, all in all, your work gives off a very unique charm. Are there any changes between the new album and the old one?

M: 非常感谢!一般来说我们不会等到计划出专辑时才开始写新歌。随着歌曲的积累,我们会挑选出最好的歌曲,然后计划录制唱片,与前一张大不相同,也许在第一张专辑中,我们更注重加入摇滚/蓝调的元素,但这是从一开始就逐渐形成的,我们的影响取决于我们喜欢听的音乐,我们的方言多于英语。

Thank you very much! Generally, we don’t wait to plan an album to start writing new songs. As songs accumulate, we select the best ones and plan a record, so no album is drastically different from the previous one. Perhaps with the first album, we were more focused on adding a rock/bluesy touch compared to now, but this gradually evolved right from the start. Our influences depend on the music we like to listen to and have stayed the same, except for the more frequent use of our dialect over English.

V: 除了发行新专辑,你们在2024年还有什么新计划吗?能向大家透露一些信息吗?

Are you guys working on anything new in 2024 besides releasing a new album? Can you shed some light on that?

M: 2024年没有什么大项目,我们目前正在制作大约十首新歌的Demo带,都是用方言演唱,主题比较明确,比如传说以及威尼斯当前的社会状况。2025年我们将回到罗马的16th Cellar 工作室录制。

For 2024, there aren’t any big projects. We’re currently working on several demos for about ten new songs, all sung in dialect and focused on more specific themes like folklore,legends, and the current social situation in Venice. In 2025, we’ll head back to 16th Cellar Studio in Rome to record them.

V: 你们的乐队参加过很多音乐节,哪些音乐节给你们留下了深刻印象?你可以介绍一下当时的现场气氛?你们在2024年受邀参加了哪些新的音乐节?

Your band has played a lot of festivals, which ones have impressed you and can you tell us about the atmosphere and what new festivals you have been invited to in 2024?

M: 我们参加过的最好的音乐节无疑是2018年在托尔明举办的Metaldays。斯洛文尼亚人的热情好客令人惊叹。除了设备齐全的露营区,他们还选择了我们的歌曲Poveglia成为整个音乐节海滩酒吧的热门歌曲之一。但最棒的还是观众,观众绝对是疯狂的!我们从未见过这么多的死亡之墙、圈圈坑和杀人狂魔!这是现场音乐节真正的魔力,我们无法停止演出,因为他们给了我们太多的能量!2024年我们将以在啤酒厂举办的金属音乐节上的唯一一次演出结束这一年。della Birra(啤酒厂)举行的金属音乐节。

The best festival we’ve ever played was definitely Metaldays in Tolmin in 2018. Slovenian hospitality was amazing. Besides the well-equipped camping area, they selected our song Poveglia to be one of the bar hits on the beach for the whole festival.But the best part was the audience. The crowd went absolutely crazy! We had never seen so many walls of death, circle pits, and killer mosh pits for us! It was the true magic of a live festival, and we couldn’t stop playing because they were giving us so much energy!In 2024, we’ll close the year with our only appearance at the Metal Festival at the Fabbrica della Birra (Beer Factory) in Belluno, among our beloved Venetian mountains.

V: Membrance是一支伟大的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队。希望通过这次采访能有更多的人关注和支持你们的乐队。最后你们有什么想对中国歌迷说的吗?

Membrance is a great band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that through this interview more people will pay attention and support your band, do you have anything you want to say to your Chinese fans in the end?

M: 嗯,我们想衷心感谢你们对我们的友好和礼遇。我们真的很高兴你们喜欢我们,支持我们。也感谢大家,谢谢你们接受我们的采访!中国的歌迷们,请继续关注我们,我们还有很多音乐,也许有一天我们能在中国的音乐会上见到你们,那将是多么美好的事情,一切顺利!

Well, we want to give you our heartfelt thanks for your kindness and courtesy toward us. We’re really happy you like us and for the support you’ve shown. And thanks to everyone who made it this far in the interview! For our fans in China, stay tuned—we still have lots of music to share with you, and maybe one day, it would be great to meet you at a concert over there! All the best!


Membrance - Revenant(2015)

Membrance - Abyss(2017)

Membrance - Morality's Collapse(2019)

Membrance - Re-Membrance(2020)

Membrance - Undead Island(2023)

Membrance - Undead Remains(2024)










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