今天采访到依旧还是Melkor组建的一支Death/Doom Metal乐队Shadows Lurking Underneath Time,2024年Melkor组建了这支乐队并且在2024年发行了第一张正式专辑“Four Shadows of Ruin”,虽然这张专辑只有短短的四首歌曲,但是每首歌曲的长度都达到了十分钟以上并且根据真实故改编,每一首歌曲仿佛一个短小的故事一样,以叙述的形式创作歌曲,丰富,复杂,多变的编曲,阴暗,悲伤的氛围感烘托出Doom的感觉,再加上一些Death的元素穿插在作品中,让这张专辑的故事叙述感更加的强烈,引领着歌迷进入每一首歌曲的故事当中,在前不久Melkor与杂志取得联系进行了一次专访!
(V: 代表笔者 M: 代表Melkor)
Today's interview is with Shadows Lurking Underneath Time, a Death/Doom Metal band formed by Melkor in 2024 and released their first official album “Four Shadows of Ruin” in 2024. Ruin”, although the album is only four songs long, each song is more than ten minutes long and based on a true story, each song is like a short story, creating songs in the form of a narrative, with rich, complex, and varied arrangements, a dark, sad atmosphere that brings out the feeling of Doom, and some elements of Death interspersed with the songs. With elements of Death interspersed throughout, the album's storytelling becomes even more intense, leading fans into the story of each song, and Melkor got in touch with the magazine for an interview not long ago!
(V: for the author M: for Melkor)

采访对象:Melkor(Shadows Lurking Underneath Time乐队创始人)

V: 你好Melkor我今天要采访的是你组建的乐队Shadows Lurking Underneath Time,你是哪一年组建这支乐队的,Shadows Lurking Underneath Time这个名字有什么含义吗?
Hello Melkor I'm interviewing you today about the band you formed Shadows Lurking Underneath Time, what year did you form this band and does the name Shadows Lurking Underneath Time mean anything?
M: Shadows Lurking Underneath Time成立于2024年。乐队的名字代表了潜伏在我们生活表象之下的黑暗,那些永远不会随着时间真正消逝的记忆和创伤。它表达了过去的行为及其后果的沉重,始终潜伏在进步的假象之下。专辑"Four Shadows Of Ruin”据真实故事改编。虽然人物的名字有所改动,但激发故事情节的事件却是真实的。作品以成瘾和痛苦的恶性循环为中心,对痛苦、毁灭和背叛进行了残酷而原始的探索。
Shadows Lurking Underneath Time was formed in 2024. The name of the band represents the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of our lives, the memories and traumas that never truly fade with time. It speaks to the weight of past actions and their consequences, always lurking beneath the illusion of progress. The album "Four Shadows Of Ruin" is based on a real story. The names of the characters were changed, but the events that inspired the narrative are authentic. The work is a brutal and raw exploration of pain, destruction, and betrayal, centered around vicious cycles of addiction and suffering.
V: 这张专辑仍然是由你一个人创作和录制的,你仍然在每个细节上保持着高标准。你是如何创作这张专辑的?专辑的录制过程如何?
The album is still written and recorded by you alone, and you still maintain a high standard in every detail. How did you create the album? How was the recording process for the album?
M: 是的,“Four Shadows of Ruin”和我之前的专辑一样,完全由我自己创作和录制。在这个过程中,我继续对每一个细节保持高标准,确保专辑的每一个元素,从音乐到制作,都能体现我的理念。这张专辑的录制过程非常紧张,我花了很多时间尝试不同的声音和编曲。我首先创作了主要的音乐理念,然后将吉他、贝斯、鼓和人声等不同乐器分层。在这张专辑中,我还加入了键盘乐器,以增加气氛和深度,从而营造出我想要的阴森恐怖的氛围。录制键盘乐是一个有趣的过程,因为我必须小心地将它们与其他乐器融合在一起。我希望键盘乐器能与音乐中的重金属部分相辅相成,而又不至于喧宾夺主,所以这一切都需要找到正确的平衡。最终这张专辑给人的感觉是既黑暗又宽广,键盘乐器增添了一种萦绕心头的元素,将一切都串联在一起。正如我所做的一切一样,重点在于为音乐背后的故事捕捉正确的情感和氛围。
Yes, Four Shadows of Ruin was written and recorded entirely by me, just like my previous albums. I continue to maintain a high standard in every detail of the process, ensuring that every element of the album, from the music to the production, reflects my vision. The recording process for this album was intense, as I spent a lot of time experimenting with different sounds and arrangements. I started by composing the main musical ideas, and then I layered the different instruments, including the guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. For this album, I also incorporated keyboards to add more atmosphere and depth, contributing to the eerie and ominous mood I wanted to create. Recording the keyboards was an interesting process, as I had to carefully blend them with the rest of the instruments. I wanted the keys to complement the heavier parts of the music without overpowering them, so it was all about finding the right balance. The result is an album that feels both dark and expansive, with the keyboards adding a haunting element that ties everything together. As with everything I do, the focus was on capturing the right emotion and atmosphere for the story behind the music.
V: Logo设计非常简单,但这种设计形式是我个人最喜欢的,因为我很容易就能记住这个乐队的名字,你们是如何设计这个Logo的?你们的专辑封面设计也很精美,是什么激发了这个封面的灵感?
The logo design is very simple, but this form of design is one of my personal favorites because I can easily remember the name of this band, how did you design this logo? Your album artwork is also beautifully designed, what inspired this artwork?
M: Shadows Lurking Underneath Time的Logo其实很简单,只是一个精心挑选的字体。我希望它既容易辨认和记忆,又能符合乐队黑暗和萦绕心头的特质。字体的选择至关重要,因为它既要反映音乐的氛围,又要保持清晰和有冲击力。我花了很多时间选择合适的字体,考虑它在数字和物理上的外观。简单就是力量,我希望它既容易辨认,又能体现乐队名称的分量。至于"Four Shadows of Ruin"的专辑封面,设计灵感深深地来自音乐中的腐朽、时间和不可避免的毁灭主题。我希望作品能反映出专辑的情感深度,以及其黑暗、大气的音效。美术设计采用了柔和的色彩、抽象的形式,以及代表时间流逝和随之而来的不可避免的毁灭的元素。对我来说,同样重要的是,作品要让人感觉是专辑故事的延伸。阴影、废墟、无处不在的黑暗感,这些都需要以反映音乐的方式在视觉上表现出来。为了将这一构想变为现实,我使用了人工智能工具和Photoshop,从而营造出了我心目中的氛围和效果。最终的效果既个人化又具有普遍性,以一种直接与听众对话的方式捕捉到了专辑的精髓。
The logo for Shadows Lurking Underneath Time is actually quite simple, it’s just a carefully chosen font. I wanted something that would be easily recognizable and memorable, yet still fitting with the dark and haunting nature of the band. The choice of font was critical because it needed to reflect the atmosphere of the music while remaining clear and impactful. I spent a lot of time selecting the right one, considering how it would look both digitally and physically. Simplicity can be powerful, and I wanted something that would be easily identifiable, yet still carry the weight of the band’s name. As for the album artwork for Four Shadows of Ruin, the design was deeply inspired by the themes of decay, time, and the inevitable destruction that plays out in the music. I wanted the artwork to reflect the emotional depth of the album, as well as its dark, atmospheric sound. The artwork features muted colors, abstract forms, and elements that represent the passage of time and the inevitable ruin that comes with it. It was also important to me that the artwork feels like an extension of the story within the album. The shadows, the ruin, the sense of an ever-present darkness, these all needed to be visually represented in a way that mirrors the music. To bring this vision to life, I used AI tools and Photoshop, which allowed me to create the atmosphere and effects that I had in mind. The final result is something that feels both personal and universal, capturing the essence of the album in a way that speaks directly to the listener.
V: 这支乐队的音乐主题是什么?为什么选择这个音乐主题,想通过这个音乐主题表达什么?你还创作了歌词部分,这些歌词的灵感来源是什么?
What is the theme of this band's music about? Why did you choose this musical theme and what do you want to express through this musical theme? You also composed the lyrics section, what inspired these lyrics?
M: Shadows Lurking Underneath Time的主题围绕着不可避免的衰败、时间的流逝以及徘徊在我们生存表面之下的黑暗。音乐是对生命脆弱的探索,一切都会随着时间的流逝而变质,而作为个体的我们往往没有意识到潜伏在我们日常现实之下的阴影。音乐中蕴含着对生存的恐惧和对死亡的反思以及对时间如何不可避免地吞噬一切的认识。我之所以选择这个主题,是因为我一直对时间的概念、它对我们的影响以及它如何在不知不觉中支配着我们的大部分生活感到着迷。时间之下的阴影 "这一概念说明了这种隐藏的力量,我们无法控制,甚至无法完全理解,但它始终存在,影响着我们的现实生活。这个主题给人一种紧张和不安的感觉,我想通过音乐和歌词来表达这种感觉。腐朽和毁灭代表着对人类生存条件的更深刻理解,承认没有什么是永恒的。至于歌词,灵感来自个人经历和他人的故事。我从自己对时间流逝的反思以及失落、渴望和对存在的质疑中汲取了很多灵感。歌词意在传达一种忧郁感,但也有对衰败和毁灭不可避免的某种接受。一切事物,无论多么重要,最终都会消逝,这其中有一种屈服的因素。我想通过生动、近乎诗意的语言来表达这些情绪,与音乐的氛围相匹配。这首歌的主题是面对残酷的生存真相,同时试图在其中找到意义。
The theme of Shadows Lurking Underneath Time revolves around the inevitable decay, the passage of time, and the darkness that lingers beneath the surface of our existence. The music is an exploration of the fragility of life, how everything is bound to deteriorate over time, and how we, as individuals, are often unaware of the shadows lurking just beneath our everyday reality. There's a sense of existential dread and reflection on mortality, as well as the recognition of how time inevitably consumes all things. I chose this theme because I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of time, its effect on us, and how it governs much of our lives without us even noticing. The idea of shadows beneath time speaks to this hidden force, things we cannot control or even fully understand, but that are always there, shaping our reality. The theme gives a sense of tension and unease, which I wanted to express through the music and lyrics. The decay and ruination represent a deeper understanding of the human condition, acknowledging that nothing lasts forever. As for the lyrics, they were inspired by personal experiences and the stories of others. I drew a lot from my own reflections on the passing of time, as well as the feelings of loss, longing, and existential questioning. The lyrics are meant to convey a sense of melancholy, but also a certain acceptance of the inevitability of decay and destruction. There’s an element of surrender to the idea that everything, no matter how significant, will eventually fade. I wanted to express these emotions through vivid, almost poetic language that matches the atmosphere of the music. It’s about confronting the harsh truths of existence while trying to find meaning within them.
V: 这张专辑仍在你自己的厂牌上以数字形式发行,而你厂牌上的大多数专辑都是数字专辑,你有没有考虑过发行专辑的实体 CD 版本?
The album is still still being released digitally on your own label, most of the albums on your label are digital, have you ever considered releasing a physical CD version of the album?
M: 是的,我肯定考虑过发行实体CD版本的"Four Shadows of Ruin"。我知道数字发行对很多人来说更方便,但把实体专辑拿在手里还是有些特别的感觉。艺术品、小册子、将CD放进播放器的体验,这些都是完整音乐体验的一部分。它能将听众与音乐联系在一起,而数字格式有时无法做到这一点。然而发行实体唱片的挑战在于,它需要更多的粉丝和支持,尤其是当你需要自己处理所有事情时。我一直专注于确保音乐首先能以数字形式发布,因为这是接触世界各地人们最简单的方式。但是如果歌迷有足够的兴趣和需求,我希望最终能以实体形式发行"Four Shadows of Ruin"。我一直在考虑这个问题并探索未来的选择。如果反响持续高涨,能给歌迷们带来一张可以珍藏和展示的实体专辑,将是一次非常有意义的经历。
Yes, I have definitely considered releasing a physical CD version of Four Shadows of Ruin. I understand that digital releases are more convenient for a lot of people, but there's something special about holding a physical album in your hands. The artwork, the booklet, the experience of putting the CD into a player, it’s all part of the full experience of music. It’s something that connects the listener to the music in a way that digital formats sometimes can’t. The challenge with releasing physical copies, however, is that it requires a larger fanbase and support to make it viable, especially when you're handling everything yourself. I’ve always been focused on making sure the music is available digitally first, because that’s the easiest way to reach people around the world. But, with enough interest and demand from fans, I would love to eventually release Four Shadows of Ruin in physical form. I’ve been thinking about this and exploring options for the future. If the response continues to grow, it would be a rewarding experience to give fans a tangible version of the album that they can hold, cherish, and display.

V: 首先祝贺你们在2024年发行了第一张正式专辑“Four Shadows of Ruin” ,这张专辑的编曲非常精致丰富,可以看出你们在这张专辑上花了很多心血,虽然只有四首歌曲,但每首歌的长度都在十分钟以上。这张专辑以Doom Metal元素为主,但在一些细节上也会有一些Death Metal元素出现,整体作品的旋律优美,乐迷很容易记住这张专辑的旋律,每首歌都仿佛是在讲述一个故事,你对自己的作品有什么评价吗?
First of all, congratulations on the release of your first official album “Four Shadows of Ruin” in 2024, which is very elaborate and rich in arrangements, and you can tell that you've put a lot of effort into this album, even though there are only four songs, each of them is more than ten minutes long. The album is mainly based on Doom Metal elements, but in some details there will be some Death Metal elements appear, the overall work of the melody is beautiful, it is easy for fans to remember the melody of this album, each song is as if it is a story in the narrative, do you have any comments on your own work?
M: 非常感谢你们的赞誉和祝贺!我真的为“Four Shadows of Ruin”感到骄傲,听到人们能感受到我在这张专辑中付出的努力和心血,我感到无比欣慰。我决定限制歌曲数量,同时让每首歌都长而宽广,这是有意为之。我希望每首歌都有自己的旅程,有自己的氛围和故事。歌曲的长度让我有机会探索不同的情感和情绪,逐渐营造紧张气氛并以一种让听众始终投入其中的方式释放出来。至于Doom Metal与一些Death Metal元素的混合,对我来说是自然而然的事,因为我总是被更沉重、更黑暗的声音所吸引,这些声音既能传达绝望,也能表现侵略性。Doom Metal非常适合捕捉这种压抑的氛围,但我也希望在某些时刻掺入Death Metal的强烈和粗犷,为曲目增添暴力感和紧迫感。我发现将这两种元素融合在一起,能让我讲述一个更加细致入微的故事,你既能体验到沉郁缓慢的时刻,也能感受到突然爆发的攻击性,从而反映出我想传达的复杂情感。在旋律方面,我希望它们能让人过耳不忘,就像你说的那样,在专辑结束后还能留在听众心中。我相信强烈的旋律能在更深层次上将人们与音乐联系在一起。我希望歌曲给人的感觉就像一个故事,每首歌都能带领听众踏上一段旅程,有起伏、紧张和释放,就像时间本身的起伏一样。旋律是其中重要的一部分,因为它们是串联一切的情感纽带。总之我希望“Four Shadows of Ruin”不仅仅是一张歌曲专辑。我希望它是一种体验,一种能让听众沉醉其中的体验。听到人们对此表示认同,我感到非常惊喜,因为这让我所有的努力和付出都值得了。
Thank you so much for the kind words and congratulations! I'm really proud of Four Shadows of Ruin, and it’s incredibly rewarding to hear that people can feel the effort and thought I put into this album. The decision to keep the number of songs limited while making each one long and expansive was intentional. I wanted each track to stand as its own journey, with its own atmosphere and story. The length of the songs gave me the opportunity to explore different emotions and moods, gradually building tension and releasing it in a way that keeps the listener engaged throughout. As for the mix of Doom Metal with some Death Metal elements, that came naturally for me as I’ve always been drawn to heavier, darker sounds that can convey both despair and aggression. Doom Metal is perfect for capturing that oppressive atmosphere, but I also wanted the intensity and rawness of Death Metal to sneak in at certain moments, adding a sense of violence and urgency to the tracks. I find that blending those two elements allows me to tell a more nuanced story, where you can experience both moments of brooding slowness and sudden bursts of aggression, reflecting the complex emotions I wanted to convey. In terms of the melodies, I wanted them to be memorable, as you said, something that stays with the listener after the album ends. I believe that a strong melody can connect people to the music on a deeper level. I wanted the songs to feel like stories, each one taking the listener on a journey, with its own rise and fall, tension and release, much like the ebb and flow of time itself. The melodies are an important part of that, as they serve as the emotional thread that ties everything together. Overall, I wanted Four Shadows of Ruin to be more than just an album of songs. I wanted it to be an experience, something that the listener can get lost in. And it’s amazing to hear that people are connecting with that, as it makes all the effort and dedication worthwhile.
V: 2025年你有什么新的工作计划吗?比如写作、录制新专辑?能向大家透露一些信息吗?
Do you have any new work coming up in 2025? Like writing, recording a new album? Can you reveal some information to everyone?
M: 是的,2025年我有一些非常激动人心的事情要做!我已经完成了一张新专辑,这张专辑将延续“Four Shadows of Ruin”的故事,但这次有了一个转折,故事的结尾完全是我自己的创作。第一张专辑是根据真实事件改编的,而这张新专辑则采用了虚构的结局,为故事画上了一个充满力量和戏剧性的句号。这张专辑的亮点之一是与一位特别嘉宾的合作。他们的声音为音乐带来了全新的维度,与我精心营造的氛围相得益彰。在音乐方面,新专辑将延续厄运之音的风格,同时还会有一些意想不到的惊喜。乐迷们可以期待复杂的编曲、动情的旋律,当然,还有乐队所特有的黑暗和萦绕心头的氛围。我非常自豪一切都能顺利完成,我迫不及待地想让大家听到最终的成品。敬请期待,因为 2025 年将是 “潜伏在时间之下的阴影 ”乐队充满紧张和扣人心弦时刻的一年。
Yes, I have something very exciting lined up for 2025! I've already finished a new album, and this one will continue the story from Four Shadows of Ruin, but with a twist, this time, the conclusion of the narrative is entirely my own creation. While the first album was based on real events, this new one ventures into a fictionalized ending, bringing the story to a powerful and dramatic close. One of the highlights of this album is the collaboration with a very special guest who will join me on vocals. Their voice brings an entirely new dimension to the music, perfectly complementing the atmosphere I’ve crafted. Musically, the new album will carry forward the same doom-driven sound, with a few unexpected surprises along the way. Fans can expect intricate arrangements, emotive melodies, and, of course, the dark and haunting atmosphere that defines the band. I’m really proud of how everything has come together, and I can’t wait for everyone to hear the finished result. Keep an eye out, because 2025 is going to be a year full of intense and gripping moments in Shadows Lurking Underneath Time.
V: Shadows Lurking Underneath Time受到了哪些乐队的影响?
What bands were Shadows Lurking Underneath Time's influences?
M: Shadows Lurking Underneath Time受到了多方面的影响,包括My Dying Bride、Paradise Lost、Swallow the Sun和Death等乐队。这些乐队是我音乐旅程的一部分,他们的声音对我如何接触Doom Metal流派产生了一定的影响。不过尽管我知道这些乐队,也了解他们的作品,但我尽量不让他们太直接地塑造我的声音。我的目标是创造出原创的东西。显然鉴于音乐的风格和氛围,某些元素会有相似之处,但我有意避免抄袭或过度模仿这些乐队。我希望音乐能让人感觉是我自己的表达,即使偶尔会与我多年来吸收的影响产生共鸣。
Shadows Lurking Underneath Time draws from various influences, including bands like My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Swallow the Sun, and Death. These bands have been a part of my musical journey, and their sound certainly had an impact on how I approach the doom metal genre. However, despite knowing these bands and being aware of their work, I try not to let them shape my sound too directly. My goal is to create something original. Obviously, there will be similarities in certain elements, given the style and atmosphere of the music, but I intentionally avoid copying or overly mimicking these bands. I want the music to feel like my own expression, even if it occasionally resonates with the influences I’ve absorbed over the years.
V: Shadows Lurking Underneath Time是一支非常年轻的乐队,我会一直支持和关注你们的乐队,也希望有更多的人关注和支持你们的乐队,最后你想对中国的乐迷说些什么?
Shadows Lurking Underneath Time is a very young band, I will always support and follow your band, and I hope that more people will follow and support your band, what would you like to say to your Chinese fans in the end?
M: 我非常感谢所有歌迷的支持,尤其是来自中国的歌迷。知道世界各地的人们都能理解Shadows Lurking Underneath Time的音乐和主题,这对我来说意义非凡。我一直坚信音乐是超越国界和语言的,看到我在作品中融入的情感和故事能与世界各地的听众产生共鸣,我感到非常不可思议。对于我的中国歌迷,感谢你们的支持,感谢你们相信我的音乐和我想表达的东西。第二张专辑已经完成,它将继续第一张专辑的旅程,但会有独特的变化。我迫不及待地想与大家分享这张专辑,它反映了一个更加个人化的故事,我希望它能引起大家更多的共鸣。你们的支持激励着我继续前进,继续创作。我期待着今后与你们分享更多。保持坚强,保持黑暗,继续聆听!
I’m truly grateful for the support from all fans, especially from China. It means a lot to know that there are people across the world connecting with the music and the themes behind Shadows Lurking Underneath Time. I’ve always believed that music transcends borders and language, and it's incredible to see how the emotions and stories I put into my work resonate with listeners everywhere. To my Chinese fans, thank you for your support, for believing in this music and in what I’m trying to express. The second album is already finished, and it will continue the journey of the first one, but with a unique twist. I can’t wait to share it with you all, it’s a more personal reflection of the story, and I hope it resonates with you even more. Your support motivates me to keep going and to keep creating. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. Stay strong, stay dark, and keep listening!

Shadows Lurking Underneath Time乐队主要作品:
Shadows Lurking Underneath Time - Four Shadows of Ruin(2024)

Shadows Lurking Underneath Time乐队官方Bandcamp网站:https://studios13.bandcamp.com/album/four-shadows-of-ruin
Shadows Lurking Underneath Time乐队官方Spotify网站:https://open.spotify.com/artist/5MYm7rvOUYkTtDsa5AysMu